Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3031 Break Free

From this, we can naturally know that these islands were probably built by the powerful people of the Seven Tribulations.

It was similar to the prison in front of me.

Of course, the rules of those islands are completely different from this prison, but they do not exist to imprison living beings or monks. There are various rules, some are specifically for trading, some are specifically for practice, some are specifically for gambling, some are specifically for art, some are specifically for eating, and some are specifically for refining weapons ...and so on, for almost any use you can think of, you can find the corresponding category from those islands!

From this aspect, this prison does not seem to be very special.

After all, from the perspective of the purpose of the island, this prison is only used to imprison monks...

Of course, this is only from a macro perspective. In fact, this prison is very different from other islands.

At least, other islands do not force monks to enter and leave...

"No matter what their purpose is, no matter whether the purpose is different, the purpose of this prison is obviously more urgent." Luo Fan made a judgment in his mind.

With this judgment, it is naturally very clear where to start and where to get the answer he wants most easily.

Obviously, starting from this prison is the best place to start!

Although, this prison's confinement of monks is stronger than expected, which makes the restrictions on monks here much greater than those on other islands, making their strength here weakened. I don’t know how many billions of times.

But, on the contrary, this also means that this island can do countless times more things than other islands themselves!

The more you do and the more mistakes you make, the more flaws will naturally be exposed in this prison.

With an idea in his mind, Luo Fan naturally began to take action.

Since the dimension opened up by this extraordinary ability can slightly reduce the confinement of the prison, then as long as we continue to deepen in this direction, we will naturally be able to further reduce the confinement of the prison. As long as you go deep enough, you might be able to completely get rid of this imprisonment!

And this is actually not difficult for him now.

Just like what he showed in his previous fight with the eagle,

In his previous fight with the eagle, how could he still remain unscathed even after his first level of energy was destroyed by the eagle?

That's not because he created a new dimension within that dimension. Through the nesting of these two levels of energy, although the sharp golden light of the eagle has broken through the barrier of one level of energy, it is still separated from him by one dimension, so naturally it cannot really hurt him.

He was able to do it before, but now he just goes further. It is obviously not too difficult for him.

At this time, the bird's figure began to tremble slightly.

During this tremor, the cyan light on the bird began to flash continuously.

Under this cyan light, a subtle shadow began to appear around his body, as if constructed by this cyan light.

After this layer of shadow emerged, it naturally began to expand and gradually disappeared into the surrounding void, as if it was completely integrated with the void.

With this change, the bird disappeared into the cave again.

But in a deeper level, in the newly born dimension, the figure of this flying bird emerged out of thin air.

Compared with the previous extremely complete cave with various devices and tools, this deeper dimension seems empty and looks like a void.

However, Luo Fan was not trying to build a cave at this time, but to test the confinement power of this prison.

Therefore, he completely ignored the emptiness around him, but carefully sensed the changes in his body after entering the second level of Yuan, and the subtle changes in his extraordinary abilities...

This induction made him understand that his guess was correct!

Entering deeper dimensions can indeed avoid the confinement of this prison to a certain extent.

However, it is obvious that one more level of Yuan is not enough to completely avoid the confinement of this prison. Although the confinement he encountered at this time was less than when he was at the first level of Yuan, it was still quite limited.

The only way to completely get rid of this confinement is to go deep, continue, and continue to go deep!

Of course, if you want to go deeper, you can’t just talk about it.

If it was really just talk, then the previous Eagle wouldn't have been tricked by him so easily.

In fact, it is quite difficult to construct a dimension again within the dimension. If the extraordinary ability does not transform, it can even be said to be impossible.

But among the normal monks in this prison, there are very few monks who can transform their extraordinary abilities and achieve this step. Similarly, if you want to harm deeper dimensions, of course you also need extraordinary abilities to undergo transformation... This is a one-to-one correspondence.

The eagle before had obviously had extraordinary abilities that had not changed.

If he transformed, he could break through one level of Yuan before, but couldn't he break through another level of Yuan? Where is the need for such a feeble and futile way to penetrate the projection of the flying bird at the first level? !

Therefore, if you want to build another level of yuan within this second level of yuan, the difficulty is obviously quite huge.

First of all, this second level element must be stabilized.

Only by making this second level of Yuan stable enough can it be able to withstand the development of one more level of Yuan. Obviously, in order to stabilize the second-level element to a sufficient extent, the first-level element must also be stabilized first. After all, the second-level element is also attached to the first-level element...

By analogy, if you want to open up one more level of elements, you must stabilize all the previous levels of elements at the same time!

Otherwise, if one layer is not firmly in place, the entire system will completely collapse!

And this is only the first difficulty.

Secondly, if you want to open up a dimension within a dimension, then the rules and regulations of the dimension you must bear must be able to bear the existence of deeper dimensions! Otherwise, even if the dimension being endured is stable enough, building a deeper dimension will completely mess up the dimension being endured...

And this is also the same as the first condition, it is a long chain.

It can be said that when the number of layers of dimensions reaches a certain number, the first-level dimension may be stronger than the outside world in terms of complexity and stability!

Of course, from a certain perspective, this is actually impossible.

After all, the first level of time and space also needs to be attached to the external time and space. If the first level of time and space is really superior to the external time and space, then the external time and space will obviously be overwhelmed and cannot withstand the superposition of more dimensions... …

This is the difference between this extraordinary ability and the dimension-building power extracted from the light of heaven and earth.

If the power extracted from the light of heaven and earth is used to construct dimensions, its impact on the outside world of time and space will actually be almost nonexistent. No matter how many layers are stacked, even if there are billions of layers, it will not have any slightest impact on the external space and time.

In contrast, the dimension created by this extraordinary ability is obviously different.

Each additional layer puts great pressure on the layer of time and space it is attached to. In this case, the number of dimensional layers that a world can withstand is naturally extremely limited.

Of course, the result of this conflict between the endurance of external time and space and the number of dimensional layers is actually what Luo Fan wants to see. What will happen if the number of overlays of that dimension increases to a level that the outside world cannot bear? Will the time and space in the outside world completely collapse, allowing him to escape from this prison directly, or will the imprisonment on him be completely broken, and he will no longer be imprisoned by this prison, or will it lead to a stronger imprisonment that will remove his extraordinary abilities? Imprisoned again. Or, could it be that some unfettered strong man appeared to get rid of him? !

He is quite looking forward to which of these possibilities will appear.

And as long as a certain possibility arises, Luo Fan can use it to see clearly many things that he couldn't see clearly before...

As for what harm the change would do to the bird, or even directly destroy the bird, it would have no impact on him.

After all, no matter what, what's here is just his projection and the reincarnated bird.

Even if it was a loss, what impact would it have on him? If this projection cannot achieve his goal and let him know what the purpose of the Seven Tribulations strongman behind the prison is, the most he can do is get another projection in.

The risk is so small and the reward is so great, how could Luo Fan not take this risk?

The two requirements required to build a deeper dimension obviously require the continuous transformation of extraordinary abilities to be achieved. This is true whether it makes the dimension more stable or makes the rules and regulations of the dimension more complex.

If ordinary monks faced such a situation, they would definitely scratch their heads. How easy is it to transform the extraordinary abilities inspired by the imprisonment principle? If it were really that easy, prisoners with extraordinary abilities and transformation would not be rare.

But, obviously, for Luo Fan, this is not a problem at all.

First of all, Luo Fan's strength is already at the peak level of the Seven Tribulations strongman. This level of strength is enough to give him insight and wisdom that far exceeds those of ordinary understanding of the strong.

Secondly, he is not disconnected from his body now! Any problems that this projection encounters here may be big problems that are difficult to solve for the imprisoned projection, but from the perspective of the completely unfettered ontology, those are obviously just small problems. .

With such convenience, it is obviously extremely easy to transform this extraordinary ability.

Of course, if it were just these two advantages of Luo Fan, this transformation of extraordinary abilities might be promoted several times, but it would never really go on forever.

Only the cooperation of the environment can turn the impossible into possible and allow this kind of transformation to continue to occur!

The cooperation of the environment was obviously already there at this time.

Don't forget, every time you go deeper into a level, the prison's confinement on the bird will fade away... When the confinement fades away, it is naturally equivalent to relaxing the suppression of the extraordinary ability of the bird, and this is like reducing its ability. The difficulty of transforming his extraordinary abilities is average.

With this cooperation, for Luo Fan, it is obviously a matter of course for the extraordinary ability mastered by this projection to transform again and again.

In the next month, the extraordinary ability possessed by this flying bird transformed thirty-six times.

And the virtual and real cave in the forest was also superimposed on thirty-six levels during this process!

Nowadays, the first-level Yuan has undergone huge changes compared to the original. The stability and complexity of its space are already close to the time and space of the outside world. In addition, there is an inexplicable vitality inside it that is being born out of thin air. It's as if this dimension is truly transforming into a complete world!

Because of such changes, this cave has become more uncertain than a month ago.

This seems a bit difficult to understand. After all, the dimension has become closer to the outside time and space, and it should look more real and more similar to the outside time and space. How can it be more uncertain?

However, this is actually a natural change.

Because this time the Yuan is originally set to be uncertain between false and true, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false!

It can be said that this kind of virtuality and reality is a fixed attribute of this dimension. If this attribute is destroyed, it is equivalent to completely destroying this dimension!

Therefore, no matter how this dimension changes, even if it exceeds the time and space of the outside world and becomes more complex and stable than the time and space of the outside world, this dimension is definitely uncertain! And it may be more uncertain than it is now, and that attribute of uncertainty will be even stronger!

At this time, Luo Fan's projection, the flying bird, had already appeared in the thirty-sixth level.

Compared to the beginning, the aura on this flying bird is now tens of thousands of times more powerful! The flying bird at the beginning seemed to be just an ordinary animal with some extraordinary abilities. No matter what, it belonged to the category of ordinary animals.

But now, it looks like a god and demon!

A terrifying god and demon who seems to be ready to destroy the world at any moment!

The momentum on his body and the cyan light around him filled the entire dimension, making the entire dimension seem like a kingdom of gods and demons!

( = )

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