Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3014 Accident?

The changes in these rivers are even more numerous, more complicated, weirder, and more terrifying than the rivers rushing out of Luo Fan's whirlpool!

The moment the two rivers came into contact, it triggered countless trillions of changes that could not be described in words. The final results brought about by so many changes naturally included countless trillions of changes.

For a time, the entire interior of the great tribulation seemed to have completely changed into something completely different from before. It no longer looked like the catastrophe. Instead, it looked like the infinite world and the infinite universe were undergoing a grand catastrophe. It is a war beyond the imagination of all living beings.

At this point, even the creatures who have seen the entire war process completely in their eyes will not be able to understand the situation of this war, and they will not be able to tell who has the upper hand and who is at the disadvantage in this war.

Only when the final result actually appears, can they suddenly realize and understand, oh, it turns out that the result is like this, it turns out that the previous signs have this meaning...

Of course, Luo Fan obviously cannot be an ordinary monk.

As a party to this war, it was naturally impossible for him to not see clearly the situation of the war.

At this time, he knew clearly that his vortex actually had a considerable advantage compared to the vortex that simulated the will of the chaotic state.

If the situation continues to develop like this without too many subversions, the final outcome will inevitably be his final victory!

However, it is obvious that the situation cannot remain unchanged.

You know, his enemy is the will that simulates the state of chaos that can entangle him to this point!

Judging from the previous performances of the will to simulate the state of chaos, even in the most desperate situation, he will definitely be able to find some way out.

What's more, the situation at this time seems to be that he is only slightly at a disadvantage, and it is not desperate at all.

Therefore, it is obviously almost inevitable that the situation will change.

Therefore, at this time, it seemed that his side had gained a huge advantage. Luo Fan still did not relax, but still carefully manipulated the vortex to attack another vortex from all directions and eliminate the other one. Various means released by the vortex.

During this process, Luo Fan did not give up integrating his various understandings of planes and dimensions into it.

Among the many offensives,

There is no shortage of ways to divide dimensions, break confusion, and decompose other levels.

Under such various offensives, the advantages gained by Luo Fan's side became bigger and bigger.

At a certain moment, the many rivers released by Luo Fan's vortex finally broke through a certain limit and directly came into contact with the body of another vortex.

At this moment, the entire calamity suddenly became silent.

Everything seems to have been completely frozen, but there is no trace of change that can continue.

Immediately afterwards, the vortex that was hit suddenly collapsed, and the original complete vortex instantly disintegrated into countless fast vortex fragments.

Luo Fan had to be stunned by this change.

He originally thought that the will that simulated the state of chaos would use some incredible means to overturn the situation, just like it had shown several times before. Before, although he aimed to completely destroy the vortex, he actually didn't have much expectation that he could really smash the vortex.

Deep down in his heart, more than anything, he was waiting for the comeback method that might appear at any time to simulate a state of chaos.

But, at this time, things turned out to be completely different from his guess.

He actually easily completed his plan that he didn't have much hope for at first, and completely tore apart the vortex created by the will to simulate the state of chaos!

How could he not be surprised by this? !

But soon, he discovered that he was wrong.

The collapse of the vortex does not actually mean that he has won!

For his enemies, the collapse of the vortex is not necessarily a bad thing!

At least, this is the case at this time or for the will that simulates the state of chaos.

At this time, the disintegrated vortex fragments did not completely dissipate. Instead, they began to spin again in the process and began to re-form into vortices, each one small, smaller than the original vortex. I don’t know how many times the vortex!

After these vortexes appeared, they began to wildly swallow the endless source of evil energy around them, and they began to expand continuously.

Moreover, all the vortices began to move continuously after they were formed, and the distance and relative position between them and other vortices were constantly changing in the process.

The final result is that these countless whirlpools finally formed an extremely huge thing in the endless source of evil energy.

A huge human face!

"It's like this again..." At this moment, Luo Fan suddenly laughed.

This change was somewhat beyond his expectation. The moment the countless small whirlpools formed a huge human face, he felt an extremely strong sense of familiarity.

In the simulated state of chaos, the emergence and death of order formed a huge human face. It was obviously such a process.

The changes now are actually just the same changes as before.

It's just that the change now is more grand and stable, and the power of the human face after it is finally formed is even more terrifying.

"Why give up something that is effective?" At this time, the huge human face said this.

At this time, each of the many tiny vortices that make up the human face is constantly devouring the surrounding evil energy, and each one is constantly growing and growing as a result.

Such a vortex, facing the huge vortex constructed by Luo Fan, would naturally be tens of thousands of times weaker.

However, this does not mean that they have no ability to resist the huge vortex.

In fact, a single small vortex is naturally extremely powerless against Luo Fan's huge vortex. If Luo Fan is willing, he can easily crush it. However, when the number of these small vortices increases to trillions, the situation is completely different.

Any vortex, under the special structure of this huge human face, has some incomparable mysterious connection with countless other trillions of vortexes.

This connection enables any vortex to receive the protection and support of countless billions of other vortexes at all times.

The effect of this kind of protection and support is that when any vortex is attacked, countless other vortexes will help it resist the attack and fight with it together!

Even the total volume of these countless small vortices is much smaller than the volume of Luo Fan's vortex. When all the small vortices unite to form a huge vortex, it is extremely difficult to face Luo Fan's vortex. Powerless, after such a change, it is no longer so vulnerable to Luo Fan's huge whirlpool.

This is like a stone. Originally, this stone was intact. Then, as long as the strength is increased to a certain extent, it will naturally be able to easily break the stone.

However, if this stone has been broken into countless fine pieces of sand, then if the same force wants to make the sand even finer, it will obviously be a hundred times more troublesome.

And if the sand can still flow further, then it will be an almost impossible task to use the same Li Lin to crush them further.

At this time, the relationship between these small whirlpools and the original large whirlpool is like the relationship between the fine sand and the original stone.

Moreover, the relationship between the flowing fine sand and the original stone is still the same.

Under such circumstances, at this time, it is self-evident how difficult it would be for Luo Fan to completely break these whirlpools.

It can be said that with just such a change, Luo Fan's original advantage over the will to simulate the chaotic state has completely disappeared.

"Sure enough, you can still find a chance to make a comeback under impossible circumstances." Luo Fan sighed at this time.

The countless offensive rivers that originally poured out of the whirlpool suddenly converged and disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared before.

At this time, most of the huge human face composed of countless whirlpools was embedded in Luo Fan's huge vortex, faintly disturbing the operation of Luo Fan's vortex. Of course, it was also disturbed by Luo Fan's vortex. , changing all the time, it is difficult to really calm down.

At this time, the huge human face sneered and said, "Do you think you have seen through me? What you know about me is just the tip of my iceberg."

As he spoke, an unknown amount of strange brilliance was released from the countless whirlpools, converging into a huge annihilation, slamming towards Luo Fan's huge whirlpool!

At this moment, Luo Fan did not move at all, and directly condensed the incredible power possessed by this huge vortex, and also turned it into an extinct brilliance, and rushed towards the brilliance that slammed in, creating an extremely strong conflict with the brilliance, and derived There are countless unimaginable heavens, earth, worlds, time and space...

The entire catastrophe, which had just been peaceful for a short time, fell back into the kind of incredible war that ordinary monks could not see through the situation.

At this moment, the endless source of evil energy in the entire catastrophe shook at the same time.

During this shock, the countless heavens, earth, worlds, and time and space that filled the entire catastrophe were completely annihilated in an instant.

As these heavens, earth, worlds, and time and space were annihilated, there were also a large number of small whirlpools that formed the huge human face!

"How could it be?!" At this time, the huge human face couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and couldn't help but exclaim.

He knew exactly where this sudden attack came from. The source of these offensives is basically the body of his seventh great calamity!

In other words, it is the attack launched by the true will of this great calamity that has just awakened!

This kind of attack is bound to happen, and this huge human face has already expected it.

Before, he had actually been mentally prepared for this.

However, at this time, when this offensive finally appeared, he discovered that this offensive was completely different from what he had imagined. I am actually within its attack range! Even compared to Luo Fan, who caused the catastrophe, he seemed to be the focus of the catastrophe's attack!

This situation has obviously subverted his three views, making him completely unable to understand why this happened.

"As expected." At this time, Luo Fan, who saw this scene, secretly said, "As expected."

The will that simulated the state of chaos could not understand what was happening in front of him. He did not know why he was actually attacked by the catastrophe. But as a bystander, he could see clearly. He clearly understood why the will that simulated the state of chaos aroused the great tribulation, and even put its attack priority before himself.

In fact, the reason why this is so is actually very simple.

That's because this simulated chaotic state has actually deteriorated!

It’s not the kind of food that goes bad, it’s the self-deterioration!

When the will that simulated the state of chaos was first born, it was to deal with Luo Fan and to test Luo Fan. For him, as long as he can test Luo Fan and deal with Luo Fan, even if it means sacrificing his own life, even if he dies completely, he will never look back.

Later, because the incarnation of his will became selfish in that great world, he directly sent another incarnation to replace the original incarnation and let it carry out his mission again. Even if he died with Luo Fan, he would destroy it. Lose.

At that time, the will that simulated the state of chaos was still an extremely responsible tool for the great catastrophe, and it was still a will that had not deteriorated.

However, since I don't know when, the will to simulate the chaotic state seems to have gradually changed.

Dying with Luo Fan seemed to have been removed from his heart unknowingly. For him, although he still has not forgotten his own mission, he still has not forgotten to test Luo Fan, or to destroy Luo Fan, but above this mission, the proportion of his ego has obviously become more and more important. !

Just like before, he constructed a humanoid form of orderly birth and death. This behavior is obviously not a choice that a will that simulates a chaotic state can make normally.

You must know that constructing a human form of orderly birth and death is obviously for the will to simulate the state of chaos, but it is definitely not what the true will of this great calamity is doing.

For the true will of the Great Tribulation, the will to simulate the state of chaos is obviously only meaningful in simulating the state of chaos. If there is no existence of simulating the state of chaos, it is obviously impossible to retain the will to simulate the state of chaos in the great catastrophe!

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