Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2984 Fusion

This time, along with the roar, there was also a terrifying shock wave, which made even the world seem insignificant compared to it!

This shock wave spread throughout the world even faster than the huge roar.

In just an instant, all the worlds in this entire world felt this sudden impact one after another. Among them, including all the heaven and earth that belong to the will of heaven and earth, as well as all the heaven and earth in Luo Fan's territory.

Even the products of those pioneers whose worlds were integrated into this great world felt such an impact at the same time!

During the collision between the seal and the three-legged tripod, the surrounding time and space completely collapsed, and you could even vaguely see the simulated chaotic state emerging behind the collapsed time and space.

That's right, it's not a chaos similar to a chaotic state, but a simulated chaotic state!

It was created by this seventh great tribulation, supporting the infinite heaven and earth, the pioneer of infinite heaven and earth, the layers of tribulation, and even the simulated chaotic state that exists in the will of heaven and earth!

However, that kind of impact has already broken through all the foundations of this world, and opened a path directly from here to simulate the state of chaos!

This degree of destruction is countless times stronger than the chaos that was just broken into a state of chaos before.

However, it is obvious that this kind of destruction cannot last long.

The size of this great world is so incredible. To maintain such a size, one can imagine how strong the self-healing ability of this great world itself must be.

Although the time and space around the three-legged round tripod was completely destroyed at this time, it was only an insignificant part of this world. Just like a small needlepoint on a person's body.

Under such circumstances, with the self-healing ability of this side of the world, it does not take any effort at all. It only needs a slight contraction, and the infinite self-healing ability will come together to quickly bridge those leading to the simulated chaotic state. The cracks turn those areas into nothingness, a nothingness that is a fundamental component of this world...

As a result, the area around the three-legged round tripod looked even more chaotic.

At this time, the three-legged round tripod was trembling violently, and endless suppressive power was constantly vented from its interior at every moment, wreaking mad destruction in all directions.

Under the release of this repressive power, the surrounding area is getting wider and wider.

Continuous destruction.

Every moment, thousands of heavens and earth are completely collapsed, and countless trillions of living beings are perished simultaneously in this collapse of heaven and earth.

From the perspective of war causation, all of this is obviously Luo Fan's contribution.

Therefore, the hole in the time and space where the will of heaven and earth resides is getting bigger and bigger at this time. This means that in the eyes of war cause and effect, Luo Fan's territory is getting bigger and bigger... …

Faced with such a situation, the man-made will of heaven and earth didn't care at all. It just used the seal to suppress Luo Fan's three-legged round tripod. It seemed that it would completely destroy the three-legged round tripod even if it paid all the costs. .

At this time, in the world around this area, there are some strong people who can detect the drastic changes in the world and the coming of the end.

For a moment, they were panic-stricken and crying, not knowing how to face the horrific disaster in front of them that would completely destroy the world.

Only existences at the level of the powerful ones who have entered the tribulation can have a trace of vitality.

Of course, it's just a trace.

This kind of devastating impact is really too terrifying. The speed of the existence of the strong men who entered the tribulation was not enough to allow them enough time to escape from the scope of the impact.

Moreover, they must maintain their strength only when their world remains intact.

Once the world is destroyed, these powerful people who have entered the disaster will inevitably suffer huge damage even if they are not directly knocked down. If they cannot escape from the scope of the disaster before their own world is destroyed, even if they escape themselves first The heaven and earth of birth also do not help.

After all, how can one resist the coming disaster after suffering huge injuries? !

At this time, facing the suppression of the seal, Luo Fan's many incarnations were trying their best to find ways to resist.

That seal obviously condensed the infinite power and power of heaven and earth.

The number of heaven and earth is countless times greater than the number of heaven and earth condensed by Luo Fan's three-legged round tripod at this time.

It is precisely because of the huge number that they can bring such huge pressure to Luo Fan's three-legged round tripod.

Otherwise, even if the number is much greater than the amount of heaven and earth condensed by the three-legged round cauldron, relying on the mysterious degree of the structure of the three-legged round cauldron, relying on its pre-formation of more than a million years, and the condensation of more than a million years, It is very simple to defeat the seal.

Of course, it is natural for things to develop like this.

For the will of heaven and earth, its biggest advantage is size!

In the original more than a million years, it was unable to exert this kind of size again because all the heaven and earth could not be perfectly unified. Even if many powerful people from heaven and earth cooperate with each other, it is only the monks themselves who cannot shake the barrier between heaven and earth at this level.

But now, with the successful emergence of the will of the artificial world, these countless heavens and earth have broken down the original barriers. All the worlds are controlled and unified by the will of the artificial world. All power, all The power can be controlled and condensed at will by the will of the artificial world.

In this way, its potential was finally fully realized, and its size advantage was clearly displayed in front of Luo Fan at this time, oppressing Luo Fan's three-legged round tripod!

The only way to break this advantage is to surpass the opponent in terms of skills.

After all, the difference in size is really too big.

Under such a huge gap, even if Luo Fan wants to narrow the gap between them in terms of size, it is an almost impossible task.

No matter how hard he works, can he still expand his territory hundreds or thousands of times out of thin air?

It is not an easy thing to outsmart your opponent in terms of skills.

At this time, the many incarnations of Luo Fan in the three-legged round tripod sensed and communicated, and in an instant they had completely unified each other's views.

In the end, all Luo Fan's incarnations began to quickly converge towards a certain incarnation in the center. Their bodies disappeared in an instant, and they continued to converge into it and merge with that incarnation.

As more and more incarnations were integrated, the aura of the integrated Luo Fan's incarnation began to gradually change.

Suddenly, a clicking sound suddenly appeared in this incarnation.

Immediately afterwards, the aura of this incarnation surged countless times, but it directly broke through the bottleneck that originally restricted its improvement, and impressively stepped from the peak level of the Six Tribulations Powerful to the level of the Seven Tribulations Powerful!

And this kind of breakthrough is not the end. As the avatar continues to integrate, the realm of the remaining avatar itself is also constantly improving.

At the same time, the three-legged round tripod also began to tremble slightly.

This tremor is different from the tremor caused by external suppression, but a tremor that comes from the inside out. The tremor caused by the external suppression before was the tremor in which the whole body was constantly shaking. The tremor at this time is a tremor caused by every detail inside the three-legged round tripod, even the tiniest and most minute position, vibrating.

The two kinds of tremors intertwined with each other, but it made the three-legged round tripod look a little overwhelmed, as if it would completely collapse in the next moment.

At this time, the countless powerful men who had been suppressed inside the three-legged round tripod began to scream.

As they screamed, their bodies, their strength, their might, their consciousness, their thoughts, and even their essence began to gradually melt and disappear in some indescribable way.

The melting and disappearance of every strong person who has entered the calamity is a solace to the three-legged round tripod, which allows the power and strength of the three-legged round tripod to begin to grow. The disappearance of every strong person who entered the calamity also eased the tremor that caused the three-legged round tripod from the inside out.

It doesn't directly eliminate the tremor, but it slows down the tremor a little bit.

It seemed that the three-legged round tripod was already in a precarious state at this time, and it seemed that it would completely collapse in the next moment, but in the end, the three-legged round tripod was more stable than before.

Before, this three-legged round tripod still felt like it could not bear it, and it seemed that it was about to be completely destroyed by the seal.

However, at this time, although the internal and external tremors were constantly shaking the three-legged round tripod, making the three-legged round tripod look very restless, this characteristic that could be completely suppressed and destroyed at any time has completely disappeared. No trace left.

The man-made will of heaven and earth above that moved the center rotated even faster at this time.

I don’t know what kind of things are constantly being released from the will of this artificial world, gradually integrating into the seal, constantly strengthening the seal, allowing the essence of the seal to continue to improve and sublimate, allowing Its power to suppress everything is constantly increasing.

Under this enhancement, the shock wave generated by the collision between the two began to continue to increase.

The scope of its influence is also constantly increasing.

The world of destruction is increasing faster and faster...

For all this, the will of the artificial world is completely ignored.

At this time, the will of the artificial world already felt some unspeakable uneasiness. This kind of uneasiness makes the will of the artificial world no longer care about anything else. It just wants to completely erase the three-legged round tripod below, as well as the many incarnations of Luo Fan in it!

Even if doing so would cost a lot of money, we would not hesitate...

However, it is obvious that its efforts only increase the amount of destruction of its own world, but have little effect on its real target, the three-legged round tripod.

Time passed little by little, and the will of the man-made world became crazy unknowingly.

At this time, the shock wave caused by the collision between the seal and the tripod had spread to an extent that was tens of thousands of times wider than the middle-aged man's territory.

This kind of area is at least hundreds of times larger than Luo Fan's original territory.

Among them, because they were originally intended to defend the middle-aged man's territory, the heaven and earth in these areas are denser than in other areas.

The result of this is that in the process of the spread of this shock wave, the world destroyed has even reached the point of one hundred million trillion, and the living beings possessed by each side of the world have also been destroyed. It needs to be calculated in trillions. When combined in this way, it is self-evident to what extent the number of creatures destroyed will be.

This amount of destruction has even affected the stability of the will of the artificial world.

The will of man-made heaven and earth seems to be a little thinner at this time than before.

Although it is not much, it is thin after all, which means that its foundation has been greatly affected by the previous loss.

After all, this man-made will of heaven and earth is formed by the convergence of the power and might of all the heaven and earth that belong to the territory of the will of heaven and earth. The foundation of such an existence is naturally all the heaven and earth in the territory of the will of heaven and earth. At this time, if too much of the world is lost, it will naturally affect the stability of the artificial world's will.

At this time, inside the three-legged round cauldron, the numerous figures that were constantly entering one of Luo Fan's incarnations had completely disappeared without a trace.

The countless powerful people who had entered the tribulation that existed in it had also completely disappeared.

At this moment, inside the three-legged round tripod, there was only one incarnation of Luo Fan left. It's not that there is only one incarnation left among all the incarnations, but that everything except him has disappeared without a trace. Including the countless time and space, countless worlds, countless heavens and earth that originally existed in it, including all the creatures and all the monks in it!

Now, inside the three-legged round tripod, it is empty, and only this incarnation of Luo Fan exists.

But this incarnation of Luo Fan is completely different from the countless trillions of previous incarnations.

The current incarnation has a perfect quality lingering all over its body. Its strength and state of Taoism are already countless times stronger than those countless incarnations in the past!

Similarly, this three-legged round tripod also exudes an indescribable quality of perfection at this time, and it has been completely integrated with Luo Fan's incarnation, becoming one, two, and one.


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