Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3010 Seizing the Body

At this time, Luo Fan finally knew that his subtle feelings these days were correct.

The will that simulates the state of chaos is indeed not just a matter of delaying time! He indeed has an inexplicable plan!

And this plan, as expected, is to seize the new simulated state of chaos!

That's right, the plan of the will to simulate the state of chaos is to seize the new will to simulate the state of chaos, replace this new will to simulate the state of chaos, and become the new will to simulate the state of chaos!

Relying on this new simulated chaotic state, his will in the evil spirit human form was able to gain support from the outside world, thereby easing the oppression of the evil energy on himself, and finally giving him enough time to completely integrate the root evil energy.

Now, it is obvious that he has initially completed this plan.

At this moment, being able to talk to Luo Fan like this in this simulated chaotic state, he has obviously already taken over this new simulated chaotic state.

Faced with such a will, Luo Fan's clone chose not to answer his words at this time, but to manipulate the numerous evil spirits it controlled into a giant axe, and strike fiercely at the endless simulated chaos behind it. The state is broken!

Although this source of evil energy turned into a giant axe, it was only transformed into a giant ax in form. In essence, it was still the source of evil energy, and it was still the source existence derived from the simulated state of chaos!

It is self-evident that such an existence will have a huge impact on the simulated chaotic state when it attacks it.

At this moment, the simulated chaotic state under the ax collapsed and turned into the root evil energy again, and continued to move forward along with the axe's force.

It feels as easy as cutting a knife into butter.

With the castration of the axe, Luo Fan's body advanced rapidly towards the axe. In the blink of an eye, he had already crossed an unknown amount of sky and disappeared without a trace...

This new simulated chaotic state clearly did not appear out of thin air.

Obviously, with the ability of the will to simulate the state of chaos to control the evil spirit, he can evolve the evil spirit into a simulated chaotic state. This is something he cannot do at other places except in the source evil energy that he has complete control over.

However, if the evolution simulates the state of chaos in the root evil energy that he has complete control over, it will not make any sense to him. After all, the root evil energy has been completely integrated by him.

Its own existence is enough to provide support for its will. Such an existence evolves into a simulated chaotic state. Apart from the change of form of the supporting object, what else is different?

Only the root evil energy that has not been completely integrated by it evolves into a simulated chaotic state, and the support effect formed can help him and support him for a longer period of time.

This obviously creates a contradiction.

He can control the part of its evolution, and the evolution has no meaning. The root evil spirit that is meaningful to him has evolved, but he cannot control it at all.

In this way, it is really obvious what the will will do.

Of course, it is to introduce an enemy that can make the root evil spirit evolve into a simulated chaos state, so that the root evil spirit can evolve into a simulated chaos state without his complete control!

Obviously, Luo Fan's clone is the enemy he introduced.

These days, it seems that Luo Fan is constantly refining the source of evil energy, and constantly disintegrating the offensive of the evil humanoid sea against him. But in fact, in this process, he was actually used by that will, and was used by him as an introduction to let those root evil spirits evolve into a simulated state of chaos!

Relying on this introduction, the will can regain a new simulated chaotic state, and then it can completely seize the simulated chaotic state, and instead regard this new simulated chaotic state as an external force supported by its will!

Thinking of this, Luo Fan naturally understood that what he needed to do at this time was to leave this simulated chaotic state and leave the evil humanoid sea.

No matter what the will wants to express, even if there are any benefits to him, there is nothing wrong with leaving this evil humanoid ocean first and letting the simulated chaotic state become sourceless water and rootless trees.

At this moment, a huge hand appeared out of thin air in front of the axe.

This palm is not the source of evil energy, nor is it a purely simulated state of chaos, but it has evolved into the shape of an unknown number of squares of heaven and earth, with countless squares of heaven and earth as unit cells gathered together to form a huge palm!

This palm seems imaginary and real, but its power is absolutely real and not imaginary.

If you look at it from the perspective of simulating chaos, this is a simulated chaos state layer!

A palm-like shape with incredible power that simulates the chaotic state layer!

After this huge palm appeared, it moved an unknown number of handprints during slight changes. The overall power of simulating the state of chaos seemed to be mobilized in an instant, and gathered towards the place where the palm was, and above it Countless strange things were formed that passed through the light, in a mottled state, blocking the source of the evil energy that looked like the giant ax in Luo Fan's hand!

The two were in direct contact with each other, and in just an instant, countless worlds fell into unspeakable calamity. Under the corrosion of that calamity, they quickly collapsed and died.

It looked as if the ax had cut straight into the palm, breaking the palm open continuously.

However, at this time, the simulated chaotic state behind the palm surged, and an unknown amount of heaven and earth was rapidly generated, constantly pouring into the palm, making up for the losses caused by the giant ax in the palm.

From a macro perspective, the wound on the palm is being healed at an unimaginable speed...

And the countless mottled rays of light continued to converge towards the giant ax at this time, twisting the material of the giant ax crazily, causing the evil energy that formed the root of the giant ax to be continuously impacted in the process. The disintegration, and then continue to evolve into all kinds of strange and strange existences, or simulate a state of chaos, or heaven and earth, or the world, or time and space, or material energy, or rules and laws, or even just pure nothingness...

With this change, the giant ax felt as if it was undergoing unspeakable corrosion. It gradually became mottled, and more and more damage appeared on the giant axe!

Facing such changes, Luo Fan's expression did not change much.

That will will prevent him from leaving, which is extremely normal.

The methods used at this time may seem terrifying, but in fact they are just that.

At that moment, his heart moved slightly. The traces of evil energy on the surface of the giant ax began to evolve and deform, and finally turned into an unknown number of unspeakable dimensions. He directly wrapped the palm in front of him in the unknown number of dimensions, letting the palm During this process, it was divided into attributes on an unknown number of levels, and incorporated into an unknown number of dimensions.

Including those mottled lights, the same is true.

There are no different levels in this source of evil energy.

It is one and it is also ten thousand. His own existence already includes everything that can be thought of and things that cannot be thought of, including the simulated chaotic state, as well as countless levels.

Therefore, if you want to use the power of other levels to divide the reality level, you obviously cannot use it directly here.

However, although it cannot be directly displayed here, the one and ten thousand characteristics of the root evil spirit itself are obviously of great help to this and can provide an effective compensation for this lack.

For example, as it is now, the source of evil energy uses itself to evolve the power required for the division of many dimensions, using itself to replace the functions of countless levels, and easily divides the palm in front of me that is composed of countless heavens and earth. Becoming countless dimensions, completely dividing the attributes of countless levels within it!

At this time, if Luo Fan is willing, he only needs to completely destroy the palm in many dimensions, and then he can completely erase the palm as a whole.

However, at this point, he did not continue.

Instead, the huge palm of the bird directly passed through the place where the palm was as if passing through a phantom, and continued towards the front, out of the simulated chaotic state!

"Stop!" At this time, the will finally spoke again.

The huge sound wave turned into countless worlds in the simulated state of chaos. Like a rolling wave, it appeared out of thin air from the front and pounced towards Luo Fan.

Immediately following this sound, there was a huge orderly birth and death human face.

This face of orderly birth and death is not much different from what Luo Fan saw in the previous simulated chaotic state.

However, compared to the last one, the face of this Order of Life and Death is obviously much smaller.

But its appearance instantly caused the simulated chaos state in a large area around it to completely collapse and completely turn into order, and then it was destroyed and destroyed from the order, and then order was derived again, and it was destroyed and destroyed again, and so on. Like this, one after another, the cycle goes on and on, never ending.

The scope of the birth and death of this order continues to expand outward, and seems to be expanding to the entire simulated chaotic state.

However, just when it spread to the limit of Luo Fan's perception range, the spread stopped, as if there was an incredible power blocking the spread of this order of birth and death.

"It seems that you have learned your lesson." Luo Fan said this, but his movements did not stop at all. As he swung the ax in his hand, it was like the creation of the world, bypassing an extremely mysterious, mysterious, and mysterious path. The trajectory is directly embedded in the center of the face of the orderly birth and death in front of you. It fiercely and mercilessly split the two sides of the orderly birth and death face. The endless source of evil energy is continuously evolved in this process. Come out, be swallowed up by the giant axe, and transform into the giant axe, allowing the giant axe to grow stronger.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Fan's figure had already crossed over the face of the birth and death of order, and reached the range of the birth and death of order behind the face of the birth and death of order.

After arriving here, another face of the Order of Life and Death appeared in front of him.

"You can't get out. If you attack in any direction, it will only cause the evil energy to gather and evolve in that direction." The face of the Order of Life and Death said this, and there was not much fear on his face.

Hearing this, Luo Fan just smiled faintly and said, "In that case, am I not doing you a favor by doing this? Why do you want to stop me?"

While speaking, his movements did not stop at all. The ax once again drew a mysterious trajectory, easily cutting open the face of the Order of Life and Death, and emerged into a piece of nothingness. His figure penetrated the nothingness, Keep moving forward.

Then, another orderly birth and death face appeared in front of him and continued: "I just want to concentrate the evolution of the evil energy to make it more convenient for me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was cut open by an axe, and the place where he was was turned into nothingness.

"Maybe." Luo Fan said without much change in his expression.

With these words, his figure actually accelerated further.

In this way, one after another, one by one, the faces of the Order of Life and Death appeared in front of him, constantly using various ways to express that it was meaningless for him to do so, and that continuing like this would only cause trouble for both of them. There is absolutely no way he can achieve what he wants...

Regarding the orderly creation and death of human faces, Luo Fan unceremoniously cut them open and destroyed them while talking.

His figure also continued to move forward, constantly approaching the position he wanted to reach.

At a certain moment, a huge orderly figure of birth and death appeared in front of him out of thin air.

This orderly birth and death humanoid face is dozens of times larger than the orderly birth and death humanoid face that has appeared countless times before.

After appearing at this time, he didn't even want to talk to Luo Fan anymore, and just made a fist and punched Luo Fan straight down!

In this moment, the simulated chaotic state naturally evolved into thousands of wonderful forms, and turned into countless trillions of incredible attacks, slamming straight towards Luo Fan's axe.

Click boom...

The huge sound waves impacted the surrounding area of ​​order birth and death, causing those orders to completely collapse. Everything quickly turned into nothingness, and finally the area around Luo Fan and the order birth and death humanoid was completely empty.

At this time, Luo Fan said calmly: "Isn't it useless? Why do you want to stop me?"

"You can actually identify the direction." The Order of Life and Death humanoid said at this time in an inexplicably complicated tone.

Following these words, he kept moving, raised his fist, and in a flash of void, circled a trajectory full of destruction, as if billions of fists were compressed into one punch, and struck hard at Luo Fan's true body. Smash it over here!

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