Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 108 The Lamb’s Destination

In the dim forest path, a herd of cattle and sheep slowly moved forward behind three figures, heading deeper into the mountains.

In the mountains and forests, the water vapor seems to be too heavy, and everything is a bit humid. The air is not only filled with the freshness of nature, but also the smell of various soil and animal feces.

Karin could even smell some blood, which was the dried blood of various wild animals.

Obviously, nature is not only beautiful, and no ordinary person in their right mind would choose to go to such a place alone.

But Carlin is a fairly powerful secret puppeteer. Thanks to Snitch's strong aura, there were no wild beasts or mosquitoes to disturb Carlin along the way.

Snitch, who majored in the path of the ancestors, was not only able to communicate with various animals, but the spiritual field he emitted could also repel mosquitoes.

Otherwise, a group of cattle and sheep with tender meat would have been attacked by wild beasts in the mountains. For them, there are not many opportunities for such a snack.

Carlin, Snitch, and the witch were walking on the dirt road covered with weeds, with very clear goals. When they saw a mountain wall, they did not stop but continued walking.

The strange thing is that their bodies were not blocked by the dodge but directly integrated into it. The cattle and sheep behind them hesitated for a moment, but they still crawled forward ignorantly under the influence of the bell.

After the last green beef cattle passed through the mountain wall, the silence returned to the place before.

This is the concealment ritual arranged by Snicki. It disguises a cave as a mountain wall, and can also isolate the spirituality in the cave from radiating to the outside world, and divination will be greatly hindered.

Carlin waited for all the cattle and sheep to enter and then continued on the road. After walking through the cave tunnel for about ten minutes, he came to a wide underground cave.

After arriving at their temporary shelter, one white lighting crystal after another was embedded in the stone wall by Karin and the others.

The crystals emitted bright light, gradually brightening the dark underground cave.

I saw a narrow stream passing through this cave, which was also a good place that Carlin specially found.

The space is large enough, it's hidden enough underground in the heart of the mountain, and there's also a water source. Very suitable for long term living.

After everything was ready, Kalin released the secondary puppet Drake and began to arrange everything.

Large boxes filled with various extraordinary materials were released, and finally Karin released his alchemy workbench.

I saw that the entire workbench was wrapped by a curtain to form a closed space. After taking it out, Kalin removed the curtain and began to select materials for processing.

Snitch and the witch carved two new magic circles on the ground, and Drake was responsible for calming the cattle and sheep by ringing the bell.

In the cave, except for the bleating sounds of cattle and sheep from time to time, the four figures were quietly doing their own things.

As time went by, one bottle after another of perfect quality replenishing potions was released, and correspondingly, Carlin's reserve of Philosopher's Stone dropped sharply.

After he refined the 10th bottle in two hours, the witch and Snitch also finished carving the two magic circles.

The gray liquid whose main material is white light grass gradually fills the grooves of the two magic circles, and then the ritual magic circle is completed after inlaying the spiritual gold.

Carlin walked directly to the center of the first magic circle and stood there, while Drake cut off 0.1 gram of a philosopher's stone and placed it in the second magic circle before exiting outside.

After he shook the bell in his hand, a lamb walked into the center of the second magic circle with confused eyes.

Karin cut his index finger with a silver knife and flicked it. A drop of blood hit the lamb's forehead and melted into the skin in an instant.

Then Karin slowly recited a spell, gray light emerged from the two magic circles, and the Philosopher's Stone melted into mist and blended into the lamb's body.

A trace of Karin's spirituality followed the mysterious connection and turned into a seed in the lamb's mind. The seed continued to absorb the mist formed by the Philosopher's Stone, and gradually became full and rounded.

When the mist was absorbed, the seeds erupted with a powerful suction force. In an instant, all the lamb's fur, flesh, bones, soul, etc. were absorbed by the seeds, leaving not even a trace of residue. This scene Indescribably weird.

There was only one cyan ball of light left in the circle, which was full of vitality. With a swish, the ball of light flew towards Carlin and sank into his mouth.

With his eyes closed, Karin instantly felt a stream of cold air flowing down his esophagus into his stomach and being gradually digested by him.

His thoughts gradually became chaotic, as if he was in contact with an indescribable great being. His spirituality went back and forth between the two, growing stronger every time he went back and forth. This was the resonance between his soul and the spiritual world.

After about ten minutes, everything finally calmed down. Carlin did not open his eyes, but continued to eat the next lamb.

In less than an hour, Carlin had eaten five lambs. The other lambs and Luyin beef cattle looked at their companions disappearing with confused eyes, as if they didn't care about their situation at all.

This is the real cultivation method of "The Destination of the Lamb". Lambs are not meant to be raised, but to be eaten.

The ritual can greatly shorten Carlin's growth period. By eating five lambs every day, the growth period will be over in about two months.

Karin then took out the fruits and rabbit meat purchased from the Whisper of the Forest shop, which also had a daily consumption limit.

He simply roasted the rabbit meat and swallowed it in his stomach. During this period, he also ate three pumpkin fruits that were as big as basketballs, leaving no skin or seeds behind.

In an instant, he felt a warm current in his body gradually grow and nourish his body and soul. This was also the feeling of growth.

But this is not enough. If he wants to complete the growth stage in the shortest time without side effects, Carlin must continue to use other methods.

He walked directly out of the magic circle and took off his clothes to reveal his naked upper body.

The silver knife cut his wrist, and after the blood filled the small bowl, the spiritually covered wound was completely healed.

The witch held a small bowl and poured in three tubes of the prepared reagent, which turned into a bowl of golden liquid.

She picked up a silver needle and dipped it in the liquid to carve on Karin's skin, just like a tattoo.

Ancient Tyranid runes one after another were carved into Karin's skin.

Karin's body couldn't help but tremble every moment. The silver needle not only pierced the skin but also pierced the soul.

The severe pain made Carlin's forehead covered with cold sweat. He wanted to yell to vent, but he held it back, otherwise it would affect the ceremony.

Fortunately, this pain only lasted for five minutes, and the miko finished drawing a pattern.

At this moment, the pattern suddenly turned into a golden light and merged into Karin's body.

He then relaxed and fell to the ground, feeling the relief of the end of all hardships.

After the golden light entered the body, it flowed everywhere along the blood throughout the body, and his body was subtly transformed in the process.

This is a ritual in "Purification Spire". All apprentices of the White Tower Academy must use a special liquid to carve a pattern of the White Tower on their skin. This is done in one hundred times, once a day.

You don’t have to complete all of them to take effect, because the pain your soul feels becomes more terrifying the further you go.

The number of apprentices who can really complete it is very rare, but if they complete the white tower pattern composed of ancient Tyrannic runes, they will directly reach the limit of the human body.

There used to be many apprentices in the White Tower Academy who did not believe in evil and thought that it was just some pain. As long as they endured it, it would be fine. However, the result of doing so was that the soul was driven to collapse and madness by the unimaginable pain.

There is a limit to the pain a person can endure. It does not mean that he can bear it as long as he fights to the death. It depends on the endurance of the soul, unless he ceases to be a human being.

Karin spends part of his time carving the white tower pattern in [Witch King] every day, regardless of endurance until he collapses and is kicked out of the virtual kingdom of God.

This is also to train the soul's endurance so that the real self can carve more runes.

When the first pattern is carved, Karin's practical practice today will be completed.

He looked at the time and saw that it was almost seven o'clock, so he directly entered the [Witch King] to start practicing in the illusion.

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