Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 12 Income and Expenses

Carlin said with a worried expression: "I also think you shouldn't drink too much medicine, so I only drank one. Will there be any problems?"

Elena breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this: “Fortunately, you still have some self-control and only drank one.

Do not take any spiritual enhancement potions in the past month. The pollution will naturally be eliminated in your daily practice. "

"I see, it turns out that extraordinary people have so many things to pay attention to!" Karin said with a sigh of relief.

"You are so particular. You, a rookie, dare to drink medicine without even finishing reading "The Basics of Extraordinary".

Some very talented wild supernatural beings just have no guides, resulting in a lack of common sense. In the end, their futures are ruined due to some very ridiculous reasons.

If you're lucky, you'll just become a loser; if you're unlucky, you'll become a lunatic!

Before I teach you to become a qualified transcendent, you must not do many things without permission. "

"I know." Karin immediately shrank his neck after hearing this. Why does this damn extraordinary person's training system feel so boring!

"Now that you know it, quickly change your clothes and get ready to go. Just clothes like mine will do!"

At this time, Elena pulled up the collar and pulled up the hood as she spoke, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed on her entire face.

After seeing this, Karin nodded with understanding, and then walked to the second floor to change clothes. When he just walked up the spiral staircase, he remembered something and asked: "What currency is used in the extraordinary market, or is it barter?"

"Just gold pounds. It's your first time to go there. It's mainly to get familiar with it. You don't need to buy anything. Just bring 200 gold pounds. This is prepared for the sudden good goods today. Don't tell me." You can’t even come up with two hundred and two hundred gold pounds.”

After hearing this, Carlin went to his bedroom on the second floor, changed into a high-collared cloak, opened the desk drawer and put a revolver on his waist.

Then he remembered something, opened the locker, took out two packets of lime powder and put them in his pocket.

As for the money that needed to be carried, Carlin thought about it and put the three hundred pound note into his pocket.

The currency of the Kingdom of Brent is divided into three types: gold pounds, shillings, and pence. Gold pounds and shillings are paper currency, while pennies are metal coins.

The purchasing power is very high, one penny is almost equivalent to three dollars in his previous life.

One gold pound was equal to 20 shillings, and one shilling was equal to 12 pence.

Carlin is a college student and has no job, and his adoptive father is a well-known writer in Wayne City who is considered a decent person, with an average income of more than 600 pounds a year.

After Westmin's death, Carlin also checked the cash at home, totaling 861 gold pounds, 78 shillings and 147 pence.

After taking away the three hundred pounds, he had enough money left over to cover his daily living expenses for a long time.

Touching the gold pound in his pocket, Carlin also began to think about making money in the future.

He has now submitted a copy of "Oliver Twist". Although he is very confident in the work he plagiarized, coupled with Westmin's connections in the publishing house, his income will definitely be much higher than that of pure newcomers.

But considering that I am just a newcomer, even if I rely on Westmin's reputation and good works, my average monthly income will only be 15 pounds at most.

In addition, some officially issued bonds purchased by Westminster have a monthly income of about 3 gold pounds.

There were also stocks of some companies that Carlin did not consider to be part of his property. Stocks, which without inside information were legal gambling, simply ignored them.

If you can make a profit, just pretend that you are lucky and pick up the money. If you get stuck, just pretend it doesn't exist.

In daily life, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, rent, water, electricity, coal, transportation and other complicated expenses are all necessary.

But Carlin has enough self-control not to spend money recklessly, so he can live a comfortable life.

In order to maintain one's dignity without affecting one's reputation in the eyes of other middle-class and upper-class people, the minimum monthly expenditure is only 20 gold pounds, which is already the limit.

But these are okay, the real big one is the tuition fee of St. Wayne College, which is 150 pounds per year. Carlin is only a sophomore and will graduate in nearly three years.

If that's the case, with the rest of the savings, I can still maintain a decent life until I graduate from college, and then rely on my relationship with Priest Kahn to find a decent job with an annual income of more than 200 pounds. It also works more than adequately.

But not to mention that he may encounter some urgent need for money in the next three years. These are all small-probability events. The key is that his savings will definitely not be enough to spend some extraordinary resources.

From Elena's words, we can know that many extraordinary resources in the market can also be purchased directly with banknotes such as gold pounds.

In this case, the gold pound would be related to his future extraordinary practice. Karin felt that he had to take precautions and find ways to make money.

However, as for making money, Carlin only had this idea and no basic plan. He decided to wait for Elena to teach him for a while before making any plans. He believed that there are still many ways for extraordinary people to make money.

While thinking this, Karin stepped up the steps of the spiral staircase and came to the foyer, wrapped in a black cloak with only a pair of spectacled eyes exposed.

Elena, who was sitting on the bench waiting, was stunned for a moment when she saw Karin dressed like this.

Then he first looked at his cloak and glasses, and then looked at his bulging waist on both sides. After taking out a package from the loose cloak, he spoke with a meaningful expression on his face.

"I didn't expect that a decent person like you would be so well prepared. I even brought a piece of clothing for you."

Carlin just shrugged: "It's not like you don't know that I was left at the door of the orphanage as soon as I was born, and my father didn't adopt me until I was nine years old."

"Orphanage." Elena also looked understanding after hearing this, "It's really not easy for you to live to the age of nine in an orphanage in the kingdom."

The two said a few words and then walked out of the apartment.

Karin and Elena walked side by side. When they reached the street, the other party did not call for a carriage, but chose to walk.

At this time, Carlin suddenly asked: "Where is the market?"

"Blood Red House, you should have heard of it."

The Blood Red House is a bar located at the junction of midtown and downtown Wayne. Many gang members from downtown and some middle-class people from midtown often go to this bar to get drunk and relax.

Carlin once heard that even the most arrogant gang boss would not dare to do anything extraordinary to disrupt the order after entering this bar with his younger brother.

The corpses of the guys who were rumored to have done this have long since rotted in the smelly ditches in the downtown area. There is no exception. The boss, Drake, is one of the people who should not be messed with in the downtown area.

In addition to these, Carlin also knows more information.

"I didn't expect that the Blood Red House is actually the Superhuman Market in Wayne City. I know this bar. I have heard some rumors that the bar owner, Drake, is the spokesperson of the Ace family in the lower city.

None of the gang bosses in Xiacheng District would take the initiative to provoke him. From the looks of it, he must also be a transcendent, right? "

Elena was surprised when she heard Karin's answer.

‘This rookie reacts very quickly’

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