Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 155 Three Kills

The commercial district of the Steam City is lined with large and small companies and various types of offices, and is the financial center of the Brent Kingdom.

There is a large flow of people here and the security is very good. There are patrols patrolling the streets at night. However, Charles and Snitch easily avoided their sight and moved forward quickly, and soon arrived near the target location.

Ciel, who had put on a pair of armor, was hiding in the shadow where the gas streetlight could not reach him. His eyes were fixed on a three-story duplex building about 20 meters away.

This is the VV Gallery jointly run by Vere and Chloe, which is somewhat famous in the entire Steam City.

After taking a deep breath, Ciel took out a curiosity doll from his pocket and recalled Snitch's instructions in his mind.

'Don't rush to drink the potion after seeing the gallery, I will test Chloe with a curiosity doll.

If the doll doesn't make any noise, it means Chloe didn't notice it, then you can just pick the lock and enter the gallery to fight Chloe inside.

If the baby screams in fear, it means that Chloe has come to kill you. Don't hesitate to drink the boiling blood and return as quickly as possible, and then fight her to create a chance for me! ’

After being placed on the ground by Ciel, the Curiosity doll controlled by Carlin walked to the door of the gallery not long after, and then the doll nimbly climbed up the wall without making any sound.

Soon the doll climbed to the window edge of the third floor, and then a silk thread stretched out from it and went directly into the gap in the window.

After the silk thread easily penetrated to the other side, it continued to move towards the keyhole of the window. After a soft snap, the locked window opened.

The doll gently pushed away and crept into the third floor of the gallery, looking very funny.

Although it was silent late at night, there were no lights inside the gallery.

But Carlin, who has the vision of the curious doll, had already sensed that the doll triggered an alarm barrier when the doll climbed over the window.

Suddenly, a powerful spiritual force suddenly awakened in a room on the third floor, and the doll immediately screamed in panic.

After sensing it, Ciel drank the two bottles of potion together as quickly as possible without hesitation.

With a bang, Ciel's whole person's aura was rising steadily, and his spirituality was solidified into a state visible to the naked eye. He only felt that he was full of power now, and he had never thought that he was so powerful now.

At this moment, a dark red figure suddenly emerged from the room in the corridor on the third floor of the gallery.

The figure's speed was astonishing, and it swooped past the open window at the end of the corridor, completely ignoring the screaming curious doll.

The next moment, a stunning beauty wearing a red and black gothic dress and black silk gloves on her hands landed gracefully in the middle of the street.

But her face was not very pretty. After all, no matter who was woken up while sleeping soundly, he would not be in a good mood.

Outside the gallery, Charles's breathing stagnated and his eyes turned red. He pulled out a long sword and let out a low growl with his throat crawling: "C-L-Y-"

"You look like you hate me very much?"

The sound of Charles' teeth gnashing also surprised Chloe.

"Forget it, there are so many people who hate me that I can't even count them, and I'm not interested in knowing them all, but you should never disturb a lady's sleep."

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and before Chloe could finish her words, Charles pulled out his long sword and used his hind legs to exert force.

The whole person burst through the ground with a bang, leaving two small craters on the spot, and hit Chloe fiercely like a cannonball.

But Chloe just raised her hand slightly and collided with the sharp sword.

After a bang, the black silk gloves flashed with dim fluorescence, and Chloe only put three fingers on the sharp blade to block Ciel's full-force sword blow.

Ciel's face turned red. He tried with all his strength but was unable to break through the opponent's blockage. His seemingly weak and slender hands seemed to be like a chasm, preventing his sword from advancing even an inch.


Chloe covered her mouth with her other hand and yawned.

"It's so boring. It's not a real professional level after all. Is this all you can do?"

At this time, Charles had no time to respond. He was horrified to find that at some point, his body no longer obeyed his orders. He wanted to retreat away from Chloe but felt completely unable to move.

At this time, one invisible thread after another had already entangled his body, spreading to his soul through spiritual madness.


After a roar, the spiritual energy in Ciel's body broke out, breaking the threads one by one, but this was only a futile resistance.

The broken threads were immediately reconnected and tangled up again like a gangrene attached to the bone. Charles's body gradually began to lose consciousness, as if it was about to become a puppet on strings.

Looking at Ciel who was constantly struggling, Chloe's beautiful face smiled brightly.

"Give up struggling, even if you temporarily possess professional-level power, you can't even see my [Spiritual Thread].

Since you are here for revenge, you should also know something about the secrets of the Fateweaver Sect. Wouldn't it be good to just be a puppet that obeys instructions? "

Suddenly, Chloe's expression suddenly changed as if she sensed something.

"Skaven? Black killer?!"

In an instant, five silver knives wrapped with silk threads flew out from the black and red dress and stabbed in the back.

Two meters behind Chloe, Snicki's figure suddenly appeared, and the two revolving weeping blades in his hands directly bounced away the five knives.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a long tail curled around the third Whirling Weeping Blade and was thrown at Chloe, and the green tip of the knife stabbed straight into the heart.

The next moment, figures on both sides crossed each other.

Chloe covered her bleeding shoulder with a frightened expression. Although she tried her best to dodge, she was still stabbed in the shoulder by the sharp blade.

Snitch came to Ciel and cut off the dense spiritual threads, allowing him to regain his freedom. At this time, he was not wearing a cloak to cover his figure.

"Master Killer. Me."

When Ciel wanted to say something with a look of shame on his face, Snitch interrupted him directly.

"You did a good job. She has been poisoned by me. Only I have the antidote. The only way to get it is to kill me and search it out from me!"

Having said this, he looked at Chloe, whose face had turned livid.

"It seems that your spiritual resistance to toxins is only average, so you didn't take the opportunity to escape. In fact, you can also try to escape and find a way to detoxify while escaping, but you only have three minutes."

“Are you the killer of the Shadow Troupe?!

I didn't expect you to be a Skaven! "

"Correct answer, but no reward!"

As soon as Snitch finished speaking, Ciel's figure disappeared instantly and rushed towards Chloe again, and Snitch's figure also disappeared.

Chloe wanted to avoid it, but a dark puddle suddenly appeared under her feet, which greatly slowed down her movement.

‘Damn it, it’s the shadow spell of the Essien clan.

How can this be!

Didn’t the inheritance of the Essien clan disappear with the fall of Skaven City in the Fourth Era? How could there be real black-clad killers and Essien warlocks now? ! ’

Chloe's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. She recognized her opponent's profession, but it was too late.

If she had known that there was a killer in black eyeing her, she would have taken maximum protection to prevent herself from being stabbed by a sharp blade.

The Skaven's spiritual poison makes countless people fear them like snakes and scorpions.

Now the poison of the Whirlwind Weeping Blade has begun to spread rapidly in her body, and she cannot stop it with her own spirituality alone.

Thinking of this, Chloe bit her silver teeth, and the black and red dress suddenly burst into intense light.

It instantly transformed into a gorgeous and elegant dark red armor, covering her whole body, leaving not an inch of skin exposed.


More than a dozen blades pulled by silk threads flew out from the surface of the armor. Most of them protected the whole body, but only a small number of them killed the charging Ciel.

She wanted to wait for Snitch to show up and kill him. Although the hope was slim, this was the only possibility to find an antidote.

With a bang, the two sides began to collide fiercely, while Snicki hid on the side and quietly watched the two fighting.

Chloe did not control the invisible [spiritual thread] to wrap around Ciel this time. She knew that this trick would be useless with Snitch on the side.

Ciel's movements were extremely clumsy in the eyes of Snitch and Chloe. There were flaws everywhere. Soon there were several wounds on his body and blood splattered everywhere.

If he hadn't drank two bottles of potion to temporarily enhance his defense and recovery power, Ciel would have been stabbed to death by the blade of the dark red armor.

After all, his strength was forcibly enhanced by potions, and he couldn't control it skillfully.


Chloe collided violently with Charles again and again, and the walls of the buildings on both sides of the road and street became pitted in the aftermath of the collision between the two.

Although she seemed to have the upper hand, Ciel's wounds became more and more numerous, but his mood became more and more urgent.

After playing for more than two minutes, not only did Snicki fail to show up, but she also realized something was wrong.

The entire street was shrouded in a barrier, cutting off all movement and spirituality here.

Otherwise, there are two professional-class people living near VV Gallery, and this kind of movement should have alerted them to come to check.

As the toxins swirling around the Weeping Blade in the body eroded deeper and deeper, Chloe's life and strength began to gradually drain away.

In the beginning, she still had the absolute upper hand, but as her body became weaker and weaker, she could only barely draw a tie with Ciel.

As death gradually approached, Chloe's mind gradually calmed down, and the rapid loss of strength made her gradually exhausted.

Ciel seized the opportunity and swung his sword directly, and the blast actually knocked Chloe away.

At this moment, Snitch's figure suddenly appeared on the movement path of Chloe's body.

With a thud, the tail blade pierced the dark red armor in mid-air, passed through the chest, and then quickly withdrew.

Chloe's body hit the ground like a torn sack, and the armor on her body began to fade away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon turned back into the black and red dress.

Ciel came to her panting. At this time, the armor was covered with dense knife marks, and there were wounds that were healing quickly on the exposed parts of her body.

Although he looked bruised and bruised, Ciel's eyes were extremely happy.

But Chloe's eyes were unusually calm. In the last moment before her life was extinguished, she looked at Charles and asked, "Do you hate me so much because your relatives and friends died because of my orders?"

Ciel said bitterly: "When you issue death orders to others, you should have known that such a day would come!"

After hearing the expected answer, Chloe twitched her lips and felt her interest waning.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would die because of this old-fashioned revenge.

Forget it, no matter what the method of death is, it makes no sense, after all, there are only instructions in my life.

It is a pity that it is the most regrettable thing not to die under the instructions of the spinning wheel of fate."

As she finished her last words, Chloe's pupils completely lost their luster.

After Ciel got his revenge, he settled his worries and waited quietly for his body to collapse. Only then did Snitch's figure appear beside him.

At this point, Carlin completed a triple kill.

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