Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 134 The Rat Troll Battles the Great Wheel of Destruction

After the battlefield fell into a temporary calm, Karin began to frown and think about what he should do next.

The fierce battle at the crossroads just now was just a microcosm of the battlefield. Now countless places with Skaven Demons are caught in such high-intensity battles.

After thinking for a while, Carlin felt that he couldn't just watch the show and wait, he had to let the target show up on his own initiative, so he directly controlled Eric beside him and started writing.

Along with Eric's spiritual consumption, paragraphs of text were written out of thin air by the pen of the story with spirituality.

‘The war in Skaven Mordor has reached fever pitch, and Kalin has just witnessed a fierce and dangerous battle.

The trappers and engineering warlocks who commanded the soldiers on both sides were also ready to move.

The carnage of blood and fire gradually infected the engineering warlocks and trappers near Secret Puppet Snitch, and they also longed for a battle with their opponents. ’

As he wrote this, Eric's spiritual energy consumption speed suddenly increased to a higher level and was quickly exhausted. Then the witch quickly carried out a relay to consume Eric's spiritual energy instead.

Next, Eric Ye took the initiative to stop controlling the story pen and let it start to play freely.

‘Finally, the trapper Quin Test could no longer restrain his desire and sent an invitation to fight to the engineer warlock Pallister Shorttail on the opposite side.

The Gray Prophets from both camps still maintained a certain degree of rationality and did not act impulsively like the two of them.

But the war has reached this point. If it continues, it will only consume one's own cannon fodder and ammunition, and it will not be of any substantial help to the overall war situation. Therefore, both of them are confident in themselves and decide to win or lose in a battle. ! ’

After writing the last word, the miko was drained to the last drop, and most of Drake's spirituality, which came in third place, also evaporated.

"It's really expensive to forcefully interfere with other people's behavior. Two spiritual beings with the limit of the human body can't withstand it. Fortunately, I have more marionettes." ’

Carlin is not surprised by this. Forcibly interfering with reality through the story script needs to be as realistic and logical as possible in order to reduce consumption.

Although the war in Skaven Mortal is fierce now, high-level transcendent beings are still waiting for the opportunity to take action. In a battlefield filled with artillery fire, if they take action rashly, they will easily fall into an unfavorable situation.

And if Carlin wants two strong men to fight now, it will consume a lot of spiritual energy. This is because the opponent's level is suppressed to the trainee level.

And once you start writing, unless you finish writing a complete plot, even Carlin, who has complete control over the story, cannot forcefully stop writing.

If Trapper Quinn and Engineer Pallister were at their peak.

Not to mention Karin interfering with their behavior through the script, the other party would probably notice something was wrong within a few words, and the spirituality of him and the four marionettes would quickly begin to evaporate.

This time, the difficulty of interference has once again been raised to a big level. If a plot that consumes very little is not completed in time and the script is stopped, it is estimated that there will be a very serious backlash.

But generally speaking, this situation is still acceptable. With the relay of three marionettes, and after the script extracted almost two and a half human body's extreme spirituality, his script was successful.

The peace in the intersection area did not last long, and suddenly a trembling sound sounded on the street.

Snicki saw the ground suddenly collapse, sand and gravel flying everywhere, bringing up billowing smoke and strong winds, directly blowing away the miserable green poisonous mist.

With a bang, two huge figures burst out of the ground.

I saw two giant rat-shaped beasts wearing metal armor standing upright on the ground. Their left hands had four thick claws, and their right hands held a huge scimitar. Their strong muscles were full of surging power.

These two rats were over 6 meters tall, and the bloodthirsty cold light flashing in their eyes was intimidating.

‘Rat troll! ’

Snitch recognized what these two mice were. He did not keep his eyes on these two mice, but focused on looking for the trapper who controlled them.

However, the trapper seemed to be well hidden, and for a while Snicki didn't realize where he was.

At this moment, there was a huge movement on the side of the Skulli clan's position.

With a bang, a building on the street suddenly exploded, and a huge metal roller crashed through the building. It emerged and rushed towards the two rat trolls.

The diameter of the metal roller is more than 5 meters, and its surface is covered with sharp spikes and blades. During the sprint, the blades are also driven to rotate rapidly.

The road groaned under the weight, and the giant metal wheel flew past, leaving an indentation nearly half a meter deep on the ground.

Facing the oncoming steel behemoth, the two rat trolls showed no fear at all. After roaring angrily, they raised their scimitars and sharp claws and swung at the enemy.


A burst of sparks flashed, and the collision between the three produced a huge shock wave. In an instant, the buildings on both sides of the street were once again brutally ravaged.

Buildings collapsed, pipes burst, and debris flew. Snicki, who was watching the battle from a distance, was almost blown away by the shock wave.

The giant metal wheel flew back with a bang, drew a graceful arc in the air, and landed steadily. This time, it knocked a big crater into the ground.

The armor of the two rat trolls was covered with scratches, and the green spirit was constantly corroding the armor, and some of the exposed body parts were bloody.

But this is nothing to them. Some insignificant injuries will only further stimulate the ferocity in their bones.

The bloodthirsty and warlike rat troll roared and raised its scimitar and rushed towards the giant wheel. The ground it stepped on again groaned, leaving small craters.

The Rat Troll seemed huge and bulky, but its speed was no slower than the giant wheel. It approached the giant wheel with just a few clicks.

Click - click -

With the steam spurting and the rotation of the mechanical bearings, the giant wheel rotated crazily again, and it also started the second round of fighting with the two rat trolls not to be outdone.


The two sides were inextricably killed for a while, and the aftermath of the battle crazily ravaged all surrounding buildings.

While the rat troll's flesh and blood spattered, the blades and shell of the giant wheel were constantly damaged.

‘The Great Wheel of Destruction! ’

Carlin, who was watching, was stunned for a while. He recognized the giant metal wheel.

The Skryre Clan's Destruction Wheel is very strange in terms of mechanical design, but combined with the alchemist's extraordinary spirituality, it directly turns it into a terrifying killing machine.

He thought for a moment, and if Snicki was allowed to face the impact of the giant wheel, he would probably be crushed into a ball of flesh in an instant.

However, the two rat trolls were forced to fight with their flesh and blood against the dangerous metal wheel, which greatly frightened Karin's young mind.


Although the engineering warlocks and animal trappers are only at the apprentice level, the war beasts and extraordinary machinery allow them to at least exert their combat power at the mentor level! ’

If the professional level transcendent can be regarded as a little superman, then the mentor level is even higher.

Although it is still far from a humanoid natural disaster like the legendary level, if the firepower is fully used, it will be like just now, and it will not take much time to completely turn the streets with a radius of tens of meters into ruins.

Whether it is a rat troll or a giant wheel of destruction, rushing into the mortal army and killing is as easy and comfortable as chopping melons and vegetables. It won't take long to destroy a well-equipped and active army of more than a thousand people in the Brent Kingdom.

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