Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 159 Troublesome dignity

Although rich people are not necessarily extraordinary, extraordinary people are generally not very poor.

Carlin, who laughs at himself as a poor man, did three jobs in one night and spent more than 28,000 gold pounds at the market. He still had more than 18,000 pounds in cash.

And Charles, a transcendent who had not been doing well in the past, at least has his own law firm, and he doesn't have to pay rent because he owns his own house.

Mr. Lu Xun once said: "Those who are practical and practical know etiquette."

Many of the lower-class civilians who have to travel around for a living cannot even read a word.

Compared with the common people at the bottom, the middle class, wealthy businessmen, and nobles are more likely to be extraordinary.

When a person has money and status, the probability of contacting the extraordinary is greater.

Some rich people who know the existence of extraordinary people will not be stingy with gold pounds in order to become extraordinary themselves.

However, Ciel gave Karin a negative answer.

“Although Connor dreams of becoming an extraordinary person, he has no qualifications and has not inherited any extraordinary bloodline.

So he didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to offer a reward for how to become a transcendent, but the first few times he met were wild transcendents who just wanted to defraud a deposit.

Afterwards, one of his extraordinary friends told him some common sense before he gave up.

Connor no longer expected to become a transcendent in a short time, but spent a lot of money to hire a professor from the Royal Alchemy Academy to arrange a ceremony for him.

Prepare to take advantage of the special time point when the second spiritual resurgence begins, so that your soul can safely contact the spiritual world and be tainted with extraordinary qualifications, and become an extraordinary person in one fell swoop.

This is a very safe method, just like integrating the complete spiritual crystal of the professional level.

It costs a lot of money. This method costs at least one hundred thousand pounds, which is almost one-third of Connor's net worth, but it can allow an ordinary person without qualifications to become a transcendent without any hidden dangers. "

Speaking of this, Ciel felt envious, jealous and hateful again. He was awesome if he had money and ability.

Then he asked: "Did Ghost receive Connor's party invitation?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

At this time, Charles took out an identical gilded invitation card.

"My father and Connor had been friends, and I was a transcendent, so he didn't forget to give me a copy.

Leader, if this is your first time attending this kind of banquet, you must pay attention to your words and deeds, and bring gifts that are neither too cheap nor too expensive.

If it is cheap, the other party may think that the ghost looks down on him; if it is expensive, others will think that the ghost is a rude upstart, so everyone will take the initiative to alienate him. "

Although Ciel's advice was very pertinent, Carlin was filled with lawsuits after hearing it. Interpersonal communication between decent people is extremely troublesome.

"Forget it, you eat first.

Then slowly tell me all the things that need attention, and I will tell the ghost to let him prepare carefully. It is not easy to have a clean identity, and it is still necessary to maintain it. "

"Okay, Captain."

Charles just quickly swallowed a few pieces of meat floss bread and finished his lunch hastily, and then began to talk about some social etiquette among decent people.

The lecture went from noon to evening all of a sudden. Eric had already finished his wandering and went home. Only then did Carlin endure the impatience in his heart and listened to Ciel's story.

Then Carlin, Charles, and the three marionettes cleared out the debris in the basement of the office to make room for Carlin.

"In the future, unless there is something urgent, don't bother us. You should also practice hard during this period to prepare for the impact of the human body's limit on the 1st of the New Moon."

After casually sending Ciel away, Karin released the alchemy workbench.

Looking at the soil on the ground, he planned to continue digging downwards to dig out a wide underground square as an alchemy workshop and arrange a condolence ceremony.

The basic models of [Throne Difference Engine] and [Forbidden Gear] do not require much space, but if they are upgraded and updated in the future, they will need a wide space to display them.

The current basement of less than 150 square meters is just barely adequate, and it is impossible to place some large steam machinery and equipment.

‘Let me think about it, how do the rats in Skavenmord usually make holes?

To open up temporary underground spaces, the three clans mainly used portable dimension crushers to dig holes.

In addition, Clan Skryre will produce various steam constructs as free labor.

The Model clan has endless wolves and rats that can be consumed as consumables.

The Essin clan usually orders steam constructs or some modified wolf rats from the other two clans and then cooperates with the dimensional crusher to carry out soil work.

It's a pity that I'm completely broke now. It will take at least five years to start cultivating wolf rats again and form a culture system. Only through step-by-step experiments of survival and elimination can we select and transform suitable modified bodies that are qualified for the reproduction of breeding rats.

Steam mechanical structures cannot be produced without an alchemy workshop of a certain scale.

Then we can only find a way to build a portable dimensional crusher by hand first. Although the upgraded workbench is troublesome, it can still be made. It would be great if we could send parts orders to some extraordinary organizations in the Steam City.'

Thinking of this, Carlin shook his head again. Now that he had no channel, the bill information would be recorded when placing an order.

Normally it's fine, but at critical moments these order information will become clues to trace his traces, so let's forget about it for a short time.

After dispelling this beautiful illusion, Karin entered the [Witch King].

‘If you want to make a portable dimensional crusher with your hands, let’s make the [Throne Difference Machine] first. ’

He took the three marionettes except Eric and rushed to the center of the academy. After killing Raymond who was at the contact level, he placed the alchemy workbench in the central square.

This time Karin did nothing else but manually processed pieces of precious metal ingots to create parts one by one.

He took out the crystal ball that recorded various projects and experiment log information, and while comparing the recorded data in the log, he was building the parts of the [Throne Difference Engine] on the alchemy table.

With the steam core and complete materials, Karin can make all other parts by himself, but the yield is a bit low.

As time went by, he threw various parts of inferior quality in the square and gradually piled up.

Although Carlin also has certain attainments in the field of steam technology, without the assistance of large-scale equipment, hand-made parts are not only slow, but also have many defective products with his current craftsmanship.

But he just regarded it as practicing his skills.

He would not be able to count on large-scale steam equipment capable of processing, especially if it involved extraordinary equipment, in a short period of time. He could only rely on his own hands to build it himself on the steam alchemy workbench.

At least once the [Throne Difference Engine] is built, its manual precision will undergo a qualitative change. In this way, it will be possible for some precision machine tools to continue to be made by hand.

Then use machine tools to produce other large-scale mechanical equipment parts for assembly, and slowly upgrade step by step, and eventually it can be upgraded to a large factory.

Before we knew it, 53 days had passed, and metal scraps and substandard defective parts were piled up everywhere in the square.

The parts that met the standards were placed by Karin in an open space specially cleared by the Marionette next to him.

Looking at his results, he sighed and shook his head.

In this month, he has only completed less than half of the qualified parts for the [Throne Differential Engine]. His workmanship is still not exquisite enough, and the defective rate is too high.

At this time, he was ready to leave [Witch King]. It wasn't that he didn't want to continue, but that all the metal materials had been consumed, and Eric had to attend the banquet, so he had to watch.

After he himself entered the historical illusion, the marionettes from the outside world would stand motionless, leaving only the most basic intelligence. They could not actively communicate with others, but they would automatically fight back when attacked.

If there is a [Throne Difference Engine], even if he enters the historical illusion, all marionettes will be managed by the Difference Engine, and they can even behave like normal people.

Thinking of this, Carlin became more determined to build the [Throne Difference Machine] as soon as possible.

After leaving the [Witch King], Karin took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was less than two hours before the banquet started.

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