Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 136 There are five of the four heavenly kings

After completing Carlin's set goal, Snicki returned as quickly as possible to the mechanical elevator.

This time, he did not rise slowly. Instead, he waved the blade a few times and cut a hole in the ceiling of the lifting platform.

With a whoosh, he climbed up to the entrance of the cave and quickly climbed along the wall of the stairwell to the ground before collapsing in the hall of the domed building.

After relaxing, Snicki's throat felt sweet, and he spurted out a stream of blood again with a "wow" sound.

Although he was just on the edge of the explosion, the power of the energy sphere was too great and he was seriously injured.

After resting like this for a while, Snicki got up and rushed towards the safe area.

At this time, the injury has seriously affected the performance of his strength, but just hiding is no problem.

After marching cautiously, we finally returned to the street in the safe area of ​​the hall.

I saw that Death Master Snitch had already killed the illusion and resumed regular patrols.

Carlin controlled the marionette Snitch and waited quietly. When the other party patrolled to the end of the street on the other side, the marionette Snitch suddenly burst out at the highest speed.

With a whoosh, a gust of wind blew past. The distance of more than 50 meters was covered by Secret Puppet Snitch in less than three seconds, and he rushed directly into the safe zone hall before he was considered completely safe.

At this time, Death Master Snitch had already reflexively entered the hiding state, and the rat soldiers around him also raised their guns and aimed at the other side of the street.

After a while, they found that there were no enemies before they got off the alert and continued patrolling.

At this time, Carlin didn't have time to pay attention to the Death Master outside. He was counting the gains just now with an excited look on his face.

["The Gift of Rats" (Source: Death, Path: Ancestor)]

["Forbidden Workshop" (Source: Death, Path: Sage)]

["Light of the Big Horn" (Source: Disappearance, Path: Holy Spirit)]

The three secrets correspond to the three professions of Trapper, Engineer Warlock and Gray Seer respectively.

After browsing the contents of the three secret stories, Carlin controlled Snitch to pour out the loot he had collected previously.

The belongings of the three victims were dumped on the open ground one by one. Karin did not even look at the extraordinary items that shone with spiritual light.

He picked and picked for a while and found the three people's space storage equipment. These three high-status mice were all extremely rich, so it was impossible for them to not have space storage equipment.

After a while, he found three items, namely a ring, a bracelet and a pocket sewn on the clothes.

Then there was another dumping, and the potions, extraordinary materials, and extraordinary items piled up into a hill. Carlin's eyes were filled with excitement, but his eyes dimmed immediately. After all, he could not bring these into reality.

Carlin focused on selecting books and other information carriers.

Soon he found several notepads, two crystal balls used to store information, and even several military maps of Skaven Mordor.

‘Let me just say, how could these three serious people not keep a diary? ’

Compared with some of the introductory information that comes with secret transmissions, this kind of specially recorded diary is more detailed.

So Carlin began to browse through several thick notebooks and two crystal balls.

The three major clans are still fighting fiercely in the Skaven Demon City, while Kalin is browsing quietly in the hall. Even if the outside world is destroyed in the next moment, it will not affect the safe zone.

Soon he had a systematic understanding of the Skaven and learned the reasons for this civil war.

Mr. Lu Xun once said: There are five of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The Skaven are of course no exception. There are a total of five of their four major clans.

In addition to the three major clans that rule Skaven Mordor, there are also two clans, the Plague Clan and the Gray Seer Clan.

It's just that the former has always lived in the tropical jungle deep in the New World and has almost no connection with the headquarters.

The latter was once the ruler of the Skaven, but fell due to a subsequent incident.

Each of the five clans has its own characteristics.

The Trappers of the Model Clan are a true animal tamer profession, but compared to ordinary animal tamers, the Trappers of the Model Clan are more radical.

They constantly transformed their bloodline based on rats and created a series of powerful war beasts. Some crazy animal trappers even directly attacked rat people or even themselves, making the transformations extremely powerful.

The engineering warlocks of the Skry clan perfectly combine steam technology with extraordinary power to create a variety of powerful creations. Some extreme engineering warlocks will also transform themselves into a half-human, half-machine cyberpunk style.

The plague warlocks of the Plague clan are riddled with various pathogens, but these diseases not only make them weaker, but also make them stronger.

Plants withered and died wherever they went, and even the air solidified and darkened. They could easily trigger a horrific plague in densely populated areas, making them appear clean and hygienic.

Because of the characteristics of the Plague Clan, not only are most races and forces in the world hostile to them, but even other Skaven clans don't like them very much.

Information about this clan is very sparse, and Karin only saw some brief introductions.

As for the Gray Prophet, Kalin knew even less about it before, and it was only briefly mentioned in the "Black Codex".

After browsing some of the introductory content in "The Light of the Great Horn", he learned that before the emergence of the Sage's Path in the Fourth Age, the Skaven were not ruled by the three major clans.

They are the spokespersons of the Great Horned Rat, the blood god of their race - the Gray Prophet clan.

The population of this clan is very small, and the way to distinguish them is very simple. It depends on whether the rat people have horns on their heads when they are born.

No matter which clan of Skaven they are, there will be a small number of newborns who are born with a pair of sharp horns on their heads.

Anyone found will be taken in by the Gray Prophet clan as soon as possible. Legend has it that this is the favor of the Horned Rat.

Gray Prophet is a profession on the path of the Holy Spirit. In addition to possessing perceptual abilities such as divination and reconnaissance, he is also gifted by the Great Horned Rat and has the ability to guide destructive energy.

They use the death knell that makes a terrible screaming sound as their mount, spreading destructive energy in the battlefield. Legend has it that the design of the screaming death knell also refers to the image of Si Chen's evening bell.

However, this powerful profession declined more than fifty years after the Sage Path appeared in the middle of the Fourth Age.

This happened to be the time when the Horned Rat disappeared with a group of ratmen. This group of ratmen included all the members of the Gray Prophet clan at that time.

The Horned Rat disappeared very suddenly. Not only him, but all the Bloodborne Gods also disappeared without a trace during that time with a group of their tribesmen or dependents, as if they had never appeared before.

During that time there were no battles between the gods, nor was any of the gods in danger.

So the question is, where did they go?

This problem was not only a problem for the Skaven people, but also a common doubt among all races and forces at that time. The relevant information was recorded in "The Light of the Great Horn".

As all the members of the Gray Prophet clan disappeared with the Horned Rat, the Skaven came to an era ruled by the three major clans, and the Skaven Demon City was also built during this period.

But rat men who are born with horns on their heads still exist. Although the number is still rare, every clan has such newborns.

So they were absorbed by each clan into their own strength and practiced the secret transmission of "The Light of the Great Horn".

At this time, the rat people discovered that the abilities of these new generations of gray prophets were much weaker than their predecessors.

Because the Gray Prophet's power was largely due to the power of the Great Horned Rat's gift. Later, the Great Horned Rat disappeared without a trace, and the gift was no longer there.

When Carlin saw this, he remembered that the source of "Great Horn Light" was not marked with death, but with disappearance. This made him confused as to what it meant?

If you're dead, you're dead. If you're not dead, you're not dead. What the hell is disappearing?

However, he realized one thing. Even if the source of the secret transmission was marked dead, it would still not be weakened while practicing the secret transmission.

The disappearance may mean that the influence of the source on the esoteric practitioners has completely disappeared, whether it is a positive or negative influence.

This is not a concept called death but actually sleeping, but a complete disappearance, but no one knows why it disappeared.

However, even if "Light of the Great Horn" is weakened, the profession of Gray Prophet still has merits worthy of praise, not to mention the basic divination ability of the Holy Spirit Path.

After they could no longer channel the energy of destruction, the Gray Prophets found that they still had some control over various polluting spiritualities. Based on this, the Gray Prophets embarked on a highly toxic path.

They developed a series of poison spells and prepared various terrible spiritual toxins as a supplement to the three major clans' own power systems, specifically to enchant weapons or ammunition.

Although it is not as good as the previous Gray Prophet, it cannot be considered weak. It can be regarded as a satisfactory auxiliary profession.

All the weapons of the Eshin clan are tempered with poison.

Even the blood and saliva of the rat beasts of the Model clan are highly poisonous.

Not to mention the Skryre clan. Each of their bullets and cannonballs is not only extremely powerful, but also generates poisonous mist that corrodes everything after the explosion.

Carlin had seen it before. The poisonous mist lingered after the artillery fire washed the ground. Snicki did not dare to be submerged by the poisonous mist. Even though he was a professional, he could only last ten minutes in the poisonous mist before being corroded and dissolved.

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