Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3003: Scheme?

This situation makes people scratch their hearts and make them irritated.

However, obviously, this is also normal. Although Luo Fan felt quite uncomfortable, he did not immerse himself in it for too long, and settled down again while his mind was turning.

After all, that is the essence of great tribulation!

This kind of existence, even in a true state of chaos, is a huge secret. How could it be possible to obtain it easily from the incarnation of the will in a simulated chaotic state? This is true even if this simulated chaotic state is derived from the great tribulation.

The Order of Life and Death man sneered on his face and said: "Being able to study these is already a great fate, and you want more? Where do you think this is? This is your big disaster!"

When he said these words, the face of the Order of Life and Death trembled violently.

Faintly, the face seemed to be losing its shape. After a while, it recovered with great difficulty.

In this look, it seems that the face of the Order of Life and Death is too emotionally agitated, so it is difficult to maintain the stability of his face. It is also like that the foundation of its existence has been turbulent, and it is already difficult for it to maintain its own stability.

Which specific situation is it is difficult to really distinguish. However, in Luo Fan's opinion, the second possibility is more likely.

After all, this order of life and death is the will that simulates the state of chaos.

This kind of will, its level is so high that it has definitely reached the upper limit of this simulated chaotic state. How could a will of this level lose control of its own emotions? !

How could it be that it was difficult to keep a straight face because of the emotional turmoil? !

At least, compared to the latter possibility, the first possibility is obviously more impossible.

"Don't you want to attack for the last time?" Luo Fan's clone looked at the face of the Order of Life and Death very calmly at this time and said this.

At this moment, the vigilance in his heart has been raised to the highest level.

After all, no matter what the possibility is, it means that the Order of Life and Death face is very likely to launch an incredible offensive next. The first possibility is that the emotions are so agitated that it is difficult to maintain a face. It goes without saying that when the emotions are agitated to this point, it is obviously natural to destroy the source of the agitation. As for the second possibility,

Because the foundation has been damaged, it is difficult to continue to maintain it. If it continues to be delayed, it may not even be able to launch the final attack.

"Of course. You don't think I will say forget it, do you?" The face of the Order of Life and Death suddenly laughed.

Luo Fan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after hearing this.

He really expected that the Order of Life and Death man-face would take advantage of the situation and say that the attack would have no effect, forget it, but he didn't expect that he would be so rational.

At this moment, the transportation network layer suddenly felt incredible oppression.

All kinds of strange attacks appeared out of thin air from around the many worlds in the transportation network layer, and poured into those many worlds crazily, straight into those many worlds!

In just an instant, thousands of heavens and earth were completely destroyed by the attack, causing those heavens and earth to completely collapse.

Moreover, the degree of destruction of these worlds is extremely complete. It is the kind of disillusionment that dies along with the pioneers of the world.

This change has horrified many pioneers in the transportation network layer. How can each of them care about the others? He quickly worked hard to gather his own strength and power to help the world he created to resist this sudden attack.

However, it is a pity that this sudden attack is too strong.

Such a powerful offensive, even if the pioneers of the world have tried their best to resist it, there is still only one heaven and earth that can survive this first wave of offensive!

"What the hell is going on?!" The pioneer of the world roared unwillingly.

At this time, Luo Fan's clone lowered his head and frowned as he looked down at the countless offensives appearing out of thin air in the entire transportation network layer below.

He naturally knows very well what these offensives are about.

In fact, these offensives are the source of pressure from outside on the transportation network layer!

In other words, it is because of these offensives that the transportation network layer has been subjected to such terrifying pressure!

The reason why these offensives appear is precisely because the will that simulates the state of chaos is attacking the transportation network layer from another perspective.

At this time, in the eyes of many pioneers in the transportation network layer, this offensive was an offensive that appeared out of thin air inside the transportation network layer. But, in fact, from the perspective of the orderly birth and death face, it is just a direct attack on the numerous heavens and earth in a simulated state of chaos.

Because they are directly attacking these heavens and earth in a simulated chaotic state, these attacks will appear directly on those heavens and earth.

At this time, in the eyes of many world pioneers, they had no way of seeing the true simulated chaotic state. What they saw was just the strange void manifested by the connection between many heavens and earth at the transportation network layer.

This contradiction in perspective naturally resulted in the situation at this moment. Those offensives reached directly from the outside to many places in the world without going through any process at all.

If we compare it in a way that ordinary people can understand, the transportation network layer at this time is like a piece of paper. The worlds opened up by many world pioneers are like circles drawn on this piece of paper.

And the face of the orderly birth and death is like someone outside this piece of paper.

The situation at this time is that someone outside this piece of paper is directly poking the knife on the circles on that piece of paper from outside this piece of paper, destroying those circles. .

This situation is extremely normal in anyone's opinion.

However, from the perspective of the creatures on that piece of paper, it was obvious that the attack was extremely weird. It appeared out of thin air around the world and directly destroyed the world. There was no intermediate stage in the whole process.

At this moment, Luo Fan's clone finally took action.

An unimaginable repressive force was released from the three-legged round tripod and suppressed the entire transportation network layer. In just a blink of an eye, it had covered all the surfaces of the world in the entire transportation network layer. All the world within this transportation network layer is under the suppression of that repressive force.

Boom boom boom...

Although this kind of repressive force has a suppressive effect, at the same time, it is also unspeakably exclusive.

This exclusivity caused it to come into fierce conflict with the various offensives that were wreaking havoc in many worlds.

All kinds of incredible lights, shadows, and sounds are constantly released from the contact point between the attacking and suppressing forces, making the entire transportation network extremely chaotic, causing countless heavens and earth to sway like catkins in the wind.

However, because of its suppressive power, even if it became like catkins in the wind, the numerous Tailows were not really damaged by this.

At this time, facing such a change, the face of Order Life and Death showed no change in expression.

In an instant, the birth and death of Order around the face of Order suddenly accelerated a thousand times.

If we look at it from a macro perspective, the acceleration of the birth and death of order is not just in the areas around the face of the order, but has expanded to the entire simulated chaotic state, including the entire simulated chaotic state. Every location is wrapped in it.

Faintly, there are traces of strange evil spirits born in the birth and death of these orders, and they begin to follow the birth and death of this order and continue to gather towards the place where the face of that order is.

It's just that under this change, there are all kinds of strange changes happening around the many worlds inside the transportation network layer.

Faintly, many worlds seemed to become slightly blurred.

The entire transportation network layer began to tremble violently, and the many roads that existed in it began to collapse and then continued to collapse.

This situation, at a glance, shows that the entire transportation network layer is losing the foundation of its existence!

Compared with the previous offensive that appeared directly around those heavens and earth, the current loss of the foundation of the transportation network layer is more fundamental and more extreme!

Also, more effective!

"Perish together?" At this moment, Luo Fan's face showed a solemn look, and he no longer dared to hold back, so that the three-legged round tripod began to madly release its endless suppressive power, directly covering the entire transportation network layer, to Protect the connections at this transportation network layer and continue to reconnect the many worlds with strength.

However, this approach is becoming more and more difficult.

In the beginning, as long as there is repressive power, this connection can be preserved.

However, as time goes by, as the depth of the birth and death of that order becomes deeper and deeper, it becomes more and more difficult to achieve this.

At the beginning, it only took one thousandth of the power of the three-legged round cauldron to connect those roads and connect the many worlds together again. However, later on, this kind of consumption has increased to the point where the three-legged round tripod must be used with all its strength. The suppressive power in it not only needs to be fully mobilized, but even needs to consume the final potential of the three-legged round tripod. Just now we were able to barely maintain the existence of these countless roads!

At this time, the three-legged round tripod was suspended above the transportation network layer, and it looked even more grand.

Faintly, rattling sounds continued to come from the three-legged round tripod, so that all the world pioneers in this transportation network layer could clearly hear such sounds.

Obviously, at this time, the world opened up by the many world pioneers has already pressed on the three-legged round tripod in an extremely strange way!

But at this time, from a macro perspective, the essence of the order of birth and death of human faces has gradually changed its appearance.

Its interior has been filled with unspeakable evil energy.

This kind of evil spirit was surging and brewing inside the face of the order of birth and death at this time.

This kind of evil spirit is unusual, and their power is terrifying, even more amazing than the simulated state of chaos!

They are none other than the source power of this catastrophe, and they are also what this catastrophe looked like before the simulated chaotic state was born!

It can be said that the composition of this simulated chaotic state is ultimately due to the power related to the true saint. However, the material it is made of is this kind of evil spirit!

That is to say, it is this evil spirit that has gone through various unspeakable changes and subtle constructions to form that boundless vastness, so mysterious, and even derived from the endless pioneers of heaven and earth, the simulated chaotic state of endless heaven and earth!

At this time, the face of orderly birth and death, that is, the will that simulates the state of chaos, is caring about some indescribable way to return his body to its origin and rebuild this evil spirit!

Looking at the current performance, it is obvious that this step has already achieved initial results.

The expression on the face of the Order of Life and Death was constantly changing at this time, and there seemed to be countless emotions constantly changing and changing in his heart. The eyes on that person's face revealed all kinds of emotions, including madness, confusion, joy, excitement, pain, sadness, powerlessness, and so on.

At this moment, facing such changes, Luo Fan suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

It seems that the difficulty of carrying these many worlds is much easier than previously imagined.

It's as if there is some kind of existence that is pushing the boat along with the current, trying to carry these worlds on its own.

He frowned slightly and relaxed his suppressive power a little, only to find that the pressure exerted on him by heaven and earth also relaxed slightly at the same time.

Compared to the overall terrifying pressure, this slight difference is definitely a negligible change. Even Luo Fan himself, if he didn't pay careful attention to any changes, would probably ignore this slight change at this time.

Under this change, Luo Fan felt a thump in his heart.

This situation is of little consequence, but it makes a point. That is, there really is something that is moving along with the current, throwing all these worlds onto its own three-legged round tripod!

And now, in this simulated chaotic state, or in this catastrophe, who else is qualified and capable to do this, besides the will that simulates the chaotic state? !

"I really can't relax for a moment. If I'm not careful, I will be plotted to death by you." At this time, Luo Fan's clone's face became extremely ugly and said.

These words were directly transmitted to the place where the face of Order Life and Death was, causing the face's expression to suddenly freeze.

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