Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 157 Death in the Light

"I'm here alive"

At this time, ten minutes had passed since Ciel was transformed into Carlin's lamb, and now his entire body had turned into a blur of flesh and blood on the ground.

With his spirit exhausted and his body exhausted, Ciel has completely become a useless person. It is extremely difficult to move his fingers.

Not long after the job transfer ceremony was completed, the collapse began. The pain of life being worse than death was unforgettable for Ciel.

If it hadn't been for the "Unknown Secret Book: The Lamb Chapter" that had drastically transformed his body and given him a stronger endurance, he would have been reduced to ashes by now.

Karin looked at the dying Ciel on the ground and fed him ten milliliters of dew of life to drink.

The bloody Ciel began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon regained his life.

He felt that his condition couldn't be better, but there were still large blood stains on his clothes and the floor.

Ciel stood up, bowed respectfully, and silently stood beside Karin.

"You will be the sharp blade of the Shadow Brigade from now on. The four of them, like me, can order you to do anything."

"Yes, Commander.

But if your orders conflict with each other."

"There cannot be a conflict of orders, but if you really encounter a conflict of orders in the future, just ask me directly for advice. There is a method to contact me in the secret transmission. The distance limit is currently ten kilometers."

At this time, Ciel felt that there seemed to be some invisible connection between himself and Karin, and this connection was spiritual.

He recalled his new secret transmission and immediately found a ritual. After arranging the ritual and praying, he could communicate directly with Karin.

You can communicate spiritually with Karin at any time within ten kilometers.

This is the method used by ranchers to communicate remotely with the lambs in "Where the Lambs Go". Originally, at the trainee level, the contact range was up to two kilometers, which was the same as the marionette's control range.

Carlin's virtual kingdom of God strengthened the signal and expanded the range to ten kilometers.

Then Carlin asked Ciel to practice well and be careful not to be exposed, and then left the William Law Firm with the Marionettes.

After returning to the apartment at No. 9 Jasmine Street, Carlin began to handle the trophies from killing Chloe.

In addition to the complete spiritual crystallization of the Holy Spirit Path, the only other extraordinary item on the other party's body is the gown.

This piece of equipment can be transformed into a piece of armor covering the whole body, inlaid with thirty blades drawn by silk threads, capable of both offense and defense.

Moreover, the armor also comes with more than 500 cubic meters of storage space, which made Carlin feel that the Fateweaver Order deserves to have a true god as its backer, and its foundation is extremely rich.

Even the space ring capacity of His Royal Highness Prince Charles is less than two-thirds of the space of this armor.

In addition to a dozen bottles of magic potion, more than 14,000 gold pounds in cash, a stack of stock and bond documents, 124 spiritual gold coins, and a pile of extraordinary materials, there are also some personal clothes, food and other sundries in the armor storage space.

Carlin soon found a sparkling ruby ​​that was his main target to kill Chloe - the Naris Ruby.

'Very good, just wait until we find a suitable place to arrange the [Invisible Embrace] to mourn the 'Invisible Fire' and get a bit of power from the 'Crescent Moon'. In this way, the materials for the promotion ceremony of the Sage Path will be solved! ’

He then spent more than an hour refining the dress, completely eliminating all stubborn traces of spirituality, and its appearance was transformed into a gray long hooded windbreaker.

He gave this piece of equipment directly to the miko, which could be regarded as a compensation for the weak lethality of the miko's attack methods at the trainee stage.

After learning more about the power of this armor, Karin was very grateful that he had met Ciel as a suitable bait.

Chloe is much better than that parallel import from Sniko. She works as a fateweaver in the fateweaver order. She can control the invisible [spiritual thread] to wrap around the soul and turn the enemy into her own puppet. The method is very strange.

Fortunately, Charles, the rookie, was used as bait, so Chloe, who was still angry after getting up, just put on a long dress without any other equipment or puppets, and was ready to deal with the rookie and go to sleep.

While her attention was drawn, Snitch was able to poison her with a single blow, until Chloe died without even using half of her strength.

Otherwise, when Chloe transforms into an armor form and summons the puppets in the gallery to protect her, even Snitch won't be able to kill the opponent head-on in a short period of time.

At that time, the concealment barrier could not cover up the noise caused by their fight, which would definitely attract other professional classes to come and check it out.

For a normal professional level like Chloe, Snitch can easily win in a head-on battle, but it will take some time to kill him.

This kind of long and fierce battle is very taboo in the Steam City. If there is too much noise, Karin will have to ask Snitch to retreat immediately, otherwise it may be dangerous.

Carlin is unusually sober and will not underestimate the power of Brent, a national machine and other ancient supernatural organizations.

He now only relies on his powerful concealment ability to hide in the dark, making himself mysterious so that others can be afraid of him.

If the traces are exposed, not only those professional levels, but also the surviving elderly mentors and even legendary levels within various extraordinary organizations will not be able to resist the temptation of the resurrection ceremony and will desperately pursue him.

God knows how many old antiques there are in the mortal world that have survived from the end of the Fifth Epoch to the present?

With great power, who is willing to turn into a handful of loess and not want to regain his youth again?

Karin, who had undergone the resuscitation ritual, was now completely exposed to the treatment of death.

Thinking of this, Karin sighed. He still had a long way to go to achieve his professional level achievements.

I did three votes in a row tonight, so I should stop for a while. Let’s finish the parts that can be solved in my promotion ceremony first.

After the second spiritual revival, extraordinary resources in the mortal world will gradually become abundant, and all kinds of monsters and monsters will pop up. At that time, it will be much more convenient to find ways to collect materials.

After asking the witch to put on a gray hooded windbreaker, Karin entered the [Witch King] illusion, preparing to refine the Sage and Witch King path promotion potion that had already collected the materials.

After practicing in the fantasy world, refine it in reality, trying to ensure success the first time.

The time came quickly, nine o'clock the next morning.

Karin stayed in [Witch King] for half a month and quit after six hours in real time.

After exiting the Witch King, Karin and the Marionettes started working intensely.

Eric planted the spiritual tree he bought from the market in the front yard and arranged a ceremony to shorten the growth time.

The main ingredients of the Ancestral Path potion require one spiritual tree seed and one milliliter of life dew.

He has dew and tree seeds. Drake also bought one last night, but the spirituality is not up to standard.

Karin was going to arrange a ceremony to allow the newly grown saplings to condense their vitality and regenerate into tree species when the New Year's Day starts on the 1st, so that the requirements could be met.

While he and other secret puppets were making promotion potions in the basement, Eric, who was planting trees in the yard, saw an elegant old man in a tuxedo standing outside the door.

Eric looked like he was someone's butler.

After opening the door, the old man bowed slightly to him and handed over a gold-plated invitation.

"Dear Mr. Eric, on behalf of my master Mr. Maxim, I sincerely invite you to attend the banquet at 7 o'clock tomorrow night."

"Thank you Mr. Masim for the invitation. I will arrive on time."

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