Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2972 ​​Absolutely Strong

Of course, when the prototype of the cause and effect of the war was originally constructed, both the will of heaven and earth and the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth before were like Luo Fan, leaving many behind in it. It may even be that most of the back-up players have already played their role at this time.

However, on the whole, it is obvious that the back-up left by Luo Fan is the most fundamental and most useful!

At least, neither the will of heaven and earth nor the backhand of the former incarnation of the will of heaven and earth will allow them to directly participate in the next war.

But the back-up left by Luo Fan allowed him to directly participate in the next war in his avatar!

Faced with such a situation, Luo Fan had reason to feel happy at this time.

The cause and effect of the war was constructed by Luo Fan and the other three parties with almost all efforts, and its power was naturally beyond imagination. Once it is completely formed, it instantly releases incredible power, overriding the will of heaven and earth and the incarnation of the will of the previous world, becoming the new controller of this world.

At this moment, Luo Fan's incarnations among the many worlds felt an indescribable relief emerging from the depths of their hearts.

This kind of relaxation is a kind of relaxation formed by the complete relaxation of suppression.

In the past, Luo Fan's incarnation was almost omnipotent even in the world that belonged to his territory, and could easily surpass all the powerful ones who had entered the tribulation. However, they could all clearly feel a certain aura that was so powerful that it was even beyond the scope of their understanding.

This kind of aura, vaguely present, vaguely visible, filled all areas of the world, letting him clearly know that he was extremely insignificant compared to the owner of that aura.

As long as the owner of the breath is willing, he doesn't even need to take action. Just some specific changes in the breath are enough to completely eliminate them!

However, at this time, they discovered that the terrifying aura that filled all areas of the world had been completely isolated by some invisible existence.

As long as that invisible existence continues to exist, then the owner of the breath, and even the breath itself, will no longer be able to cause any harm to them!

With such a change, it is completely normal for them to feel relaxed and free from all oppression.

Without the direct participation of the will of heaven and earth and the incarnations of the former will of heaven and earth, these incarnations of Luo Fan can be said to have become the most powerful existence on this battlefield.

Before, Luo Fan introduced these incarnations into those heavens and earth, but all he did was guide the monks there to become powerful men who entered the tribulation. I have no intention of using these incarnations to directly participate in the decisive battle.

Therefore, before, these incarnations did not directly control powerful forces.

All the methods they can use can only be achieved with the help of the power and power of heaven and earth itself.

Once they leave the world where Luo Fan originally put these incarnations into, then these incarnations will not lose all their power. However, at most, he is just like an ordinary strong man who is inferior to the strong man who has suffered a calamity.

This kind of strength is obviously insignificant compared to a war that involved many powerful people who were involved in the robbery.

In fact, it is precisely because of such restrictions that the incarnations of the will of heaven and earth and the will of former heaven and earth were not wary of these incarnations, and did not use some special means to guard against these incarnations. If they were really wary of these incarnations, then, at this time There will not only be Luo Fan's incarnation left in this battlefield, but also the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth, the incarnation of the former will of heaven and earth, or similar existences...

If the situation remains unchanged from before, it is naturally impossible for Luo Fan's incarnation to gain real power.

After all, once such power is forcibly obtained, it is equivalent to the real body participating in the war. The will of heaven and earth and the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth will definitely take action personally. In that case, the power in the world will be compressed and reduced due to the existence of Luo Fan's incarnation. But at the top level of Luo Fan's real body, Luo Fan was completely unable to gain enough advantages through such behavior.

Judging from the induction of Luo Fan's incarnation, if he obtains powerful strength and power that can be exerted even outside the world, the terrifying aura that permeates everything between heaven and earth will produce corresponding changes to transform his incarnation. destroy!

Such a choice is obviously a choice that outweighs the gains and losses.

Therefore, Luo Fan's incarnation has always been very restrained and has not taken the initiative to obtain any power at his disposal.

However, the situation at this time is obviously completely different from before.

After discovering that the war cause and effect had completely controlled this great world, Luo Fan's incarnation quickly used his own control authority over the world to knock down a certain strong man who had entered the calamity, and occupied the realm with himself. The vacated position for disaster!

This kind of behavior is very rough, but with his authority and authority, no one in heaven and earth can stop it, and no one can resist it.

After occupying the position of entering the tribulation, Luo Fan's incarnation began to become powerful quickly like blowing up a balloon.

Soon, he had become a powerful person who had entered the calamity, and began to continuously improve his calamity one calamity after another.

In just a few dozen breaths, they were already clearly superior to all the powerful men who had entered the tribulation in this battlefield, and had boldly stepped into the level of the six tribulation powerful men!

This is because the endurance capacity of the world is limited. If the endurance capacity of the world is stronger, they may be able to break through the barrier between the strong men of the Six Tribulations and the strong men of the Seven Tribulations, and boldly step into the level of the powerful Seven Tribulations.

After all, now, Luo Fan's body itself has reached the level of a true Seven Tribulations powerhouse.

The realm between the incarnation and the real body is originally the same.

Everything that the real body knows, the incarnation naturally also knows. When the power can be created at will and the power can be constructed at will, when the realm is reached, the strength will naturally be reached.

Of course, despite this, the limitations of heaven and earth itself are almost impossible to break through.

If you want a world that can accommodate the existence of the powerful Seven Tribulations, it is obviously close to the endurance limit of this simulated chaotic state.

In other words, even in the simulated state of chaos, the world that can be born is, at most, only able to accommodate monks at the level of the Seven Tribulations strongman.

Under such circumstances, it is self-evident how difficult it would be for the time and space born in a world to evolve into a world of this level.

It can be said that even if all conditions are perfect and all environments are met, if a piece of time and space wants to evolve into a world of this level, the time it will take will definitely be calculated in trillions of years!

This kind of time is not the time within time and space, but the time of the environment!

Unless, just like in a simulated chaotic state, the time in the external environment is extremely chaotic...

Obviously, the time that these heavens and earth cultivated by Luo Fan existed was less than tens of millions of years, let alone billions of years. The time when they really started to evolve into the heavens and earth was even less than 10,000 years...

How could such a short period of time push the levels of these heavens and earth to the limit of the endurance of this simulated chaotic state? !

It is an extremely incredible achievement to be able to be promoted to the current level, which is enough to accommodate the existence of the six calamity experts.

As for why such a short period of time can raise this world to a level that can accommodate the six calamities of the powerful, but to improve it to a higher level, it takes countless times more time than this. The reason is also very simple.

Just like studying, improving from zero to sixty points is not difficult for most people. However, if you want to improve from 90% to 100%, that may not be a natural chasm that an ordinary person can break through.

Raising the heaven and earth to a level that can accommodate the strong men of the Six Tribulations is equivalent to raising the score to sixty points.

And on this basis, if you want to raise the strong people that the world can accommodate to the level of the Seven Tribulations strong people, it is obviously as difficult as raising the score from 90% to 100%... Therefore, it takes such a long time.

Of course, before, it didn't make much sense to increase the tolerance from the six-tribulation strong to the seven-tribulation strong. After all, so what if it could accommodate the Seven Tribulations experts? If one wants to cultivate a Seven Tribulations strongman in one world, the amount of time and energy required is definitely beyond the imagination limit of all living beings!

Even, maybe, the time spent in the outside world for trillions of trillions of years, and the countless trillions of trillions of times of the time spent in heaven and earth, may not necessarily be able to successfully cultivate a person. If it were not so difficult, then In the great world, why do those true saints need to open up the path of true saints to cultivate monks? !

Since even if the capacity of heaven and earth is increased, the Seven Tribulations strong men cannot be obtained, then there is no point in spending such a long time to improve the capacity of heaven and earth for monks.

Therefore, at that time, Luo Fan and his three parties unanimously chose not to continue to increase the capacity of the world, but to start a war at this stage.

Even if it is, it actually has the will of heaven and earth of some powerful people of the Seven Tribulations. After all, he clearly knows that he does not have that long to upgrade the world to a level that can accommodate the powerful Seven Tribulations, or the pioneers of the Seven Tribulations powerful level...

After Luo Fan's incarnation rose to the next level, a breath of incomparable terror came out of those heavens and earth, and began to connect with each other, covering the entire battlefield for countless billions of light-years!

In just an instant, this area, which was a three-party battlefield, was already in dire straits in the blink of an eye.

Except for Luo Fan's world, all other worlds have become unstable, and it seems that they will completely collapse and be destroyed in the next moment!

Unlike Luo Fan's side of the world, which has Luo Fan's incarnation guiding everything and clearly aware of the changes in the situation of the world, the other two sides of the world have no idea what has changed in the world.

All they knew was that the existence that had been guiding them through various mysterious channels suddenly disappeared completely. They become confused and don't know what to do next, let alone why this change happened.

Under such circumstances, how could they muster any strength to resist the terrifying aura released by Luo Fan's incarnation? !

In just an instant, almost all the world was infiltrated by the aura of Luo Fan's incarnation, and all living beings there began to bear the terrifying aura released by those Luo Fan's incarnations.

This kind of breath is the breath released by the Six Tribulations strong men, and it is not just one Six Tribulations strong men, but the terrifying breath released by countless Six Tribulations strong men, calculated in billions!

Under such an aura, the only ones who can still possess themselves and have a certain ability to resist are some powerful people who have entered the tribulation.

Except for the powerful ones who have entered the tribulation, other monks are like turning into sculptures under this aura, completely unable to move, and even their ability to think has been completely suppressed by the aura!

It can be said that in just a moment, Luo Fan's incarnation has directly obtained absolute dominance of a vast battlefield that spans billions of light-years by itself, giving Luo Fan an initial victory!

At this time, Luo Fan's incarnations stepped directly out of the world where they were and appeared on the boundless ocean.

Although they are extremely far apart from each other, they are connected by heart at this time, just like one person. As a strong man of Six Tribulations, they can use their combined force to simulate the supreme power of a strong man of Seven Tribulations!

"Destroy!" A soft shout came from the mouths of these Luo Fan incarnations.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying aura covering many heavens and earths penetrated into the depths of those heavens and earths in an instant, forcibly erasing all the imprints of the powerful people in those worlds that did not belong to him!

It was just such a change, and those heavens and earth directly changed their owners.

The inability of heaven and earth to accommodate the strong men of the Seven Tribulations means that no strong men of the Seven Tribulations can be born in the world. Any breakthrough by the strong men of the Six Tribulations will be suppressed by all means. Anyone who is strong in the Six Tribulations needs to fight against heaven and earth if he wants to become a strong person in the Seven Tribulations.

In addition, this also means that for the powerful Seven Tribulations, such a world will be extremely fragile!

But at this time, the terrifying aura formed by the auras of countless Luo Fan's incarnations simulated the aura of the Seven Tribulations strongman!

In this way, those heavens and earth naturally become extremely fragile to this kind of aura.

It is precisely because of this that those auras can so easily find the imprints of those powerful men who have entered the world, and then completely erase them, completely changing the masters of the world...

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