Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3430 The Nature of Junction Points

Isn’t this place quite familiar?

If we change the angle, wouldn't it be similar to the junction point on the surface of the great calamity evil spirit at this time? !

"I originally called it the junction point, maybe it was a revelation given to me by the ontology..." At this time, Luo Fan couldn't help but think.

At first, he regarded this location as a junction point without even thinking about it.

Although, the junction he originally thought of was the junction between the path of Taoism and the state of chaos.

However, this name just fits another nature, another nature that Luo Fan has just discovered now, the nature of fighting!

At this time, the essence of the struggle between the whole body and the great calamity evil spirit appears at the junction point between the great calamity evil spirit and the whole body, which is the extremely tiny continent, as well as the countless worlds, countless heavens and earth, and infinite sentient beings in it.

And obviously, if there is any existence and the struggle between Luo Fan and Luo Fan's body that can turn into the intersection of the heaven and earth group and the differentiation of the Dao Fruit, then it is obviously the eighth great catastrophe!

Although, Luo Fan's body must be extremely small compared to the eighth catastrophe.

The collision between the two can be said to be an extremely disparate crush.

However, since it is the eighth catastrophe against Luo Fan, Luo Fan will definitely have some opportunities to win and survive this catastrophe.

If we can seize such an opportunity, we will naturally be able to defeat the strong with the weak, and block the extremely powerful eighth catastrophe with an extremely small gesture!

In this way, an extremely grand place can naturally be derived at the junction point.

If this is the case...

"In fact, it is not the evil energy of this great tribulation that is the manifestation of the power of the eighth great tribulation, but this entire junction is the manifestation of the power of the great tribulation!" At that moment, Luo Fan had a famous thought in his heart. innocent.

Judging from the changes on the surface of the great calamity evil spirit at this moment, the one who dominates the junction should be the larger one between the two enemies.

The level of power between the two sides with a huge disparity in strength will inevitably be reflected at the junction point.

Just like the junction point on the surface of the great calamity evil spirit,

Among them, the power belonging to the whole is much stronger than the power of the great calamity evil energy itself!

And the power of the great calamity evil spirit itself, although it is much weaker, has amazing potential. It is expanding and growing every moment, and its resistance ability will become stronger and stronger.

The victory or defeat between the two does not actually lie in the comparison between them at this time, but whether the whole body under Luo Fan's control can grow to a size that can compete with it in that great calamity. Before that, it was completely suppressed!

If this can be achieved, then Luo Fan's side will naturally win in the end.

However, if it cannot do this, then the situation will not be much different from before.

Luo Fan previously analyzed the essence of the source of the strangeness, and the advantage gained by completely eliminating the strangeness will be completely dissipated...

Obviously, this is a one-to-one correspondence with the situation between the evil spirit of the Great Tribulation and the whole.

From the state of this small junction point, we can naturally know the relationship between the situation of the junction point and the situation of the collision force.

From this, by comparing Luo Fan himself with the Eighth Tribulation, we can naturally know the nature of this junction. And by analyzing this essence, we can naturally deduce what the current situation of his body is during the eighth great tribulation.

The magnitude of the eighth catastrophe was obviously not comparable to Luo Fan's body.

But, obviously, what we saw at this time, in this grand junction, seemed to be the only evil spirit of the great calamity that could correspond to the eighth great calamity.

And this is obviously a deviation from the power comparison between Luo Fan's body and the eighth catastrophe.

Obviously, this kind of deviation should not exist.

If this deviation does not exist, there is only one situation, and that is, what Luo Fan originally thought, this bit of evil energy from the great calamity corresponds to the power of the eighth great calamity at this junction point, which is obviously Incorrect.

There is a greater existence, corresponding to the power of the eighth great tribulation at this junction!

And this kind of existence, apart from the junction point itself, what else does Luo Fan have, the differentiated Tao Fruit, and the world at this moment? !

If you think about it this way, all doubts and deviations will naturally disappear.

At this time, it seems that there is nothing at this junction except the Fruit of Differentiation and this group of heaven and earth. However, this is actually more like a piece of white paper with nothing but two black dots...

Obviously, this statement is correct from a certain perspective.

However, from another perspective, this statement is completely wrong.

Apart from anything else, in addition to these two black spots, this piece of white paper obviously has an area that is thousands or tens of thousands of times larger than these two black spots!

However, these areas are not black spots, but white spots...

At this time, this junction is also the same.

Although it seems that there is nothing else except the Fruit of Differentiation and this group of heaven and earth, in fact, everything else except this obviously belongs to this junction point!

Moreover, its scope may be many times greater than what he imagined!

Of course, for this junction, even the concept of scope should not actually exist.

After all, the rules here are so mysterious, weird and mysterious that it is difficult to describe them in words, or even to imagine them with the thinking of normal creatures.

However, no matter what, its size must be infinitely larger than this differentiation path fruit and this group of heaven and earth.

Only then does logic make sense.

Only then can it match Luo Fan's understanding.

Even Luo Fan had some doubts that the endless and seemingly endless potential in this evil aura was actually supported by the junction point itself.

If this is really the case, then the reason why this great calamity evil spirit can be so strange and powerful will be found.

Of course, this does not mean that Luo Fan has no chance of victory.

Wouldn't it be possible for an extremely powerful creature to be defeated by the weak?

It's obviously impossible.

As long as you grasp the vital point and inflict strong enough damage on the vital point before the opponent can react, then no matter how powerful the creature is, it will only be able to fall down helplessly.

This kind of thing is very common no matter where it is.

Apart from anything else, didn't Luo Fan's previous catastrophes one after another always result in victory in the form of the weak defeating the strong? Although it was difficult, it was still passed smoothly?

In terms of size alone, even he who is now considered a strong man in the Eight Tribulations is far inferior to his first great calamity!

Not to mention the current eighth great tribulation.

However, if he were to encounter his first catastrophe again with the current him, he would definitely get through it easily without any pressure.

In fact, even though it was countless times more powerful than the first great catastrophe, he would definitely not have much pressure to survive the seventh great catastrophe now. He would definitely be able to get through it quite easily and would not encounter any problems at all. To what danger.

Therefore, even if there is this huge junction in front of us, as long as Luo Fan can find a way, he can easily react to it and solve it.

Obviously, the key to the junction in front of him is actually the evil aura of great calamity that has been enveloped by the whole thing he created.

At this moment, Luo Fan was actually quite glad that he had not mobilized the differentiation path fruit.

At the beginning, it was because I was worried that if the differentiated path fruit was mobilized, it would also be targeted by the catastrophe, and various attacks would also come on the differentiated path fruit.

And based on the level and size of the differentiated Tao Fruit, it will obviously be countless times more difficult to deal with the catastrophic power caused by it than the catastrophic power caused by this group of heaven and earth!

But, from now on, it is obvious that his previous idea was actually wrong.

Regardless of whether it was triggered or not, this differentiation path fruit was actually wrapped in the power of the great calamity!

The reason why Luo Fan didn't notice it before was that the level of his incarnation was really far behind that of the Differentiated Dao Fruit, so much so that even in front of him, the catastrophic power caused by carrying the Differentiated Dao Fruit was enough. It was shown to an extent that he could not discover.

In other words, at that time, there was actually no difference between the situation of the differentiated Dao Fruit and the situation of the heaven and earth group. Although, at that time, this group of heaven and earth was just heaven and earth...

If Luo Fan had chosen not the Heaven and Earth Group, but the Differentiated Dao Fruit, the current situation would not have changed much in essence.

However, it is obvious that although his original understanding was wrong, his approach was also wrong.

It is precisely because he did not activate the differentiation path fruit at the beginning, so at this junction, the power belonging to the great calamity fell into a dormant state, and the main body was not truly activated.

Only in this place of heaven and earth, because it was touched by Luo Fan, the power of the great calamity was activated, and then the evil spirit of the great calamity appeared, causing wind and rain in it, and gradually set off a calamity belonging to this heaven and earth group. .

If we want to make an analogy, this junction is like a huge container.

This container is filled with endless liquid.

And this group of heaven and earth and the differentiated Dao Fruit are actually like two faucets on this container.

When it is closed tightly, these liquids cannot find an outlet for venting, and naturally all the liquids can only appear quite calm.

However, once the faucet is opened, it is equivalent to finding an outlet, and a huge amount of pressure will be vented through the faucet, and the liquid will be continuously poured into the outlet!

However, it is obvious that although the smaller the outlet, the stronger the pressure will be, there is a limit.

But it is impossible to enhance without limit.

How much liquid is there is the limit of the pressure.

It is impossible to say that there is only that much liquid, but opening the outlet as small as possible will allow it to easily cut through steel and easily crush all solids.

Under such circumstances, when the pressure of both the small faucet and the large faucet is turned on, when the pressure of both reaches the limit, the one that actually flows out more liquid is of course the big faucet. The biggest threat is also the big faucet. !

The pressure has reached the limit, so the pressure is naturally the same.

The impact of stress is of course the same...

In other words, at that time, there was actually no difference between the situation of the differentiated Dao Fruit and the situation of the heaven and earth group. Although, at that time, this group of heaven and earth was just heaven and earth...

If Luo Fan had chosen not the Heaven and Earth Group, but the Differentiated Dao Fruit, the current situation would not have changed much in essence.

However, it is obvious that although his original understanding was wrong, his approach was also wrong.

It is precisely because he did not activate the differentiation path fruit at the beginning, so at this junction, the power belonging to the great calamity fell into a dormant state, and the main body was not truly activated.

Only in this group of heaven and earth, because it was touched by Luo Fan, the power of the Great Tribulation was activated, and then the evil spirit of the Great Tribulation appeared, causing wind and rain in it, and gradually set off a disaster belonging to this group of heaven and earth. .

If we want to make an analogy, this junction is like a huge container.

This container is filled with endless liquid.

And this group of heaven and earth and the differentiated Dao Fruit are actually like two faucets on this container.

When it is closed tightly, these liquids cannot find an outlet for venting, and naturally all the liquids can only appear quite calm.

However, once the faucet is opened, it is equivalent to finding an outlet, and a huge amount of pressure will be vented through the faucet, and the liquid will be continuously poured into the outlet!

However, it is obvious that although the smaller the outlet, the stronger the pressure will be, there is a limit.

But it is impossible to enhance without limit.

How much liquid is there is the limit of the pressure.

It is impossible to say that there is only that much liquid, but opening the outlet as small as possible will allow it to easily cut through steel and easily crush all solids.

Under such circumstances, when the pressure of both the small faucet and the large faucet is turned on, when the pressure of both reaches the limit, the one that actually flows out more liquid is of course the big faucet. The biggest threat is also the big faucet. !

The pressure has reached the limit, so the pressure is naturally the same.

The impact of stress is of course the same...

Under such circumstances, when the pressure of both the small faucet and the large faucet is turned on, when the pressure of both reaches the limit, the one that actually flows out more liquid is of course the big faucet. The biggest threat is also the big faucet. !

The pressure has reached the limit, so the pressure is naturally the same.

The impact of stress is of course the same...

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