Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3012 Rough

At the beginning, he just transformed all the root evil spirits refined by his own clone into that small one, and rebuilt it in the form of a vortex that embodied the will of heaven and earth.

This source of evil energy has been completely refined by him, and he can naturally control it easily.

After that, he used the blank will generated by the vortex to control the source of evil energy outside the vortex, gathering more evil energy to build a larger vortex around the vortex, and then creating a stronger blank. will.

This new vortex is only a little larger than the original vortex, but it is still under the control of the blank will.

After that, the process repeats itself in a continuous cycle.

As the vortex increases, the blank will will also strengthen. Later, the strengthened will can control more root evil spirits, and then condense a larger vortex. This larger vortex will generate a stronger blank will...

In this way, after countless cycles, a vortex of the scale at this moment was formed, and such a powerful blank will!

If Luo Fan's control power is unlimited, then this process will continue forever, until all the evil spirits that exist in the entire catastrophe are completely under control, turning everything into a vortex. part!

However, it is obvious that although Luo Fan's control ability is powerful, and the willpower multiplier that his own will can leverage is astonishing, it is not unlimited after all.

The bigger the vortex is, the stronger the blank will is, and the more difficult it is for him to control it.

At this time, when the vortex grew to this size, Luo Fan already felt a little powerless.

It feels like an ordinary person holding a huge hammer weighing several thousand kilograms. Now, he can only use the hammer a little based on its original inertia. Once the hammer stops, trying to lift it up may break his waist... or even, just like this, In fact, it's not safe. Maybe if you use the wrong strength, you will get the hammer to smash your head.

Under such circumstances, Luo Fan was trying his best to restrain the vortex from growing, and wanted to control the vortex to this size.

However, it is obvious that inertia has formed. Even if he tries his best to control it and stop it, it is obviously not that simple.

At this time, the growth of the vortex was suppressed by Luo Fan. Although it slowed down slightly, it still continued non-stop, and its scale was still growing all the time.

Under the tearing force of the vortex, the evil spirit on the human figure began to be torn out continuously, and was continuously thrown into the vortex. Being stirred by the vortex, the will that simulated the state of chaos was completely obliterated. The brand completely transformed it into the free source of evil energy, completely integrating it into the vortex.

Even though he clearly knew that Luo Fan's methods were quite strange, at this moment, the evil figure had no intention of paying attention to anything else. It just kept retreating, trying its best to stay away from the scope of the vortex.

Unfortunately, obviously, the effect is quite limited.

This place is in the middle of a great calamity, and everything here is built from the source of evil energy!

Here, time, space, matter, energy, everything is determined by the evil spirit at the root.

Being far away in such a wonderful place is obviously completely different from being in a place with a normal concept of space. To stay away from the place where we have the concept of space is to move back and keep moving away from something in the spatial category. However, in this root evil spirit, this kind of distance is attached to the root evil spirit, and this effect of distance is achieved through continuous adjustment of the root evil spirit.

This kind of adjustment is extremely subtle, and it is an adjustment to the special existence of time and space contained in the source of evil energy. Under such an adjustment, no matter how far away he hides, he still has the source of evil energy.

In other words, no matter how it avoids or retreats, there must be a source of evil energy between it and the vortex that connects the two.

In this way, for the vortex that can suck and pull the source of the evil spirit, it is natural that the evil spirit human form cannot completely avoid the suction of the vortex no matter how it avoids.

At most, it can only slightly weaken the power of suction.

And at this time, in the other direction, where the heaven and earth are, it is also affected by the vortex!

The wisps of root evil energy are constantly escaping from the world that has been completely transformed into the root evil energy, and are then sucked by the suction force, constantly thrown into the vortex, and then broken into pieces by the vortex. As the source of free evil energy, it turns into the inside of the vortex and becomes the nutrient for the growth of the vortex.

"Sure enough, I lost control." At this time, in the world of Zezhi, Luo Fan's true body sighed.

Although he had anticipated this possibility early on, the pressure on him from that blank will was still too great after all.

The entire process of losing control was many times simpler and faster than he imagined.

However, although the vortex was out of control, he actually didn't regret it much. Even if he loses control, he still has a plan, and he can still use this situation to achieve his goals. Even if it is, it is not as satisfying as the most perfect state he expected...

At this time, he did not let the world stay away from the vortex, but actively controlled the world to rush towards the vortex!

During this process, the damage caused by the vortex to the world continued to increase.

The amount of evil energy that was torn from the heaven and earth was also increasing.

The many parallel places outside the main body of the world, the many possibilities of the world, were shattered one after another, turned into the source of evil energy, and were swallowed by the vortex.

However, Luo Fan still has some control over the blank will of this whirlpool.

At this time, under his control, although the vortex inevitably caused damage to the heaven and earth, its destruction speed obviously did not reach the limit that the vortex could achieve. At least, compared to the damage suffered by the evil spirit figure, the damage suffered by this world is several times slower...

Luo Fan's will's restriction on the vortex continues to weaken as time goes by, and the speed of damage to the heaven and earth also continues to accelerate.

In the end, when Zezhi reached the bottom and really came into contact with the vortex, most of the countless parallel places outside it had been completely smashed into pieces and turned into the source of evil energy and were swallowed up by the vortex.

"Don't even think about it!" At this time, the evil figure seemed to have thought of something and roared angrily.

During this roar, he actually no longer retreated, but turned around and rushed towards Zezhi Tiandi to stop Zezhi Tiandi.

At this moment, Luo Fan smiled lightly and said, "It's too late."

While speaking, Zezhi Tiandi suddenly rushed into the vortex, and followed the flow mechanism of the vortex and began to move quickly towards the center of the vortex.

At the moment when Zhizhi Tiandi was completely submerged in the vortex, the evil human-shaped palm appeared directly at its original position and grabbed the empty space.

However, this palm could not stay for long, and soon, it had to collapse directly.

Because, if this palm does not collapse, his entire body will be sucked into the vortex and thrown into the vortex!

Although Luo Fan worked hard to throw the world into the vortex, and he could vaguely see what Luo Fan had in mind, this did not mean that he had the confidence to do everything Luo Fan had done!

After all, this vortex was also shaped by Luo Fan. Under such circumstances, it is natural that he has special authority here. In contrast, he doesn't have that kind of authority. If he puts himself into it, it will definitely be suicide.

Inside the vortex, the strangulating power generated by the evil spirit inside the vortex naturally becomes more and more powerful. But at the same time, in this vortex, the authority that Luo Fan's will can exert is also more powerful.

Therefore, inside this vortex, this world seems more dangerous than outside, but in fact, it is more relaxed than outside.

If you come to the position where you want to make contact with this vortex from a distance, half of the possibility of the world will be lost.

However, going from the edge of this vortex to the center of the vortex, to the destination that Luo Fan originally wanted to reach, was only to lose half of the remaining possibilities. The main body of this world is still intact and has not suffered much damage due to this journey!

When this world fell into the center of the vortex, the strangulating power that had been constantly eroding the world disappeared instantly.

The surroundings became extremely calm, and not only was the world not damaged again, on the contrary, it began to recover continuously, and various possibilities and parallel locations began to emerge continuously.

In this special place with no time and no space at all, no matter how much time has passed, the world has completely recovered. All the damage suffered before and everything destroyed in order to reach this place has been completely restored. Where there is parallelism, all possibilities are fully restored.

Among them, even the various existences that Luo Fan had sent into the parallel places that had completely disappeared along with those parallel places were included.

Including the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, and even the heavenly way of heaven and earth...

"The last step, completed." At this time, a faint smile appeared on Luo Fan's face, his senses reached out, and in the blink of an eye, he could clearly see the situation of the whirlpool.

This vortex seemed to have an extra axis at this time. Although it was running faster and faster and the suction force became stronger, it seemed to become more stable.

A vortex, the weakest place of strangulation power is its center!

That is, the position occupied by the heaven and earth at this time.

It can be said that in this entire catastrophe, only this center is truly immune to the strangulating power of the vortex. No other location other than this location can avoid this vortex. The influence of this vortex cannot avoid the suction and strangulation power generated by this vortex!

At this time, the evil spirit figure was already trying its best to stay away from the whirlpool, hiding in an extremely remote place, trying to avoid the influence of the whirlpool.

However, it is obvious that no matter how he avoids it, as long as he is in the source of evil energy, he will definitely not be able to escape the suction of the vortex. The source of evil energy on his body is constantly being sucked out and turned into strands. The light belts are constantly thrown into the vortex and become part of the vortex.

In terms of scale, this vortex now occupies more than half of the source of evil energy within the entire catastrophe!

Although a large part of the evil spirit in the evil spirit human form has been completely assimilated by the will that simulates the state of chaos. But it cannot reverse its entire process of collapse and destruction. He could only watch his body continue to collapse.

"After all, he still became so rough." The evil figure suddenly sighed at this time.

The behavior of building a vortex to destroy him is obviously extremely crude compared to the previous methods of evolving to simulate a chaotic state, evolving to infinite heaven and earth, evolving to infinite heaven and earth pioneers, evolving infinite magical powers, and infinite power.

It can even be said that there is no technical content at all.

For people of their level, there is obviously not much beauty in using such untechnical means to determine the outcome. At least, there is not much beauty to this will that simulates a state of chaos.

Boom boom...

While he was sighing like this, the new simulated chaotic state covering his body finally collapsed completely.

At a glance, the gray color covering the evil spirit figure was gradually erased.

As the gray color was wiped away, the body size of the sinister humanoid was reduced by more than half.

However, although it has been reduced by more than half, its strength has obviously increased a lot, and the amount of root evil energy torn out by the suction of the vortex is much less than before.

Of course, no matter how small it is, it still exists. After all, the body still belongs to the source of evil energy, and it is still unavoidable to be sucked by the suction generated in the vortex.

However, at this time, the expression of the sinister humanoid had returned to its original calmness.

In this boundless source of evil energy, he opened his hands, and a vortex of shadow was instantly born out of thin air, and began to stir up the surrounding source of evil energy, so that the operation methods of many source of evil energy began to gradually change, and they must gradually adapt to each other. The shadow of the whirlpool.

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