Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2963 Time and space, world, heaven and earth

That huge and pure whole gradually disappeared without a trace at this time. In the blink of an eye, it was as if it had never appeared before, completely losing all traces.

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan just smiled lightly and said: "The next step is the final battle. I hope you two are ready."

As he spoke, with a flick of his hand, both the middle-aged man and the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

Compared with before, Luo Fan's authority over this area is more absolute. In the past, facing the will of heaven and earth and the former incarnation of the will of heaven and earth, he could not drive them away as easily as he does now.

But now, if he wants to drive them away, all he needs is a thought.

The reason for this is naturally because after the prototype of the cause and effect of the war was established, this place has completely become his home court. The will of heaven and earth and the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth have been greatly suppressed here.

This kind of suppression is naturally difficult to show against Luo Fan, who has the advantage of home court. It is completely normal to be driven away so easily.

The whole body just now, under the combined efforts of the three parties, has now completely transformed into the prototype of the cause and effect of war.

Moreover, this prototype is also very different from the prototype that was brewed naturally.

If it is a prototype that is brewed naturally, it will be extremely stable. Once it is formed, it will remain that prototype for a long time. Even if there are no external conditions or any environmental promotion, it will not collapse, but similarly, it will not truly evolve into a real cause and effect of war.

But now, the situation is completely different in the prototype of the cause and effect of the war catalyzed by the joint efforts of the three parties.

As the prototype of the cause and effect of war catalyzed by the three parties, although it is not much different from the naturally formed prototype in terms of the purpose and nature of the cause and effect prototype itself. With the methods of the three parties, there will never be any hidden dangers left in such a prototype of cause and effect...

However, this prototype is not as stable as the naturally condensed prototype!

This prototype of war cause and effect is extremely repulsive to the prototype state it is in now! I desperately want to get out of this embryonic stage.

Either it will completely turn into the cause and effect of war, or it will collapse again and turn into the countless paths and the long river of cause and effect... Or, from the perspective of this world,

It's just a matter of cause and effect...

Normally, the two trends here should be equal.

In other words, it may tend to collapse, or it may tend to become completely formed.

However, due to the adjustment and promotion of Luo Fan and the others, this trend has been adjusted to become more complete...

Therefore, at this time, the prototype of cause and effect is desperately eager to take shape.

The suction force it generates is still generated continuously, and it is still trying its best to search all directions for all resources that can allow it to be completely formed.

Although the surroundings seemed calm at this time, there didn't seem to be any abnormal movement.

But in fact, according to Luo Fan's induction, the suction force emanating from the prototype of war cause and effect not only did not weaken, but became stronger than before!

However, this kind of suction is not directed at anything that is visible to the naked eye or even perceptible, so it is difficult to see and feel.

The existence of this suction force means that once there are resources in this area that are beneficial to the complete formation of the prototype of war cause and effect, they will definitely be sucked into it at the first time, merged with the prototype of war cause and effect, and become The nutrients that formed the embryonic form of the cause and effect of war!

It is precisely because the prototype of the war cause and effect has such characteristics that Luo Fan and the others are confident that they can quickly form the war cause and effect.

But what should be done to make the cause and effect of the war fully formed is even simpler.

That is, the three of them, without any scruples, used all their strengths to engage in a decisive battle!

This decisive battle suppressed the potential of almost the entire world, suppressed the hopes and expectations of the three parties, and even suppressed the fate of this entire world! The many aspects involved will have a shocking collision in that decisive battle. In the end, countless mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful subtle existences will be derived. Among them, there must be various things that can completely shape the prototype of the cause and effect of the war. exist.

As long as this war is suppressed enough and the scale is large enough, and the cause and effect of the war is completely formed, it is inevitable.

At this time, Luo Fan naturally wouldn't waste too much time recalling what happened before.

His heart moved slightly, and various unspeakable changes occurred one by one in the many time and space in his territory.

All the living beings in it seemed to have received a revelation, and suddenly felt that the distance between themselves and the heaven and earth, the avenue, the rules and regulations, energy, cause and effect, fate, and other mysterious and mysterious existences was extremely narrowed.

All kinds of mysteries, all kinds of magic tricks, all kinds of magical powers, all kinds of methods that were originally difficult to understand were all easily understood by them at this time, as if they had put the answers into their hearts early.

At the same time, there are torrents of power and information that are constantly being injected into these time and space from all directions, causing the essence of these time and space to continue to improve at an unimaginable speed.

The quality of time and space itself is improving, and all living beings are suddenly receiving various revelations. The shackles that originally restricted the limits of living beings in these time and space are being broken one after another.

The levels of the creatures in those time and space began to continuously rise.

The highest realms that originally restricted them were broken one by one. In a short period of time, the level of cultivation in those time and space was raised by several levels.

If time and space are also divided into levels, the levels of these time and space have also been improved several times since then.

Moreover, faintly, those times and spaces gradually revealed an inexplicable and complete quality.

It's as if time and space are gradually transforming into a complete world!

The world is a more complete and independent existence than time and space. Heaven and earth are more complete and independent existences than the world.

Normally, time and space generally exist dependent on the world and time and space. Without a world, without heaven and earth, it is difficult for time and space to exist independently, unless some extremely special time and space...

As for the world, its independence is already guaranteed to a certain extent. If you want to be completely independent, it is still possible after countless restrictions. But, more often than not, the world generally exists dependent on heaven and earth.

Without heaven and earth, it is generally difficult for the world to exist independently. Unless, there are some relatively special worlds that have undergone many restrictions.

In contrast, heaven and earth are the most advanced, complete, and independent existence among the three.

Heaven and earth generally exist as dependent entities. There is no world, no time and space, and heaven and earth can exist independently. Just like the perfect world, even in a true state of chaos, it can exist for a long time and is not eroded by the state of chaos... Even if catastrophes of heaven and earth come from time to time, compared with the general world, After all, his performance in the chaotic state was countless times better.

Of course, ordinary heaven and earth cannot reach the level of perfect heaven and earth.

But, after all, it belongs to the same level as Perfect World.

As beings of the same level, as long as they advance a little further and break through certain shackles, they can truly transform into a perfect world and gain the ability to exist freely in a state of chaos and not be eroded by the state of chaos.

This kind of existence is, in essence, completely different from the world.

Luo Fan, the will of heaven and earth, and the incarnation of the former will of heaven and earth have always existed in this battlefield as a carrier of power. The many times and spaces that carry their expectations are just time and space.

Not to mention compared to heaven and earth, even compared to the world, it is still inferior.

Such an existence was naturally no problem at all in the original. With the scale of the war that the three parties wanted, time and space were more than enough. Moreover, compared to the world, compared to heaven and earth, time and space are easier to manipulate and change. Therefore, although they all had the ability to change it and turn it into the world, even heaven and earth, none of them took action.

Now, the situation has obviously changed.

Nowadays, the scale of the war has increased countless times. Time and space are obviously beyond their capabilities at this time. If these time and space do not undergo transformation, it is obvious that they are too fragile and the level is too poor, and they are no longer enough to support the next war.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Fan deliberately turned these time and space into the world at this time, allowing all aspects to achieve tremendous growth, and ultimately allowing his war potential to achieve a huge leap.

And just like that, it still didn't satisfy him.

At this time, Luo Fan is still constantly injecting various powers and information into the time and space that have been transformed into worlds, allowing those worlds to further advance upward and evolve towards higher levels of existence.

In other words, evolve towards heaven and earth!

Obviously, for Luo Fan, the world alone is not enough to satisfy him. The most ideal result he wants is for all time and space to completely turn into heaven and earth!

Once transformed into heaven and earth, the war potential of those time and space will achieve a complete leap.

If we look at the highest level of power that living beings can obtain, the highest level of power that time and space can withstand is only at the level of a false saint. This level of strength is already at an incredible level compared to ordinary creatures. If the standard is lowered, this person can already be called a saint.

And if time and space evolve into the world, then this highest level will be promoted to another level and will reach the level of the Supreme Emperor! Of course, this supreme emperor is just a self-advertisement of a certain level of monks that Luo Fan had seen in a certain world. The name of his own realm is naturally not this. However, this has no meaning to Luo Fan now. He had no interest in redefining the name of that realm. Therefore, that realm is the realm of the Supreme Emperor.

The Supreme Emperor is several realms higher than the false saint. Among the false saints, there are several realms, such as primary false saints, intermediate false saints, and advanced false saints. And after the false saint, there is the despairer. This is also the self-advertisement of a monk of a certain realm that Luo Fan has seen in a certain world. It has nothing to do with the title of Supreme Emperor, or in this realm. Essential difference. Desperate people obviously have several realms.

After these several realms have passed, you will be the supreme emperor!

From the gap between the highest realms that living beings can reach, we can see how different the world is from time and space.

Similarly, the gap between heaven and earth and the world is also huge.

To the world, the Supreme Emperor is already the end of his strength. No matter how powerful a creature is, no matter how talented a creature is, due to the limitations of the world, it is impossible to break through the Supreme Emperor.

Even the number of supreme emperors that a world can accommodate is quite limited. According to the number of supreme emperors that can be accommodated, the world can also be divided into many levels, such as the small thousand world, the middle thousand world, the big thousand world, etc...

But once the world turns into heaven and earth, the situation will be completely different.

In any part of the world, the growth limit of living beings will reach the level of the doomed strong man!

In other words, if a monk wants to grow into a strong man, he can only do it in heaven and earth. If you are not in the world, then no matter how strong your means, no matter how high your inheritance, no matter how incredible your talent, and no matter how enviable your circumstances, you can only end up at the level of the Supreme Emperor.

I want to break through, survive the first catastrophe, and become a strong person, but I don't even think about it.

Of course, there are differences between heaven and earth.

Some worlds are more perfect, and the highest level of creatures that can withstand them are strong men with more calamity levels.

However, no matter how it is improved, as long as the world is still just heaven and earth, then it can only withstand the Nine Tribulations at most!

Only when this world breaks through its limits and transforms from an ordinary world into a perfect world can a true saint be truly born...

Of course, similarly, for heaven and earth, the number of powerful people who can be born is generally limited. The more powerful the world is, the more powerful people that can be born will be. Just like, there is a limit to the number of true saints that can be born in a perfect world...

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