Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 124 Condolence Ceremony

Outside, a group of people waiting outside Yu Hui Street also noticed that something was wrong.

The dining table in the sky suddenly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The figure of the diner also changed, from a weather-beaten hunter to an elegant gentleman, exactly the same as the Third Age image that Carlin had seen in "The Witch King".

At the same time as his clothes changed, a vague figure beside him also condensed out of nothing.

A group of extraordinary beings on the ground ignored the possibility of being polluted, and all stared at the changes in the patterns in the sky with wide eyes.

Not long after, everyone saw a hunter holding a butcher knife next to the diner, but compared to the figure of the diner, he seemed much more illusory, as if he would disappear at any time.

The diners holding knives and forks bowed gracefully to the newly-appeared hunter and then disappeared, as if making way for the newly-appeared hunter.

This scene immediately caused the crowd to burst into uproar.

Although the paranormals from the Ranger Association, the Secret Service, and the other three paranormal organizations were usually well-read and well-informed, they were really confused as to what was going on in this scene.

"what happened?!"

"Something happened at the main altar, and the Si Chen pointed to by the ceremony was changed!"

"Which Si Chen is this? His image does not match any of the twelve Si Chens."

While everyone was guessing, Charlotte suddenly remembered something and said loudly: "Condolence ceremony! Someone started a condolence ceremony at the main altar!"

Elena quickly asked: "What is a condolence ceremony?"

Others also cast curious glances at him and listened carefully with their ears raised.

Charlotte recalled it for a moment, then slowly said: "This is a passage I read in one of my mother's ancient books."

"Although Si Chen is great, he will also fall. There have been several Si Chens in history who disappeared forever due to various reasons. Even their titles have become taboo."

After hearing this, Elena immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Don't the Blood God and Si Chen exist forever? Death in the eyes of us mortals is just a break for them. Even if they die, they will always come back again at some point in the future. Return."

Not only Elena, but also Charlotte’s words had a great impact on many other people.

It is common sense that all extraordinary people know that gods are eternal. So how could Si Chen disappear forever?

Charlotte shook his head and continued to explain: "I don't know, I only know that shortly after the birth of every god king in history, the contemporary blood gods will all disappear, and I don't know where they went.

Then one or several new Si Chens will be born, as if they have entered a new reincarnation. "

"There are indeed Si Chens who have disappeared in history. The information about them is all taboo information. As long as you know it, you will be contaminated. I only read this content from my mother's book, and I dare not continue to delve deeper."

"And the condolence ceremony is to mourn those who have passed away, so that some outdated rituals can be restarted."

"Many sacrificial rituals in history point to those Si Chens who have disappeared. It is impossible to arrange them with ordinary methods to be effective, so it is necessary to express condolences and resonate with the spirit world to summon a trace of the long-gone bubble."

"Although Si Chen has passed away, their information is deeply imprinted in the spiritual world. Even a trace of it can ensure the normal operation of the ceremony."

"After the condolences are successful, the diners will be asked to make way for the long-passed Si Chen, as now, and the mourners will be more or less polluted."

When Charlotte was explaining to others, Carlin's eyes were red in the blood mist, and the desire to kill in his heart kept urging him to break out of the blood mist and fight those three people.

It was Snitch who held on to his body tightly to prevent him from rushing out.

"Light of the White Tower——"

The witch cast a soft white light, and the contaminated spirituality, which was colored like blood, quickly escaped from Karin's body, and he gradually recovered.

Suppressing the desire to kill in his heart, he only had time to check the situation of the virtual kingdom of God. The water level that polluted the spirituality directly filled one-tenth of the space.

This situation relieved him.

'Fortunately, the pollution was much lighter than expected, but it also made me almost rush out of the blood mist.

Fortunately, Snicki was given the highest level of instruction. No matter what happened, he had to hold me back from breaking out of the blood mist. All he had to do next was to hold fire while waiting to clean up the mess. ’

Karin had long been mentally prepared for the contamination. After all, he was paying condolences to a deceased Si Chen. Even if there was only a hint of a faint response, there would be no contamination.

But overall, the pollution situation is good.

In addition, his strength has grown rapidly during this period and his resistance has increased a lot.

Now he only needs to use the bracelet to purify with the light of the White Tower for a while, and his condition will not be affected, but the desire to kill in his heart will be stronger.

After changing the pointer of the resuscitation ritual to the butcher, the area around the altar became a gladiatorial arena. Everyone would not be able to leave the square and could only fight with all their strength until only one person was left alive.

The winner can sacrifice the corpse of the loser as a sacrifice for the resurrection ceremony. Compared with ordinary sacrifices, the prey killed through hunting provides much more power of rebirth.

This is what the winner is king and the loser is the food.

In the underground square, although Weir, Chris, and Eric have not started to take action yet, they are all on guard against the other two.

Now, as the fourth party in the arena, Karin, Snitch, Witch, and Drake have been hiding in the blood mist.

Eric, Chris's [Spirit Mist] and Weir's shield can resist the erosion of the blood mist, but this is only temporary.

The spirituality that enters the blood mist will be consumed rapidly. After it is consumed, it will still have to face the erosion of the mother's power.

And now the three of them don't know what support Carlin and the others have to hide in the blood mist for a long time, but no one wants to take the initiative to enter the blood mist, otherwise they will consume their own strength.

In the ‘Arena’, the more you consume your strength, the easier it is to become prey for others.

Twenty meters of gray fog filled the area around Chris, and the ghostly roars made people shudder.

Weir was surrounded by five heavily armed knights and five wizards. He held a paintbrush in his hand with a dazzling aura and looked at the two guys in front of him warily.

But Eric surprised Carlin who was secretly observing. He was also a rancher, but his development of the [Spiritual Mist] ability was not developed in the direction of the field like Carlin and the evil spirit Raymond.

Eric's [Spiritual Mist] is simple and crude, directly condensed into a pair of pure white armor and a long sword equipped on his body, dressed like a heroic knight.

If he didn't know the details, Carlin would definitely mistake him for a transcendent on the King of Fighters path.

Compared to Chris, who was possessed by the evil spirit Raymond, Carlin felt a greater threat from Eric.

At this time, the three people in the field all discovered that the red mist on all sides gradually began to move toward the center, constantly encroaching on the scope of the "Arena".

As time goes by, the blood mist will fill the space of the underground square again in ten minutes at most. This is the 'butcher' forcing them to fight immediately.

The three of them fell silent, and the atmosphere in the square was depressing.

There was silence for a while before Chris shouted loudly: "Karin, Eric, how about we join forces first?"

Weir's face darkened after hearing this, but he didn't say anything and just made preparations silently.

Now he is the only professional player in the field.

Among the other three parties, not to mention Carlin, Eric is a human being who has just fallen from the legendary level, and Chris is possessed by a ten thousand-year-old evil spirit.

Although the three of them are not at the normal trainee level, they are not the real professional level after all.

It's just that you can compete with it head-on without falling behind. It's a little difficult to kill him, and the spiritual consumption of the competition is not as high as the professional level.

Vail now poses the greatest threat to the other three parties, so Chris proposes to join forces to kill Vail, the biggest threat, first.

Carlin only responded lightly to his proposal: "You guys fight slowly, I'm actually not in a hurry."

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