Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3005 Refining?

At this time, the three-legged round tripod had completely stabilized.

Its appearance has changed a lot from its original appearance. Judging from the size alone, it is already at least one circle smaller than the original one. In addition, the instinctive oppression of the three-legged round tripod by the surrounding evil spirits has actually disappeared. It is as if this An extremely subtle connection has been established between the three-legged round tripod and the surrounding evil spirits, and they are no longer incompatible with each other!

"For some things, just having an idea is enough." Luo Fan just said lightly.

At this time, inside the three-legged round tripod, the infinite power and power that had been absorbed from that great world had all been replaced by endless evil energy.

Or, to put it more accurately, the power and power inside the three-legged round tripod that was absorbed from that great world have all returned to their original origins and turned back into the evil spirit from which they originated. !

You must know that although Luo Fan put a lot of thought into absorbing and integrating those powers and powers from that great world through various means through his super wisdom, it seems that they already belong to him completely. But, in fact, these powers and powers ultimately come from that great world. And that great world itself comes from the simulated chaotic state.

In this case, these powers and powers are obviously evolved from those root evil spirits.

Moreover, it is able to carry the will of the simulated chaotic state just like the simulated chaotic state!

In other words, the will that simulated the chaotic state was able to return to its original state in the entire simulated chaotic state and remained intact when it regained its evil spirit. The power and power inside the three-legged round tripod were obviously Part of the effort was made.

Even at this time, the will was able to control the evil figure so easily. These powers and powers were also part of the effort!

For that will, the simulated chaotic state derived from the evil spirit is its body and its foundation.

Now, although he has placed his will on the evil spirit, he has transformed the evil spirit into his new body. However, he was ultimately interrupted by Luo Fan. Nowadays, this kind of sustenance cannot be perfect after all.

The result of this imperfection is that although most of his consciousness is pinned on this evil figure, at the same time, he still endures the powerful damage caused by the evil figure to his will. force. Under such circumstances, he obviously needs another foundation to support his existence in order to maintain his will! Only by achieving this first can we pursue further steps.

Completely merge with the evil spirit human form and completely control the evil spirit!

Obviously, for the will that simulates the chaotic state, another support for its existence is of course the residue of the simulated chaotic state.

Even if those residues seem to have been refined and integrated by Luo Fan, the effect will not be weakened too much for him.

At this time, what Luo Fan did was obviously to cut off the support of the will.

Of course, at this moment, it seems that this approach is quite effective.

At this time, the body of the evil-spirited humanoid was slightly blurred. The connection between the edge of the evil spirit human form and the endless evil energy around it seems to be no longer so clear.

Even the evil spirit figure's ability to control the surrounding evil energy seemed to be a little behind.

"Is it enough to think about it?" The expression of the evil-spirited human figure became extremely ugly at this time.

This evil human form is the will that simulates the state of chaos, and the world derived from the simulated state of chaos is simply endless, and the pioneers of the world derived from it are also endless.

In this way, it goes without saying that his knowledge is vast.

Therefore, he naturally understood what Luo Fan was talking about.

This kind of thing can be solved by thinking about it. For existences at their level, it is completely true for most difficult problems. This is true whether it is creating the world, creating endless time and space out of thin air, or constructing cause and effect, destiny, avenue, etc. out of thin air.

However, all of this is based on the background that these difficult problems are possible for existences at their level. If the problem is beyond the capabilities of beings at their level, then the thought of it, at best, is just a thought, but it is absolutely impossible to solve the problem.

Obviously, in the heart of this evil spirit human form, what Luo Fan is doing now, this kind of behavior of directly swallowing the evil spirit and directly changing the essence of his own magic weapon, has completely surpassed the problems that can be solved by thinking of it. category.

However, this evil figure also knew that this was not the time to dwell on this.

No matter what method the other party uses, no matter whether the other party can really solve the problem of integrating the evil spirit just by thinking of it, now, he has already made his magic weapon completely integrate the evil spirit. It is obviously pointless to continue to struggle.

For him now, the most important thing is to prevent him from going further!

For the current evil spirit humanoid, it is necessary to simulate the remnants of the chaotic state.

Without the remnants of the simulated chaotic state, he will completely lose control of this evil human form. It may still be able to exist, but it has obviously completely lost its autonomy and can only be controlled by the evil spirit.

For him, such a result was almost equivalent to a complete loss of hope. Maybe in the next moment, the evil spirit would completely devour him and use the original means of dealing with Luo Fan on himself.

Obviously, it is impossible to accept such an ending, this evil human form, or this will that simulates the state of chaos.

At this time, there was only the last remnant of the simulated chaotic state.

That is, the world of Zezhi!

Now, in the entire simulated chaotic state, except for the heaven and earth and the three-legged round tripod, everything else has been returned to its original state by the evil spirit, and has returned to the evil spirit again.

The three-legged round tripod has no meaning of support for the evil human form. Now the only thing that can still support his will is the world.

Zezhi's world is the world opened up by Luo Fan.

Its own construction method is completely based on Luo Fan's world view.

It seems that such a world should belong entirely to Luo Fan and should not be of any help to the will to simulate the state of chaos. But, no matter what, the foundation for the construction of this world from the beginning was the simulated state of chaos!

In the beginning, the reason why Luo Fan opened up the world of Zezhi was because in the simulated chaotic state, without the existence of this world, he could not even think normally. At that time, the way he opened up this world was not by directly manifesting it from scratch, but by combining his own world view with the surrounding simulated chaotic state, and transforming the simulated chaotic state!

In this way, it is obvious that the foundation of this world is still the simulated chaotic state, and naturally it is still a part of the simulated chaotic state. Naturally, it can also carry the consciousness of the simulated chaotic state.

Even though this world is under the absolute control of Luo Fan, the consciousness that simulates the chaotic state cannot control it to do anything, but this fundamental carrying nature cannot be changed.

Therefore, at this time, even if only this world and the three-legged round tripod are left in the entire catastrophe, the evil human-shaped will can still get support from the outside. Enough to keep it going.

Obviously, Luo Fan has already realized this.

At this time, he just smiled lightly. The clone didn't move much, but the main body had already started to take action.

Destroying this world to cut off the support gained by the will that simulates the state of chaos is obviously the simplest and most thorough approach. But, at the same time, it is also the most crude, the least technical, and the most lose-lose approach.

For the will that simulates the state of chaos, this world is the last remnant of the simulated state of chaos, and it is also the last external support it has. If it is shattered, it will naturally be a huge loss for it, and it may even cut off all its hopes.

But at the same time, for Luo Fan, the significance of this story is also quite significant.

You must know that even if the will that simulates the state of chaos is destroyed, it does not mean that this catastrophe has been completely broken, and it does not mean that this catastrophe has been overcome.

You know, after the will that simulates the state of chaos loses its freedom, he still has the boundless source of evil energy that he needs to face!

And these root evil spirits can evolve into an infinite simulated chaotic state, evolve into the pioneer of infinite heaven and earth, evolve into infinite heaven and earth, and even evolve into the incredible existence of countless layers of infinite tribulations. With such a being acting as his enemy, it is self-evident how bad the situation would become if he lost the world.

In other words, if the general's world is destroyed, for Luo Fan, it will actually mean hurting the enemy eight hundred and losing one thousand to himself!

This approach is obviously not what Luo Fan would do.

Obviously, if it turns out, this contradiction is almost enough to make Luo Fan unable to think about it. In the end, he will turn his mind to another new choice, and he can only honestly deal with the simulated chaos that controls the evil human form. The will of the state is just a back-and-forth battle.

But of course it's not the original now.

The three-legged round tripod is already the best example!

The reason why the three-legged round tripod is able to fuse the power and power that simulates the state of chaos back to its origin and turn it into the root of evil energy again is that in addition to Luo Fan's will and his thoughts, it is more important. The most amazing thing is that the essence of the three-legged round tripod is formed by the power related to the true saint!

That power is the power related to the true saint, and its essence is far higher than Luo Fan's catastrophe, and even more than the evil spirit at the root of this catastrophe.

Because the essence exceeds the source of evil spirits, it naturally has the possibility to completely suppress the source of evil spirits.

Previously, inside the three-legged round tripod, the essence of power related to the true saint was to return part of the power and power back to the source of evil aura bit by bit, then suppress it bit by bit, and then refine it, and so on. This cycle goes on and on, eventually reaching the point where all the power and power are completely refined.

Although it seems that only a short time has passed from the outside, due to the independent nature of time, inside the three-legged round tripod, Luo Fan's clone spent trillions of hours in order to complete the entire refining process. It took years and years to turn all the power and power inside the three-legged round tripod into the root evil spirit and completely refine it!

Using the analogy of the transformation method of the three-legged round tripod, at this time, it is obviously no longer doubtful how the world can completely get rid of the essence of simulating a chaotic state.

It is even conceivable that the process of completely returning the world to its origins and refining it may be faster and simpler than that of the three-legged round tripod.

Don't forget, the three-legged round tripod is just a trace of the power related to the true saint. And inside that world, in that core, there is a complete force like that!

If we compare it with quantity, the amount of power transformed into a three-legged round tripod is at most only one trillionth of the complete power!

Such a disparity in quantity is enough to cause a huge disparity in the length of the refining process.

The time spent in the end may not really be as close as the gap in the amount of power, but the gap must be extremely huge!

At this time, the evil spirit human figure controlled the boundless evil energy to quickly move away from the world.

Using evil spirits to destroy the world will only directly help the interior of Zezhi Heaven and Earth return to its origins and refining the evil spirits, just like when it faced the three-legged round tripod before. Only by keeping the evil spirits as far away from the heaven and earth as possible, so that the heaven and earth cannot get any evil spirits to return everything in them to their origins, can we effectively slow down the return of the heaven and earth and re-refine the evil spirits. time.

Of course, in the end, it can only slow down time. When the surroundings have completely turned into boundless evil energy, this process is obviously impossible to stop no matter what. Even if the evil spirit human form can really prevent any evil spirit from entering or affecting the world of rule, he can't stop the evil spirit inside the three-legged round tripod from entering it at all.

However, for the will that simulates the state of chaos, delaying enough time is actually enough.

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