Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 111 Divination

Angela's expression finally softened after hearing this question.

After a pause, she said: "I have nothing to do with the Holy Blood Sect anymore. Guest, have you finished asking your questions?"

Carlin heard a hint of disgust in her voice, as if she was very disgusted with Carlin's question just now.

Shaking his head, Carlin added: "I may be the last person to practice the secret transmission of the Holy Blood sect, but I don't want to be entangled in illusory things such as the revival of the sect and the glory of the family. Please understand."

After hearing this, Angela actually showed a rare smile, which almost made Carlin lose his mind.

"Although I was surprised to see the deaths of Westmin and Drake from you, there is no need for you to worry about those illusory things.

The future of the genre is now in your hands, and you can do whatever you want without asking anyone else's opinion.

If this is the only reason you came to the library, you can now walk through the door behind you and teleport back to where you were before. "

Carlin also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. After learning about the existence of the ruined library, he was worried that the owner here was an old antique from the Holy Blood sect.

If you want to revive the genre and force him to come on board, it will be very cheating.

School, bloodline, honor, and family have nothing to do with him!

He is originally a time traveler, and this is not his hometown. Unless there are enough benefits, don't try to tie him to the ship with such an illusory thing.

Now that Angela had spoken clearly, he was relieved. At this time, Carlin asked another question.

"Did Westmin and Drake get a lot of information about the Ace family from you?"

“Just because they are descendants of Ain, I performed a divination for each of them, and I learned some things about Wayne City.

Since you are also a descendant of Ain, I will give you a divination as a gift. I look forward to our next meeting. "

After speaking, Angela snapped her fingers.

A book page suddenly floated out from a bookshelf behind her, and slowly floated towards Karin.

Karin reached out to take the page and saw line after line of text written on it in Juanxiu's handwriting.

'The important date was forcibly advanced by the artist, and Si Chen, who has long been forgotten by the world, will return with a grand condolence.

The painter you will decide to open early without permission has also joined the prey list, but please don't let your guard down.

The rancher has more lambs than you think, the painter's intentions are not simple, and there are ancient evil spirits hiding in the dark that also covet new life.

The extraordinary will be restrained by the extraordinary, and the mortals will be entangled by the mortals. You are the most trustworthy person. Prepare carefully, and you will eventually make this hunt a fruitful one.

Enjoy the break after hunting. It's time to start a new journey, preferably in a steamy city, where you can build your own throne.

The energetic moon moves steadily, the old brass roars angrily, the cold machine writes the script, the dangerous Marionette performs strange stories, and the proud detective welcomes death.

The old brass will eventually realize that a new throne has emerged due to the death of the detective, and you will face a corrupt and powerful threat.

Even if your achievements are still unfinished, don't be anxious. Your superior status still stands. The ticket to the New World will save you. Get ready to set sail in the Hidden Moon.

During the long voyage on the ship, you can safely watch a cold-blooded farce of cultivating gu as an outsider, or you can let a guard with ancient blood participate in this secret hunt as an insider and piece together the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

When the guard is victorious, it will also be the time to reach the new continent, and it will also be the time for you to complete your mission. ’

Only part of the content in the book page was understandable to Carlin. This was Angela performing a divination for him.

‘Haha, have you returned from hunting with a full load? ’

After writing down the contents of the page, Karin chuckled and struck a match.

Burning pages were floating in the empty library. Just when Carlin's figure was about to step into the twisted space behind the door, he turned around and asked another question.

"Why do you know so much about the Ace family?"

"I don't know much about it. I just understand part of it through interpreting the divination results."

"That's it," Carlin thought thoughtfully for a while, "One last request, can you divine Chris Ace, the trainee-level transcendent of the Ace family, and tell me the result?"


Angela snapped her fingers after hearing this, and then Karin saw a book page floating out from the bookshelf behind her.

The page quickly floated to Karin, and he reached out to catch it, but it was blank with no content.

Angela also showed a puzzled expression.

"The divination result is blank, which means that the Chris Ace you mentioned cannot be divined by me, or this person does not exist at all, but since you proposed it, this person must exist.

With my ability to divine a trainee, unless he has a powerful power to protect him or his destiny is very special, then just a lingering Eric will not be enough to interfere with my fortune-telling. "

Karin nodded after hearing this, probably having some guesses in his mind.

Chris was the person mentioned in Drake's first letter to him.

The other party needs eight orphanage survivors, including himself, as sacrifices to perform a ritual and then be promoted to a professional level.

On the day he became a transcendent, four people had already disappeared. They should have been secretly kidnapped by Chris. And Drake also knew about this, which means it was him who did it.

He later checked specifically and found out that there was indeed a Chris in the Ace family, who was the younger brother of Earl Ace of this generation, but he had faded out of everyone's sight twelve years ago.

Carlin guessed that he was using the quill at that time, because Mrs. Wallie destroyed the script before she died, which caused serious backlash to him, and then Horton was in charge of the quill.

What makes Carlin feel strange is that Chris's promotion ceremony is also recorded in "The Home of the Lambs", but it is not a sheepdog's promotion ceremony, but a rancher's!

Now after listening to Angela's words, Carlin also has a guess about this, but he is not 100% sure.

"Raymond, the principal of White Tower College, is it you?"

When Carlin's back disappeared outside the door, Angela looked straight at the library door.

For a long time, a pair of big eyes bent into two crescents, seeming to be smiling, but there was a chilling resentment in the smile, like a resentful girl who hates because of love.

If Carlin saw Angela's current expression, he would definitely shout loudly again with a look of horror, "Licking a dog will lead to a good death."

After being tricked once by two licking dogs, Carlin now has a psychological shadow on the licking dogs.

"Ain, you finally made a miscalculation.

The writer died, the guard also died, and the person who appeared in front of me before the resuscitation ceremony was actually the writer's adopted son.

He looks so much like you. When I saw him, I almost thought you had returned from the resurrection.

I don’t believe this is also part of your calculation! "

At this time, Karin, who returned to the cave, found that the invitation was still lying quietly in the palm of his hand, and put it away without paying attention.

His mind began to recall the contents of Angela's divination for him, which gave him a clear idea of ​​his next actions.

'The important date was forcibly advanced by the artist, and Si Chen, who has long been forgotten by the world, will return with a grand condolence.

The painter you will decide to open early without permission has also joined the prey list, but please don't let your guard down.

These two paragraphs are easy to understand and describe my current situation.

After the plan was disrupted, he decided to implement the diet month plan that he had made early in the morning. He mourned the butcher and then the winner was king and the loser was food.

But the next two paragraphs seem to be a warning.

The Ace family may have more power than I thought.

As I expected, the purpose of Weir, the licking dog, was not simple, and he was probably coveting the benefits of the resuscitation ceremony.

The evil spirit Raymond has also been resurrected and is lurking in the Ace family, eyeing the rebirth ritual.

Also, it is normal for the old nobles who have existed for more than a thousand years to have some background.

The tentacles penetrate deep into the black and white world of Wayne City, and even members of the Ace family serve in the Royal Sixth Fleet, which is responsible for the security of the waters near Wayne City.

It is unknown how many of the troops stationed in downtown Wayne City, the Sixth Fleet, and nearby areas are brainwashed lambs. In this case, the police department and the military outside the city cannot count on them.

The Lambs may not be able to control whether the police department and the military will fight back against the Secret Service and the Rangers, but they can still hold these two violent groups back so that they are in internal chaos and unable to provide effective support.

Coupled with Will and Chris, who is suspected to be possessed by the evil spirit Raymond, it seems that my best option is to act alone, preferably not to appear in the public eye and let them notice me.

If this is the case, then hide in the dark and not show up in public. First find the location of the main altar, and then let the deputy wait for ten minutes to complete the instructions. After that, there will be room for advancement or retreat.

Divination is just a certain kind of revelation, which can be believed but cannot be fully believed.

No matter what, you must be prepared to retreat. If it doesn't work, the benefits of the resuscitation ceremony can be discarded directly.

At least it’s okay for me to spend another three months reaching the limit of my human body, and the rare secret puppets can only be collected slowly in the future! ’

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