Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2954 Creating Cause and Effect

Suddenly one day, Luo Fan suddenly felt that among the many time and spaces on the boundary, some of the time and space suddenly experienced some strange changes.

The hatred of those time and space towards its relative heaven and earth seemed to disappear without a trace.

They were almost completely blind to the flaws revealed by relative time and space.

Even the attacks from time and space were weakly resisted, as if they were just perfunctory.

This kind of situation only happens in one or two time and space, so it is nothing. After all, time and space are different, styles are different, and choices are naturally different. Who knows if something happened in that time and space, or if there was a change of leader, or maybe it was damaged due to some messy things... There are countless reasons for such a change in that time and space.

However, that is only the case for one or two pieces of time and space.

Nowadays, the changes in time and space are measured in millions!

Millions of time and space suddenly undergo such changes simultaneously. No matter how you look at it, this situation cannot be just a coincidence.

There must be some key changes occurring in these times and spaces!

"What has changed?" Luo Fan was secretly curious.

In the bottom of his heart, he vaguely felt that this might have something to do with the middle-aged man who was the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth.

After all, in this world, apart from Luo Fan, it seems that only the middle-aged man can escape from the control of the will of heaven and earth... Under such circumstances, the existence of changes that escape the control of the will of heaven and earth is obviously It is very likely that he is the middle-aged man who once served as the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth.

Of course, this is just an unfounded guess now. The details will naturally depend on subsequent investigations.

Luo Fan's heart moved slightly. In the relative time and space between those time and space, relative changes will naturally begin to occur. Various strong men began to be pushed by some inexplicable force and began to doubt what was happening in relative time and space.

With this suspicion, they began to take action and used various means to explore all the changes that might have caused this change...

This situation, from another perspective, means that the style of fighting between time and space has changed from the original stubbornness of proof to a completely opposite form.


What's more, it is the penetration of time and space under Luo Fan's control into the time and space generated by heaven and earth, or in other words, the time and space generated by the will of heaven and earth...

If you want to get the answer in one or two pieces of time and space alone, it will naturally not be so easy or simple.

However, if there is more time and space, the situation will obviously be completely different.

As time and space increase, the power to detect time and space at the same time will naturally begin to increase.

As the power of detecting time and space increases, the information feedback that can be obtained at the same time naturally begins to increase. The detection feedback from one or two space-times alone is only a one-sided harvest, but when the feedback from many time-spaces is combined, a complete outline can be pieced together.

"The way of heaven has changed." Luo Fan integrated the detection information fed back by millions of pieces of time and space, and he had a rough idea of ​​why those times and spaces had changed like that.

The way of heaven in those time and space is obviously different from before.

It seems that there is some kind of external force that is seizing control of those who are empty. This seizure has not yet been completed, but it has also caused a certain amount of chaos, which ultimately caused the behavioral styles of those time and spaces to change, causing their hatred of the corresponding time and space to disappear without even realizing it.

"These are just the time and space that just show the disappearance of hatred! They are not all the time and space that the way of heaven is changing!" After understanding this, Luo Fan understood that the changing time and space now is definitely not just the time and space that he is aware of now. That’s all!

These time and space are just the time and space in which the hatred towards the corresponding time and space disappears due to the chaos of the way of heaven. They are most likely just a very small part of the countless time and space where heaven is in chaos!

Among the unknown number of trillions of time and space on that boundary, there may be more, perhaps tens of billions, hundreds of billions, or even trillions of time and space, and the way of heaven inside is changing at the same time, causing chaos. However, because those changes and the chaos were more obscure and undetectable, Luo Fan did not pick them out from the countless trillions of time and space at this time!

With this thought in his mind, he began to observe the countless trillions of time and space on the boundary in more detail, and began to look for the changes in time and space that he had ignored before.

Soon, he discovered many clues of changes.

A large number of time and space where chaos in the way of heaven may occur are locked by him.

The number of these spaces and times alone is hundreds of millions! And this is only slightly obvious, and it only takes a little concentration to detect the changing time and space.

In addition to such time and space, there are still more time and space that are ambiguous, seem to have changed, and seem to be just a change of certain choices.

In this kind of time and space, even if only half of it is caused by chaos in the way of heaven, the number starts from trillions!

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan showed a hint of doubt on his face, and he was already roughly certain in his heart that the source of these chaos was probably the middle-aged man who once served as the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth!

However, what the middle-aged man wanted to achieve and why he would take action against these times and spaces was completely unclear to him.

At this time, in those time and space, the chaos of Heaven began to quickly calm down.

In some time and space, external forces have won.

But in some time and space, the original way of heaven has won. The way of heaven, where external forces have won, is directly distorted into another appearance, which looks completely different from the original one.

In contrast, the time and space where the way of heaven originally won has not completely returned to its original appearance.

Compared to the original time and space, their performance was much worse.

The time and space in which external forces have won is powerful enough to eliminate all the chaos caused by the previous chaos of heaven, and finally allow the time and space to quickly return to normal, allowing all the weirdness in it to quickly disappear, and order to be re-established.

But the time and space where the original way of heaven achieved victory was different.

They have no other forces involved. If they want to accomplish any of their goals, they need to rely on the power of time and space itself, and their own power.

Under such circumstances, if they want to restore time and space, they will obviously have to be a step slower, because they have lost order and guidance, and their performance is worse than when the way was in chaos. In the battle of time and space, they were retreating steadily, and the war situation began to quickly deflect in the direction where their enemies had the upper hand.

Those time-spaces where external forces have won, their goals after change are only self-preservation, and they have not succumbed to their relative time-space within the boundaries, nor have they actively launched any malicious actions against that time-space.

It's as if he wants to stay out of it.

Once there is more time and space like this, the situation at the entire border changes instantly.

Unknowingly, the boundary began to gradually advance unexpectedly, making the areas that were free from the shackles of the will of heaven and earth unknowingly become larger!

This situation brought a faint smile to Luo Fan's face.

"Although I don't know what your purpose is, it is obvious that our purposes overlap." He murmured.

With a slight movement in his heart, the way the time and space he created began to change on that boundary. For those who have obviously restrained their minions and started to ignore the time and space that originally showed their teeth and claws to hiding in self-protection. For those who clearly want to continue the previous hatred, but their level has been greatly reduced, and it seems that the time and space has become increasingly chaotic, but it is beginning to Continuous pressure.

With this selective change of action, the boundary line began to change rapidly.

The originally quite round border began to become uneven, changing from the original round shape to an irregular shape.

The battle between time and space was originally a very simple battle between two pieces of time and space.

However, as time goes by, as this kind of battle goes on again and again, as both sides invest more and more power and more and more lives in this battle. The area in the middle of the opposite time and space is gradually contaminated with the essence of the two time and space.

The greatest evidence of this change is that those areas have come to life.

If it weren't for the interweaving and fusion of internal and external essences, how could the area as a battlefield generate so much vitality?

Don’t forget, the vast space and time outside that boundary was originally an area without much life at all!

And the nature of these two pieces of time and space obviously represents the different nature of the areas within the boundaries and the areas outside the boundaries. That is to say, the essence of the area that has escaped the shackles of the will of heaven and earth, and the area that has not escaped the shackles of the will of heaven and earth.

In this way, the victory or defeat in the two space-times is naturally and unconsciously connected with the nature of the battlefield.

If the time and space beyond that boundary wins, then those battlefields will naturally turn into areas locked by the shackles of the will of heaven and earth. That is to say, the kind of area that has lost all vitality and has no hope!

And once the time and space within the boundaries wins, the situation will be reversed. Those battlefield areas will naturally turn into areas that are free from the shackles of the will of heaven and earth!

It is precisely because of this that at this time, the boundary began to change position continuously with the victory and defeat in time and space.

And this situation does not actually occur naturally.

In fact, the reason why this situation occurred was consciously caused by Luo Fan and the will of heaven and earth.

At the beginning of the fade-out, both of them had a tacit understanding to promote this result. Otherwise, what is the meaning of this battle in time and space on this boundary?

Isn't it just for fun?

At this time, facing such an advantage, a faint smile appeared on Luo Fan's face, but he began to make various connections between many time and space, causing the power of many time and space to continue to flow.

The forces of time and space that faced external forces controlling time and space began to continuously converge towards the time and space corresponding to the time and space where heaven had won victory in other time and space, and began to continuously join in the attacks on time and space.

With this change, the victories achieved by time and space within the boundaries began to increase.

After all, the fact that these time and space can originally stalemate each other means that the strength of both sides is roughly equal.

Since the forces are roughly equal, if one side adds more strength, that side will naturally gain an absolute advantage. At this time, this advantage can obviously be turned into victory very easily!

The time and space beyond those boundaries were retreating steadily. In the end, they even had to move time and space, allowing time and space to continue to retreat. Finally, they all exited hundreds of millions of light years one by one, and only then could they finally avoid the pursuit of time and space.

But in front of him, at the original battlefield, or in other words, at the original location of time and space, the boundary between inside and outside has been pushed there.

The time and space within the boundaries have also advanced a big step.

It's not that the time and space within the boundaries don't want to advance further, but because the front is no longer the original battlefield. Without the essential blend of inside and outside, naturally, it is impossible to continue to advance.

If you want to advance further, you must continue to fight.

Continue to let the essence of both sides fill the battlefield ahead... Only with enough essence to change the essence of the battlefield can both sides have the opportunity to go further.

And this will obviously take longer.

Of course, this change is not permanent. Cause and effect, fate, are extremely mysterious. In the beginning, this kind of interweaving, this kind of blending, this kind of influence on victory or defeat may just be a situation actively created by Luo Fan and the will of heaven and earth itself. However, once the number of influences between victory and defeat continues to increase, when the number of changes increases to a certain level. Then, this kind of cause and effect will be truly established.

At that time, even if there is no essence blending on the battlefield, the victory or defeat between the two time and space will be truly linked to the direction of advancement of the boundary.

In the end, it will result in that if one side continues to win, the boundary will continue to advance, no matter whether the other side is retreating in time and space, no matter whether the battlefield of both sides has gathered enough of each other's essence!

Of course, for the time being, this has not happened yet.

This twisted cause and effect has not yet been truly established.

Therefore, at this time, that kind of essential interweaving is still necessary. At least, in the next dozens of advancements, this kind of essential interweaving will still be necessary...

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