Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3024 Encounter

This change suddenly gave Luo Fan a clear understanding in his heart.

Perhaps, only at a deeper level can we be less blinded by the surrounding nothingness. The shallower the level, the stronger the blindness will obviously be!

Obviously, this difference in depth is the difference in the amount of communication with the surrounding ocean of nothingness.

If there is more communication, the level will be deeper; if there is less communication, the level will be shallow.

After a slight change of thought, Luo Fan knew that the layer where his mind was incarnated at this time might still not be the deepest level of the ocean of nothingness!

Everything you see here, perhaps at a deeper level, is far from reality!

"Is this a requirement?" This thought emerged in Luo Fan's mind.

This ocean of nothingness has such limitations, which means that if Luo Fan wants to see the situation of the ocean of nothingness more clearly, he needs to continuously conduct inexplicable exchanges with the surrounding ocean of nothingness!

Through this exchange, the effect of mutual communication is achieved, and finally the incarnation of the mind can dive into the deeper layers of the ocean of nothingness, and further understand the mystery of the ocean of nothingness!

This is a choice.

Should you take risks and increase communication with the surrounding ocean of nothingness, or should you avoid risks as much as possible and let your perception of the surrounding ocean of nothingness stop at a superficial level.

Logically speaking, the sixth level of the Dao Zun Road was created for monks to practice.

The exchange of inexplicable existence between Luo Fan's current incarnation of mind and the surrounding ocean of nothingness is only carried out in accordance with the fundamental rules of the sixth level of the Road of Dao Zun. Therefore, this exchange may be harmful to Luo Fan. It's actually not that big.

However, just because the possibility is low does not mean it is impossible!

A responsible monk obviously cannot take it for granted and treat it as impossible just because he thinks it is unlikely.

The monks themselves need to have the spirit of pursuing everything to the root before they can cultivate to an extremely high level.

Being confused about the boundary between life and death, he finally transcended life and death and became an immortal and a god. Being confused about the boundaries of yin and yang, he transcended yin and yang and achieved Taiyi pure yang. Only when you are confused about the boundaries between inside and outside can you transcend the inside and outside and become a whole on your own without seeking anything from the outside. Etc., etc.

Even if you want to become a true saint in the end,

It is also because I am confused about calamity, time, cause and effect, destiny, and everything. Only then can I finally transcend all of this and can I hope to become a true saint.

If we were not confused about the connection between life and death, and it didn’t matter whether we were alive or dead, how could a living being want to practice, live forever, or become an immortal or a god? If you don’t even think about it, it will naturally be even less possible to achieve it. If you are not confused about the boundaries of yin and yang, and feel that you are already extremely perfect in the three realms of earthly immortality, and as long as you can live forever, nothing matters, strength does not matter, limitations do not matter, yin and yang do not matter, then of course it is impossible to achieve Taiyi Pure Yang... …

Therefore, for monks, the spirit of getting to the bottom of things is a vital spirit.

Luo Fan has been able to reach this point, be able to become the pinnacle of the Seven Tribulations, and have his own incomplete but extremely unique world view. All of this is due to this spirit of getting to the bottom of things.

Because he was confused about the unique worldview of many worlds, he finally sorted out his own worldview, and finally laid the solid foundation for reaching this point!

It is because of his doubts about the existence of other levels that he now has an immortality characteristic obtained by penetrating many other levels, which is more absolute than conceptual immortality!

Other types are also for similar reasons.

Therefore, Luo Fan has never given up his spirit of exploring everything and doubting everything.

Even if you face the power of the true saint, even if you face all the things related to the true saint, even if you face the path of the Taoist Lord, this is the case!

For him, unless it is really beyond his power, it is completely impossible for him to explore clearly the various things related to the true saint based on his own realm. Anything else, anything he encountered, he had the intention to study it clearly and figure out the secret of it!

This was the fundamental reason why he spent more time on every opportunity than he imagined.

For other monks, obtaining opportunities in the land of opportunities is the ultimate goal. As long as they can obtain opportunities, they are already satisfied. As for the origin of the Land of Opportunity, what principles it operates on, why it can give itself such an opportunity, and so on, they are not interested in the many mysteries behind it.

However, Luo Fan is obviously different.

For Luo Fan, in any place of opportunity, the opportunities given to him are secondary.

The most important thing is the composition principle of this land of opportunity! Why is this land of opportunity a place of opportunity? Why can it give me so many benefits? What is the driving force behind these benefits? Can I recreate this place of opportunity? Can this opportunity be enhanced? Etc., etc.

It can be said that for Luo Fan, every opportunity is a key, a key to a new world and a new field! In contrast, the opportunities contained in the land of opportunity are only the most superficial benefits.

At this time, facing the ocean of nothingness around him, Luo Fan also did not give up the spirit of getting to the bottom of things.

Even if this communication between the incarnation of the mind and the surrounding void ocean is a change that is very likely to have no harm to him, but only benefits, Luo Fan still has not given up the idea of ​​​​exploring the truth.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, be afraid of the worst.

This kind of communication is indeed very likely to be good for you, but what if? If there were any disadvantages, it would be unbearable for him.

Therefore, at this time, after Luo Fan determined that stopping this exchange would bring consequences that he was unwilling to bear, he could only start to change directions and carefully study and understand the impact of this exchange on himself.

This exchange is very similar to the exchange between the heavens and the surrounding nothingness.

But before, he relied on the method of integrating his mind into the existence that merged into the heavens, and he could see part of the truth about the ocean of nothingness around him. So, what to do now is actually very obvious.

At this time, Luo Fan's heart moved slightly. With his absolute control over the incarnation of his mind, he once again separated a ray of his mind to lock in the inexplicable existence that poured into his incarnation out of thin air, and accompanied by that inexplicable existence of continuous differentiation and continuous differentiation.

During this process, this bit of his mind seemed to have been sorted out in some strange way, and it was constantly reintegrated into the incarnation of his mind in a new attitude.

With the reintegration of his mind, the incarnation of his mind seemed to undergo some extremely subtle changes, and gradually began to condense some similar existence, dissipated from the body again, and reintegrated into the endless surroundings. In the ocean of nothingness.

Of course, this is just the final result.

The process from when his mind and inexplicable existence entered his body to when the new inexplicable existence escaped and merged into the surrounding ocean of nothingness was unimaginably complicated!

Even if all of this process occurs in the mental incarnation of Luo Fan, who has almost absolute control over himself, Luo Fan can't really explain what this change process is at this time.

It was as if there was a period of fog in the middle process, covering some of the changes, making it difficult for Luo Fan, as the owner of this body, to truly see the truth of this change.

"The changes are too subtle, beyond the range of my perception..." After all, Luo Fan's control over himself is not comparable to that of ordinary beings, but at this time, he could see the source of this fog at a glance.

The reason why this kind of fog arises is obviously because the process is too complicated and too detailed. Almost every moment, there are trillions of tiny details that are producing terrifying changes calculated in trillions of trillions. This makes Luo Fan completely unable to grasp the specific details of the changes, so he can only feel it. There is just a fog in the process.

At this moment, Luo Fan suddenly felt something in his heart, and turned his head to look at the real incarnation that was transformed from the previous mental incarnation and was currently flying in the shallow layer.

At this time, his incarnation suddenly felt something new.

"What is this?" At this moment, Luo Fan's incarnation stopped and looked carefully in all directions.

At this time, the place where he was was already a deep sea, surrounded by sea water, and no bubbles, or in other words, any existence of the heavens, could be seen nearby.

Obviously, although in the eyes of the mind incarnation, the flight speed of this incarnation was quite slow, the position it reached at this time was only near Luo Fan's heavens. However, in this shallow layer, its speed is undoubtedly fast. At this time, the position it reaches is obviously extremely far away from Luo Fan's heaven!

At this moment, Luo Fan vaguely felt that there seemed to be something strange and different from other places around him.

That thing existed in the sea water, and seemed to be higher than the sea water, or even lower than the ocean he saw...

"Let me see where it is..." Luo Fan's heart moved slightly, and his senses were endlessly released.

As his perception surged, the surrounding seawater began to surge. In the turbulence of the seawater, a huge creature gradually appeared in his perception.

This is probably a behemoth that is several light years in size!

It looks like a huge island, suspended in the boundless sea water. At this moment, Luo Fan's incarnation is shrouded in the shadow of this huge island!

The moment Luo Fan's incarnation sensed the island, the island responded to him instantly.

In just an instant, an unimaginable and terrifying force acted directly on the incarnation, pushing the incarnation backward several light years and directly to the edge of the island.

That's right, after pushing back several light years, Luo Fan's incarnation came to the edge of the island!

The reason for this is simple. Just because, Luo Fan's previous incarnation had actually entered the island's body.

That shadow is actually the body of the island!

It's just because of the perspective that it looks like a shadow!

Before, the shadow was obviously manifesting quickly, turning into the reality in Luo Fan's perception. Only then did the thrust occur, pushing Luo Fan's incarnation directly outside the shadow, that is, to the edge of the island.

"It's really strange to meet someone new." At this time, a voice suddenly came from the edge of the island in front.

Luo Fan's eyes narrowed and he looked towards the source of the sound.

There, there was a small cave. At this time, there was a monk standing at the exit of the cave, looking at Luo Fan with an extremely curious look.

This is a man who looks to be in his thirties.

He has a dignified appearance and looks quite upright, but the aura emanating from his whole body is that of a normal Six Tribulations strongman.

Occasionally, a certain subtle temperament flashes through it, making it seem as if it has transformed into a world, a world, and a piece of time and space.

Faintly, there are even threads of light, like living things, flashing on its surface.

"Rogue cultivator?" Luo Fan looked at the cultivator and asked.

The monk was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "It seems that fellow Taoist has just ascended. Only fellow Taoist cultivators who have just ascended will still care about the difference between casual cultivators and Taoist disciples at this level. However, Fellow Taoist guessed it right, I am indeed a casual cultivator.”

Hearing this, Luo Fan was just slightly stunned, and knew in his heart that his previous guess about the sixth level of the Taoist Path was probably very different from the truth. The situation on the sixth level of the Dao Zun Road is probably more complicated than I imagined.

Although the monk said that he didn't care about the difference between Dao Zun's disciples and casual cultivators, after he was convinced that Luo Fan was a casual cultivator, his attitude towards Luo Fan still couldn't help but improve a lot.

Originally, he just planned to say a few words to Luo Fan and warn him. At this time, he actually took the initiative to invite Luo Fan into his cave to sit.

The change in attitude is almost visible to the naked eye.

Luo Fanzheng was very unfamiliar with the sixth level of the Taoist Path, so he would naturally not refuse the monk's invitation.

At that moment, he smiled and stepped into the monk's cave.

Anyway, even if the other party has any plans, he is just an incarnation here. Even if he is destroyed, it is not a loss to himself.

After some conversation, they all knew each other's names. The monk's name was Le Tong, and he was indeed a casual cultivator. However, in addition to his identity as a casual cultivator, he also has an identity, that is, a prisoner.

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