Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 144 The Slaughterhouse in the Old Factory Area

"So my bounty is so high."

After Snicki sighed with emotion, he comforted the trembling group of people.

"Don't be afraid. I am a law-abiding citizen. You can just treat me as an ordinary party member."

For a moment, no one of the other eight partygoers at the scene dared to respond to his words, and the atmosphere in the alley was still very awkward.

Seeing that the party was about to stop going on, Snicki shook his head and had to open his backpack and take out five items.

Hand crossbows, vests, monocles, bells, and bracelets were placed on the ground one by one. They were the equipment that Karin bought from Kahn four months ago in order to speed up the exploration of [Witch King].

"These five extraordinary items are all sophisticated equipment from the Ranger Guild. They are all used internally by the members of the Ranger Guild. They are much better than the mass merchandise on the market.

You may not be able to buy equipment of this quality in the official extraordinary market, especially the bracelet can be sold at auction.

However, it is not convenient for Carlin to use it publicly now and his identity will be exposed, so he wants to take action. What do you think? Are you interested? "

Then Snicki began to introduce the uses of the five extraordinary items one by one.

As he explained, everyone showed excited eyes, and then the petite lady in gray murmured in a low voice.

"But we are all law-abiding citizens, how could we?"

But her voice immediately became smaller and smaller under the stern gaze until it disappeared.

Everyone was actually excited when they saw the five items, but they didn't dare to ask the price for a while. After a while, the bandaged man finally plucked up the courage to ask: "How much?"

"The hand crossbow is 1,500 pounds, the vest is 1,500 pounds, the monocle is 800 pounds, the bell is 1,200 pounds, and the bracelet is 3,100 pounds."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly became embarrassed. Of course, wild extraordinary beings like the leaders of the Ranger Association believe that the quality of the extraordinary items produced by these big forces is absolutely guaranteed.

And the price is obviously low. If it appears in the official market, bracelets that can purify pollution can be auctioned. Of course, they are very tempted by this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But now there is a problem. The equipment that Carlin has used is public information. If they use it and are discovered by the authorities, it will be troublesome.

Snicki knew what they were worried about and added: "If you want to use these five pieces of equipment publicly, just go directly to the official registration. By the way, you can also inform the official about this transaction and earn a bounty."

After listening to his words, the eight people were still hesitating about something in their hearts.

They just don't want to register with the official. After all, if wild transcendent people like them register, they must fill in some private information, which will easily expose their own details.

But faced with the temptation of good equipment and bounties, the first person finally spoke.

"I want a hand crossbow and a monocle!"

After saying that, he took out 2,300 gold pounds in banknotes.

For extraordinary beings like them, it is no problem to grit their teeth and take out two to three thousand gold pounds in cash, but life will be very tight for a period of time.

Snicki nodded and immediately paid and delivered the goods. Immediately, three more people could no longer hold back and bought the remaining three pieces of equipment.

Among them, the man in the bandage bought a vest, the lady in gray bought a bracelet, and the bell was bought by a man in a black cloak.

This time, Carlin directly received 8,100 gold pounds, and the transaction was successfully completed. The atmosphere in the alley also relaxed.

After putting the money away, Snitch said again: "I don't mind if you report me and get the bounty after you leave, but in exchange, you must introduce me to the extraordinary world of Steam City."

After listening to his words, the eight people discussed quietly for a while, and finally the bandaged man said: "You are too polite, this is what it should be."

Then the bandaged man began to introduce the extraordinary layout of the Steam City to Snitch.

Although they are all wild transcendent beings who have not been officially registered, and their exposure to information is not very high, they still know some public information.

Compared to other cities in the Kingdom of Brent, the number of extraordinary beings in the City of Steam is much higher.

Although it is still sparse relative to the population of more than five million, there are nearly three thousand people registered officially, and there are an unknown number of extraordinary people who have not registered.

There are less than twenty people at the professional level here. When the spirituality of the new moon revives for the second time in half a month, it is estimated that there will be a group of trainee level breakthroughs.

The royal family, nobles, security bureaus, large and small extraordinary organizations, cults, and the largest number of wild extraordinary people all gathered in the Steam City, and the layout was much more complicated than that of Wayne City.

Soon, Carlin had a general understanding of the Steam City. He learned a lot of information such as the official market location and the professional levels on the surface.

Gradually, the bandaged man gave a brief introduction, and at the end he reminded Snitch.

"The last day of every month is the official curfew day. No one is allowed to go out from 0 am to 3 am, otherwise there will be consequences at your own risk!"

Snicki asked strangely: "What will happen outside during this time?"

"Well, I don't know, I just know that all the homeless people are gone, and a few guys I know who don't take it seriously deliberately go out during that time, and then there's no one there anymore. I’ve seen them.”

"Thank you, but I am a very vicious wanted criminal. Is it really okay for you to remind me like this?"

The bandaged man shook his head and said: "Although I don't know what happened in Wayne City, I can see that you are actually very friendly. I think you must have been bullied by those hateful nobles and finally couldn't bear it before you did this. thing."

Not only him, but other people's eyes also showed that they had the same idea, which made Karin dumbfounded for a while. He didn't know what plot these guys had in mind.

Shaking his head, Snicki didn't want to dwell on this topic any more, so he asked another question: "Do you know anything about the cult here?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Those cult groups were indeed scary, but each of them had to be as stubborn as possible, otherwise they would be beaten to death by a group of people once they showed up.

Although these wild extraordinary beings know about some notorious cult groups, they really don't know who the cultists are in Steam City and where their stronghold is.

Carlin has not forgotten the divination results of the Story Pen. He should be able to get information about a slaughterhouse that is suspected to be the base of a cult group at the party.

Since the divination results were specifically pointed out, the relevant information is likely to be useful to him.

Sure enough, a man wearing a mask spoke, but his tone was not very sure.

"I may know some information about the cult group, but I can't guarantee that it must be a cult group."

"It doesn't matter, just tell me."

The masked man sorted out his thoughts and said cautiously: "One time when I passed by a slaughterhouse in the old factory area, I felt something was wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"At a certain moment, I felt a powerful and evil spirituality exuding, but when I took a closer look, everything was normal. Of course, it might really be my imagination, but that spirituality left a very deep impression on me. I still remember it now. in my heart."

Snicki nodded after hearing this: "Thank you for the news. I have to leave beforehand. You can continue the party."

Just when he was about to turn invisible and leave, the bandaged man suddenly stopped him.


"Just call me killer."

"Master Killer, I look forward to having you attend our gatherings in the future."

Carlin, who was at home, thought for a moment after hearing this.

The level of these wild transcendent beings may not be very high, but sometimes they may bring him some useful gossip, such as the news about the evil spiritual being just now.

And if we get some illegal goods that are difficult to deal with in the future, we can leave them to the eight of them to digest and deal with them.

Carlin is not afraid that someone is an official mole. Every time Snicki will show up after making sure it is safe.

These eight people can still report him and get the bounty. There are a total of eight opportunities to report, which is exactly once for each person. Otherwise, no matter how slow the officials are, they will realize that these people are connected to the Shadow Brigade.

Thinking of this, Snicki agreed: "Tell me the time and place of the next gathering."

"The information on the time and place of the next gathering will be in the advertising section of the Ram Morning News next Monday. Write down all the numbers in the section, arrange them in order, and divide them into groups of every ten numbers.

Each set of numbers is deciphered against the four information of the book, page, row, and column in the codebook "Oliver Twist". "

Karin was surprised at this time.

"Are you sure you're talking about "Oliver Twist"?

Isn't Carlin wanted? Why is this book still being published? "

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