Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2997 Karma Gift

At this moment, Luo Fan's clone felt that he was more than a trillion times stronger than the previous moment. It felt as if he had become an ant among ants.

Under such a powerful feeling, the great world transformed by the entire calamity layer seemed to be in his palm at this time.

His body moved slightly, and the sound of cracking lila began to spread from his body to all directions, causing the void to continue to break apart, and even the dark simulated chaotic state could be vaguely seen through the broken cracks. …

As for the originally extremely huge and extremely strong time and space, the residence of the will of heaven and earth, it now seemed extremely fragile in front of his eyes, as if it was just a piece of paper, and he could tear it apart completely with just a little force.

This feeling was so strange that he couldn't help but want to give it a try.

At this moment, the hole in the space and time where the will of heaven and earth resides is beginning to close at an unimaginable speed.

Originally, the reason why this hole could not be closed was because of the shackles of war and the fact that Luo Fan had entered the runes into it early. Now, the cause and effect of the war has collapsed, and its shackles on the hole are naturally no longer effective. Although the runes Luo Fan had entered early had some effect, it was obvious that they could no longer keep up with the size of the hole. Therefore, there will be a scene like this, where the hole begins to close quickly under the will of heaven and earth.

However, although this bridging speed is beyond imagination, it is because its scale is too large. Therefore, even with this unimaginable healing speed, it will obviously take an extremely long time to completely heal in the end.

At this time, Luo Fan's clone's eyes revealed a strange light, directly inserted into the hole.

As the light penetrated, the hole collapsed, and in the blink of an eye, it had expanded to several times the size it was at the beginning.

The previous means of bridging the will of heaven and earth have completely failed.

At this moment, an extremely angry roar came from the will of heaven and earth: "Don't even think about it!"

Following this roar, space and time, the residence of the will of heaven and earth, began to tremble violently, and the entire space and time began to gradually emit an unspeakable golden light.

This golden light continued to strengthen, gradually covering the entire world below under this golden light.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light began to flash and condense,

Finally, a huge human figure condensed where the hole was. He raised his hand and slapped Luo Fan's clone!

With such a slap, the void stirred, the world was derived, and the heaven and earth were born. In just one slap, it seemed as if countless heaven and earth groups were born and destroyed in an instant.

Facing such a slap, even Luo Fan's clone felt like it had become extremely small, as if it was about to be completely swallowed up by the time, space, heaven and earth, and the world in the slap without any ability to resist, and was completely swallowed up by the world. Easily erased.

However, it is obvious that this kind of thing cannot happen.

Even if Luo Fan's clone didn't absorb the countless light spots that escaped after the collapse of the war cause and effect just now, it wouldn't be so fragile. What's more, he absorbed those light fragments and became many times stronger than before.

At this moment, his body shook slightly, and he had already broken free from this mental offensive.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't even need to make any movements. His eyes focused for a moment, and the golden light that had just torn the hole open again quickly condensed at this moment.

In just an instant, it turned into a sharp blade and was fiercely inserted into the palm of the humanoid. Without any special means, the infinite heaven and earth, infinite world, infinite time and space above the palm had completely collapsed.

Along with its collapse, there were also the human-shaped palms, as well as the wrists, forearms, arms, shoulders, and even the entire body connected to the palms!

In the end, the human figure disappeared completely, leaving only the gaze of Luo Fan's clone, which was still the same as before. It continued to move forward from the original position of the human figure, penetrating all obstacles, and fiercely inserted into the space and time where the will of heaven and earth abode. , rushing straight towards the vortex in it!

As that gaze entered the space and time where the will of heaven and earth abode, that time and space began to collapse rapidly.

This collapse was not just a small-scale partial collapse, but a large-scale collapse that directly spread throughout the entire time and space, that is, the entire void of this entire world!

Just for a moment, the sky seemed to be completely shattered.

Endless cracks filled the entire sky.

Immediately afterwards, the cracks continued to grow, and finally with an earth-shattering roar, the sky completely collapsed.

As the sky collapsed, an incredible impact fell from the sky, ruthlessly sweeping through everything in the entire world. As the boundary sea that supports the infinite world, that is, the ocean that occupies the absolute majority of this great world, under this impact, it not only surges, but also continues to fragment and collapse, just like the void appears. Like countless holes, it crazily absorbed and swallowed the sea water into it!

Such chaos, when it affects so many heavens and earths, is like the heavens and the earth falling apart.

In just an instant, the countless worlds that were originally connected by various means, including the world in Luo Fan's territory, and the world in the territory of Tiandi's will, became completely chaotic.

Among them, countless heavens and earth were swallowed into nothingness along with the ocean, and disappeared without a trace.

It can be said that with just such a change, the world that has disappeared and the lives that have died need to be counted in billions and trillions.

At this time, behind the shattered sky, an extremely huge vortex, covering every inch of void in the entire world, appeared behind the sky.

In other words, the sky that replaced the original sky of this world has become the new sky of this world!

However, at this time, the sky was not stable. There was a golden light that penetrated directly into the main body of the vortex. It began to follow the rotation of the vortex and began to move towards the entire vortex, gradually infecting it. This entire vortex becomes golden!

"How can it be so strong?!" Such a voice came from the vortex.

Obviously, this vortex is the will of heaven and earth.

At this time, the golden light inserted into the vortex was the gaze of Luo Fan's clone. But at this time, this gaze had already penetrated hard into the main body of the vortex, and began to spread along its main body towards its entire body. And those parts that were turned into golden vortexes seemed to be put on shackles, gradually breaking away from the control of the will of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Luo Fan's clone just sneered and grabbed it.

A huge hand appeared out of thin air above the world formed by the three-legged round tripod below, and shrank slightly towards the huge world.

In just such a contraction, the huge world quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a three-legged round tripod again, lying quietly in the palm of the hand.

Then he retracted his palm upwards, and the three-legged round tripod fell directly into the hands of Luo Fan's clone.

"I didn't expect that the biggest gain would be this magic weapon." At this time, Luo Fan's clone showed an inexplicable expression.

At this moment, the perfect quality that this simulated chaotic state gave him had been completely washed away.

However, after this perfect trait was washed away to pieces, the aura on his body and his own strength were far beyond that of the perfect Seven Tribulations strongman. Of course, its own realm is still the level of the peak of the Seven Tribulations, and the terrifying strength brought by this same realm is like someone who has always been in the realm of Qi refining, but has thousands of levels of Qi refining.

The reason why he was able to obtain this kind of strength was actually very simple, it was because of the final gift of war karma!

The war cause and effect itself has no consciousness, and it will not endow the residue after its collapse with any existence because of any thoughts or ideas. However, as the cause and effect of war, beings who can even control this great world and ultimately limit the will of the world to abide by the rules set by them, spirituality is obviously not lacking.

This spirituality is not thinking or will. It cannot communicate or negotiate. However, he will instinctively choose to punish the existence that makes him collapse!

And obviously, in the process of the collapse of the cause and effect of the war, the initiator was obviously the will of heaven and earth at that time.

Therefore, the spirituality of war cause and effect naturally chose to strengthen Luo Fan, who was hostile to the will of heaven and earth, and use Luo Fan's hands to punish the will of heaven and earth.

Of course, no one would believe it if Luo Fan's back-up plan didn't work...

It's not that Luo Fan thought that this scene would happen early, but that he had already been in the process of constructing the war cause and effect, and worked hard to distort the spirituality of the war cause and effect, making the spirituality of the war cause and effect favor him more favorably than others. Both sides.

This kind of distortion did not have much effect before. After all, the rules of war cause and effect are stricter. Even if one's spirituality leans toward one side, it cannot help that side cheat. However, this kind of distortion, at the moment when the war cause and effect collapses, can obviously greatly affect the judgment made by the war cause and effect.

Not to mention that there are only two parties left in the world at this time, Luo Fan and the will of heaven and earth. Even the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth still exists, and there are still three parties here. The cause and effect of this war is inevitable under this kind of spiritual distortion. Luo Fan will be chosen as the carrier of his final gift.

At this time, Luo Fan's heart moved slightly. An incarnation rushed out from the three-legged round tripod. It swayed in the void and rushed into the clone.

As this avatar blends in, the clone feels itself becoming more stable.

The power currently controlled by this clone is a terrifying strength that is far more powerful than the peak of the average Seven Tribulations powerhouse, countless trillions of times.

This kind of strength is obviously far beyond the limit that the Taoist realm of this Seven Tribulations powerhouse can control.

The reason why there were no problems before was obviously only because of the final gift from the Karma of War.

Now, with the integration of the avatar, for Luo Fan, although the realm of Taoism has not been strengthened, it has been able to increase his size a lot. This increase in size will naturally allow Luo Fan to control stronger strength. The effect of this increase in control ability at this time is to make the strength controlled by Luo Fan's clone more stable, and not like before, which seemed to explode at any time.

"It still can't last long." With this thought in his mind, he raised his hand and waved his other hand, and in an instant another three-legged round tripod appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he touched the two three-legged round tripods in his hands towards the middle.

With a loud bang, the two tripods collapsed at the same time, and finally turned into a vortex and began to rotate over and over again at the position where they collapsed.

A condensation trend appears on this vortex, but at the same time, there is an inexplicable repulsion at the center of the vortex.

"Ning!" Seeing this scene, Luo Fan just shouted softly.

With this soft drink, the whirlpool suddenly stagnated, and then an unimaginable force began to press toward the center from all directions. In the blink of an eye, a three-legged round tripod was condensed in the center. Outline it.

Moreover, the outline of this three-legged round tripod continues to invade and solidify as time goes by.

In a short while, it was completely formed, and there was no longer any illusion.

And the vortex completely disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before. Obviously, the vortex has completely transformed into this three-legged round tripod.

In other words, the two three-legged round tripods have been completely integrated into one by the means of Luo Fan's clone!

As the three-legged round tripod took shape, Luo Fan's clone body trembled slightly, and infinite light spots began to escape from its body.

Obviously, the gift of war causation was beginning to be difficult to maintain at this time and was about to gradually collapse.

Why didn't Luo Fan just take advantage of the gift of war cause and effect to deal with the will of heaven and earth when there was still no sign of collapse, but wasted time to merge the two three-legged round tripods into one? The reason is obviously just for the arrival of this moment!

Therefore, at this time, he did not hesitate at all. He just controlled the countless scattered light spots and began to continuously converge towards the three-legged round tripod.

The three-legged round cauldron also generated endless suction during this process, and began to target the scattered light spots, frantically sucking and pulling the countless light spots into the interior of the three-legged round cauldron, connecting them one after another. Scattered and continuously merged into the three-legged round tripod.

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