Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 122 Everyone has their own agenda

In the underground square shrouded in blood mist, the altar is located in the center, and Holden's body is standing above the altar, undergoing transformation with the power of new life.

Life is fully nourished, and both body shape and face have transformed into another person. At this time, Holden's soul has completely dissipated, leaving only Eric alive in the world.

And all this is part of Weir's plan. When Eric completes his rebirth, he will directly kill him and become a mortal again, and replace him as the recipient to continue to enjoy the baptism of the power of rebirth.

But the hunched figure in front of the altar was not part of his plan.

"Who are you?!"

Chris turned around, revealing an old face, his cloudy eyes filled with greed and desire, and grinned when he saw Will appear.

"Little mouse of the Fateweaver Order, was it you who disrupted Eric's plan and forced him to start the ceremony in advance?"

"Chris Ace?!"

Will recognized him immediately, was surprised in his heart, and then sneered disdainfully.

"He's just an old man living on his last breath. Why, do you also want the power of the resuscitation ritual?"

Although his face was disdainful, Veer was secretly wary.

Although the other party seemed to be an old trainee who was about to be unable to walk, and even far from the limit of the human body, Will felt a strong threat from Chris.

Chris opened his mouth, revealing all his missing teeth, but his figure slowly straightened up, looking unusually tall. Wisps of gray mist appeared out of thin air and lingered around him, mixing with the blood mist.

"Haha, are all the young people in the Sixth Age so rude? The rebirth ritual does not limit the number of recipients. We can all share the rebirth power reserved by the altar together. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Weir did not answer immediately, but began to weigh in his mind whether it would be appropriate to turn against him immediately and take action.

No matter what methods the other party, an aging and disgraced trainee, had, the threat he perceived was real. If the new power was enough, it would not be impossible for the two of them to divide it up together.

Anyway, his purpose is just to completely get rid of the control of the spinning wheel of fate and make up for the regret of not reaching the limit of the human body before.

In this case, there are only two questions left.

Is the new energy stored in the altar enough?

Can Chris be trusted?

As if he could tell what Weir was thinking, Chris continued to persuade: "You don't have to worry about not having enough rebirth power. Although it is not the best time to start, it is enough for the two of us to regain our lives and return to our profession at the limit of the human body." level.

And you probably want to use the Nirvana rebirth of the rebirth ceremony to get rid of the control of the spinning wheel of fate and at the same time make up for the regrets of the human body's limit, it is more than enough."


Suddenly, a silver bell-like laughter sounded in the square, directly interrupting Chris's words.


"come out!"

The unexpected third person's voice made the two of them extremely surprised, and their eyes immediately became alert.

"Vell, Mrs. Wallie, who died twelve years ago, is the person you love most, and the murderer is right in front of you. Are you really indifferent?

And Chris, do you think he will really give up this hatred? If he missed waiting for you to advance to the professional level this time, would it be as easy for him to seek revenge as it is now? "

The clear and melodious voice of the witch echoed in the square. In just one sentence, the foundation of cooperation between Will and Chris was completely destroyed, and the two's mutual vigilance was raised to the highest level.

Carlin didn't know how much Will's feelings for Wally had deteriorated after twelve years, but he didn't need to know.

Will and Chris already have their own secrets and there is not much trust at all. Now speaking out directly will make the two fall into a chain of suspicion.

There was more and more gray fog surrounding Chris. He stared at Will and asked, "Do you want to take action on me now?"

Weir's face also became ugly. He just looked at Chris quietly, but had no intention of taking action at all.

Chris smiled again after seeing it.

"I know your answer. You will not take action against me until you get a new life. The previous proposal is still valid. We will discuss this matter after the power of the new life is divided.

Strange little girl, your provocation seems to have failed. "

"Failed? Really? But Eric has completed his new life now, why don't you take action?"

These words made Will and Chris's faces darken, and they turned their attention to Eric on the altar.

At this time, Eric had returned to his teenage state, and his blond hair was full of vitality. Five minutes had passed unknowingly since the Nirvana baptism began.

Eric had officially completed his new life, and he opened his eyes and looked at the two people in the square with hatred.

If looks could kill, the two people in front of the altar would have been chopped to pieces countless times.

The expressions on Will and Chris's faces were uncertain for a while.

Up to three people can stand on the altar at the same time for the rebirth ceremony.

When the subject is in the Nirvana state, the strength still exists but the consciousness will temporarily fall into a deep sleep. Unless attacked by the outside world, it will wake up and fight back.

Will and Chris didn't take action directly just now, because although Eric only had his soul lingering at that time, it was a legendary soul, and it was no problem to kill them two with only a trace of power left.

So the two of them planned to wait until Eric's rebirth was completed and he became an ordinary person before taking action.

After the recipient completes his rebirth, his movements are not restricted and he can interrupt the infusion of the power of rebirth at any time and walk off the altar, as long as he is prepared to resist the erosion of the blood mist.

The vacant position allows others to step onto the altar and receive the baptism of the remaining new power.

Although both Will and Chris were eager to kick Eric, who was now defenseless, off the altar immediately, they would stand on it instead.

But at this time, they had no resistance against the third party lurking in the dark.

Just as they were hesitating, the miko's teasing voice came again.

"Do you know why I take the initiative to expose my existence so that you can be on guard?"

"What on earth do you mean?"

Will asked with a gloomy expression.

He realized the problem instantly. If the other party had remained silent, he and Chris would have killed Eric and stood on the altar by now.

At this time, the third party waits until they are reborn as ordinary people and suddenly appears. Then they are fish on the chopping board and can be killed as they want.

But the other party didn't do this. Instead, he took the initiative to expose his existence and put them on guard. Instead, he didn't kill Eric immediately.

No matter how strange this seemed, he didn't believe that the other party had good intentions or was careless and accidentally forgot this.

“Our goal is not just to create new people.

Compared with the power of rebirth, a corpse that is at the limit of the human body of a trainee is an even rarer treasure for us.

Not to mention that this corpse was a legendary powerhouse in life, so you can't be allowed to kill Eric in advance! "

"You want to make me into a puppet?!"

Eric's expression suddenly changed on the altar, and he was extremely angry.

Originally, he was extremely angry when a legendary strongman was plotted against by two ants in his eyes, but now he couldn't bear it anymore after hearing the witch say that the target was his body.

Will and Chris also gave Eric a rare look of sympathy.

This thing is to raise people like pigs, raise them to the limit of their human body and then kill them. No one can bear to be treated like this.

At this time, Eric's spirituality suddenly shook, and he directly broke through the bottleneck of the trainee level.

"Haha, you still have one minute to think about it. By then, when he has recovered to the limit of his human body, it will not be so easy to kill him."

The witch's voice stirred the hearts of the three of them like a magical sound, but none of them could make up their mind.

Eric did not dare to leave the altar, otherwise he would soon be corroded by the blood mist into a faceless man, while Will and Chris did not dare to stand on the altar and lose their ability to resist.

The witch's few words directly forced them into a dilemma.

Weir felt that his protective shield was being eroded by the blood mist, and he was secretly anxious. In five minutes at most, the protective shield would be broken, and he would face the erosion of the blood mist.

Thinking of this, he suddenly sneered.

"You must be very weak, so you only dare to hide behind the scenes, otherwise you would have shown up long ago. If Chris and I choose to give up the benefits of the resuscitation ceremony, what will you do?"

Karin didn't care at all about Veer's ridicule and allowed the miko to continue.

"Everyone is talking to each other, and no one is talking about anyone. If you want to blame, just blame your order. It was you who wanted the resuscitation ceremony to start in advance, otherwise I wouldn't have appeared here.

That guy Carlin really hates you, because he will be wanted by the kingdom for being responsible for the annihilation of an earl family."


Weir's face suddenly changed. He finally felt the reason for the problem in his plan. He seemed to have ignored Carlin, a chess piece that was only used to find the location of the main altar.

In an instant, dense cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

'what happened? Why would I ignore Carlin's existence? Isn't this right?

Why did I ignore such an important chess piece after I gave the order? ! ’

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