Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 139 Set a small goal first, such as earning him 100,000 gold pounds

February 2, 545.

Three months have passed since Carlin received the three secret transmissions. The cold wind of Ormu Mountain was howling, but it could not reach the underground cave where he was.

At this time, the cave also underwent many changes.

Special metal trash cans filled with alchemical waste were piled in the corner. They were the result of three months of hard work by Carlin.

The alchemy workbench has disappeared, replaced by a steam mechanical workbench that exudes metallic luster.

The new workbench is several times larger than the alchemy workbench. The alcohol lamp, crucible, reagent rack and other tools are still there, but they only occupy a small part of the table space.

Most of the other space is filled with various mechanical equipment for welding, cutting, and forging. The bottom of the table is no longer hollow, but is stuffed with a steam furnace to provide surging power for various mechanical equipment.

The workbench buzzed, and Karin controlled the forging hammer to continuously hammer the blade of a winding cookie.


After a green crystal was beaten into powder, the powder was then hammered into the blade by a forging hammer that exuded a spiritual light on its surface.

With repeated forging, the green powder was gradually and evenly integrated into the blade, until finally, the blade emitted a light green light.

At this time, Karin stopped forging, and the restless workbench gradually calmed down.

Snicki on the side flicked his tail and easily wrapped it around the handle of the knife. He waved it twice and put it into the scabbard.

Carlin breathed a sigh of relief.

"The third Whirling Weeping Blade is finally completed."

During the past three months, he worked hard to learn the Skaven's toxin preparation and alchemy techniques, and updated his own and Marionette's equipment.

Now he only has a little over a thousand pounds left in cash, and there are not many extraordinary materials and medicines left, and they have all been turned into potions or extraordinary items.

Even the alchemical waste Karin was stored as a raw material for extracting spiritual toxins.

He and his four marionettes can be regarded as switching from one shot to another.

After deciding to go to the Steam City, Karin began to study alchemy crazily.

He directly sent his three human marionettes to the Isaac Manor next door for five purchases, buying a large amount of materials and some mechanical equipment or alchemy tools for upgrading the workbench.

He spent a total of nearly 36,000 gold pounds, and he only had a thousand gold pounds left that looked like he was just in his prime.

This does not include spiritual food. Fortunately, I purchased three months' worth of food at the manor last time, otherwise it would have been another huge expense.

In the past month, except for a few minutes of hasty meals to fill his stomach, he spent almost 24 hours a day practicing the alchemy of Skaven in the two illusions of [Sage] and [Witch King]. This technique took a total of five years.

After five years of hard training, his current level may not be as good as some famous and world-famous masters, but it is much better than a senior alchemist who has been immersed in this art for more than ten years.

And for the next two months, Carlin was crazy about alchemy in reality.

The first is to upgrade the alchemy workbench. The quality of Westmin's workbench is still very good.

But it is limited to the refining of small extraordinary items such as potions, spells, and accessories. It is somewhat insufficient to create weapons and equipment such as the Whirling Tears Sword.

So Carlin directly transformed the workbench into what it is now. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.

After spending more than half a month modifying the workbench, he began to update the equipment for himself and the Marionette.

Snitch's Whirling Weeping Blade has just been completed, and he also has a small hooded cloak and a pair of trousers. It is a set of equipment with the Whirling Weeping Sword.

It not only strengthens the stealth ability but also has strong defense and increases a little speed.

Of course, it cannot be compared with the Death Master Snitch in [Sage]. After all, the other party is a demigod.

However, this set of equipment is not finalized after it is built now. In the future, Karin will continue to smelt more advanced materials to upgrade, slowly closing the gap with the Death Master's set.

As for his own equipment, Karin directly created a new piece of equipment - [Forbidden Gear].

There are two kinds of life weapons recorded in "Forbidden Workshop". One is the [Throne Difference Engine]. However, most engineering warlocks only build a basic model and then stop. The cost of a complete model is too scary, and it is easy to make it. Make people bankrupt.

In the entire Skry clan, only Ict Talon's [Throne Difference Machine] is a complete model.

Another life weapon is the [Forbidden Gear] that every engineering warlock can refine.

Kalin has seen the power of [Forbidden Gear] before in [Sage], and it is simply invincible when turned into a giant wheel of destruction.

This is just one of the forms of [Forbidden Gear].

In addition, there is also a three-meter-tall steam mecha form. The energy and spiritual consumption in this form is not as great as that of the Destruction Wheel. Its destructive power is not as good as that of the Destruction Wheel, but its defense is powerful.

But Carlin doesn't have enough money, so he has only built two huge metal arms, but they are already usable.

The gear can be turned into an arm and placed directly on the arm. The ten fingers can be opened to shoot powerful poisonous bullets condensed by spirituality. The long-range lethality is still very impressive, no better than the rat special that he has seen sweeping through the wolves and rats. Forest firepower is worse.

The steam mecha form of Karin's [Forbidden Gear] can only be like this for the time being. He has to wait until he has money to buy materials before slowly perfecting it. As for the giant wheel form, there is no shadow.

A powerful killing machine like the Great Wheel of Destruction cannot be built with a mere tens of thousands of gold pounds. However, it is also a gold-swallowing behemoth, but it is much better than the bottomless pit of the [Throne Difference Machine].

As for the equipment of Drake, the Witch, and Eric, except for the Witch's staff, which he modified to add a short-distance teleportation spell, the rest were only given the most basic configuration.

Three vests with built-in shields that can withstand continuous firing from steam rifles, six extraordinary firearms modified from ordinary long-barreled revolvers, and more than 300 rounds of poisoned bullets.

The cost of this part is the least, because it is all self-made, so the total cost is just over 5,000 pounds.

In the future, he will slowly update his equipment when he is rich.

Only now did Carlin realize that money is ineffective. When you are not a householder, you don’t know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are.

After all, he is not alone, there are several marionettes waiting to be fed.

If you want to be strong, you have to spend money to buy resources. He needs to worry about the expenses of this big family, and if the marionette bumps into each other, there will be another repair cost.

Marionettes are different from living people and cannot be improved through practice. Kalin needs to prepare medicinal liquids and arrange magic circles for them to take medicinal baths in order to improve and evolve.

Not only that, some minor injuries of the Marionette can be recovered automatically without taking care of them, but serious injuries will require him to expend a lot of resources to treat them.

For example, in [Sage] three months ago, Snitch was directly injured by the terrifying energy ball fired by the engineer warlock.

If Carlin doesn't take special care, he won't be able to return to his full strength, and his normal strength will only be able to reach less than 70% at best.

After the previous trade with Mycroft, he had a total of nearly 37,000 gold pounds, which seemed like a lot, but it only asked Carlin to update his equipment.

Moreover, it is only the basic version that can be used in a makeshift state, and you will have to upgrade it slowly in the future.

This is because he is good at alchemy and has good craftsmanship. He can make it himself. If everything is purchased from outside, the cost will increase several times.

As his strength grows, he needs to spend more money.

Carlin looked at the thin stack of gold pounds in his pocket and couldn't help but lamented his poverty.

"It is said that alchemists are both rich and poor. Now it seems that is indeed the case. It's just that the cost of apprenticeship is so high.

If we add the [Throne Steam Engine], a super gold-eating beast that must be built, and the powerful killing machines of the Skryre clan...hiss."

Carlin couldn't help but shudder when he thought of this. He could already foresee his poor future.

"No, you have to find a way to make money. I don't believe it. There are so many good things recorded in the Holy Blood School, White Tower Academy, and Skaven's Secret Biography that you can't make money. It's really not possible for me. You can make a fortune even if you rob a bank with this kind of strength!"

Karin directly decided that after arriving in Steam City, he could put other things aside, but he must work hard for money.

Mr. Lu Xun once said: Money is not everything, but nothing can be done without money.

‘Set a small goal first, such as earning 100,000 gold pounds. Even if I rob a bank, I have to get a lot of gold pounds, otherwise I will really not be able to survive this day! ’

Karin muttered as he packed up all his belongings and left the underground cave where he had stayed for three months with the four marionettes.

The cave became empty again, lost its light and became dark again.

(End of Volume 2)

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