Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 167 Spiritual Shock

After arriving in a strange place, Charles began to observe everything around him in surprise.

He found that although he was just a projection now, everything here seemed extremely real.

He was on a plain, and there was a huge banyan tree in front of him. The lush branches and leaves shone with mysterious light, and the branches crisscrossed to form a dome above his head.

There was a circle of high-backed chairs surrounding a round table under the banyan tree, and Charles saw that eight of the chairs were engraved with the code names of the six members of the brigade.

‘The leader, the ghost, the witch, the killer, the guard, the blade, and the doll and the banyan tree? ’

The next moment, the figures of Carlin and the four marionettes appeared on the corresponding seats, while the two seats of the banyan tree and the puppets were empty.

"Captain, what is this?"

Karin asked Charles: "This is a virtual illusion created by the banyan tree. In the future, we won't have to have so much trouble communicating with each other."

Although the soul connection between the rancher and the lamb is relatively close, the rancher can only send some brief messages.

And the lamb has to spend five to ten minutes setting up a ritual and praying to have a direct conversation with the rancher in his mind.

[Throne Differential Engine] After being integrated into the virtual Kingdom of God, this remote communication capability is greatly enhanced, and you can project into the Kingdom of God at any time.

The place where they are now is inside the data banyan tree.

And it’s not just the lambs. Others can enter as long as they get the tokens made by Carlin.

Because the lamb is already spiritually connected to the rancher, others also need a signal anchor to project from.

In the future, in addition to marionettes, there will definitely be other real people in the Shadow Troupe, which will greatly facilitate the contact between members.

Then Charles asked doubtfully: "Are the banyan tree and the puppet new members of the brigade? Why didn't they come in?"

Karin said casually: "Rongshu, didn't you see it earlier?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadow of an ancient tree appeared on the seat of the banyan tree.

Charles immediately heard a simple voice: "Hello, I am Banyan Tree."

This time, Charles was shocked and turned to look at the huge banyan tree.

Could this be the true nature of the banyan tree?

Karin ignored his thoughts and continued: "As for the doll, she is a temporary member. The information about Sichen's power was provided by her, and we are in a cooperative state with her.

There may also be some outsiders working with us as temporary members in the future.

But one thing you must remember is that these temporary members are not your own! "

Charles immediately nodded to express his understanding. He had sold his life to the leader, and he must be considered one of his own.

The four killers, ghosts, witches, and guards who are with the leader must also be considered their own.

Other temporary members who join later can cooperate, but cannot communicate.

The doll's seat was prepared by Carlin for Angela. She and Carlin had the same goal for the time being, and they could just project it directly into the data banyan tree when discussing things in the future.

Then Karin asked: "How has your recent practice been?"

After hearing this, Charles said excitedly: "The secret book you gave me, Captain, is so powerful. Just by combining some spiritual food and a few rituals in the secret book, I was able to reach the limit of my human body in just ten days." One step away.

Just wait for the second spiritual awakening in the early morning and start taking extreme potions to attack this hurdle! "

Karin nodded after hearing this. He did not restrict too much in the content of "Lamb Chapter", and his strength after training may not be worse than his marionette.

After all, the person's soul has been given to him, so being able to live and kill him is completely loyal, so there is no need to impose any restrictions.

Karin also gave Ciel some money to buy resources for him to practice. In addition, Ciel had a good foundation before changing cultivation. It was not surprising that he was only one step away from the limit of the human body in ten days.

"Very good, you can continue to get familiar with it here. Let's leave first. If you want to exit, use your mind to contact the banyan tree."

After saying that, Karin and the five marionettes disappeared, leaving only Ciel sitting alone at the round table.

After Karin exited the banyan tree space, he looked at the other four marionettes in the basement.

At this time, Snitch, Witch, Drake, and Eric were lying naked in four metal tubs.

The bright red liquid flooded the bodies of the four people. Their breathing rates were very steady, and every second, the liquid would be absorbed by the body in an imperceptible amount.

At the same time, a magic circle is carved under each of the four metal bathtubs.

During this period, Karin spent a lot of resources preparing medicinal solutions, and would have four marionettes take medicinal baths every day to continuously improve the strength of these marionettes.

Eric had been taking medicinal baths alone at No. 9 Jasmine Street, but his second spiritual recovery was about to begin.

Carlin also wanted to take this opportunity to open a small stove for the marionettes, and maybe one or two of them would be promoted to professional ranks, so he asked Eric to come to the basement and wait for the early morning.

As for the [Throne Difference Engine], there is no need to cultivate it like this. It can be cultivated as an alchemy item. In the future, new parts will be continuously added to upgrade and update.

Now it's not just Karin, all the extraordinary people in the Steam City have put down what they are doing and are waiting for the early morning.

None of them wanted to waste this good opportunity of the second spiritual recovery. This was a special point in time when spiritual shocks would occur violently.

Some bottlenecks that are usually difficult to break through will become much easier at this moment, and the effects of many rituals will also be qualitatively improved.

And for ordinary people, the qualification threshold will be significantly lowered.

It is foreseeable that a new batch of extraordinary beings will be born tomorrow, and a new batch of professional levels will also be born.

Both Carlin and Charles were waiting for this moment at the law firm.

As for Danetta, she stayed alone at No. 9 Jasmine Street to look after the house. Unfortunately, she became a transcendent too late and could not enjoy the maximum benefits.

If it took a few months in the morning, Karin would be sure to let her hit the limits of her body in the early morning.

In this way, all the extraordinary people quietly waited for the arrival of early morning.

Time passed like this minute by minute, and the bright crescent moon in the sky was tinged with a faint red halo at some point.

Karin could feel that his spirit was cheering for joy and was much more lively than usual, as if he was looking forward to something.

When time passed 0:00:00 on March 1, 545, Karin instantly felt that his spiritual activity had reached its peak.

At this moment, four magic circles erupted, sucking spiritual infusion from the spiritual world into the virtual kingdom of God.

The rapid operation of the [Throne Difference Machine] sorted out the chaotic and chaotic spirituality of pollution into order and purity, and then continued to infuse it into the bodies of the four marionettes.

The aura of the four marionettes began to rise steadily, and the liquid medicine in the metal bathtub decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ciel, who was also ready for everything, also swallowed the extreme potion and began to attack the limits of the human body.

In an instant, a violent force broke out in his body, and severe pain began to sweep through his body. Charles gritted his teeth and held on, struggling to control his spiritual digestion of this violent force.

At No. 9 Jasmine Street, Danetta looked at the orange flames coming out of her body in panic. She felt that a powerful force was awakening in her body and was rapidly transforming her body.

However, she immediately recalled Eric's teachings and instructions before he left, asking him to explain to her what to do when his spirit revived for the second time.

Danetta quickly took a bottle of pure blood potion and entered a deep meditative state.

At this moment, what she was meditating on was not the white tower pattern, but a huge banyan tree.

The huge roots of the banyan tree penetrate into the void to continuously draw spiritual energy from the mysterious spiritual world.

After the [Throne Difference Engine] was integrated into the virtual kingdom of God, the content of the meditation method part of the "Unknown Secret Code" has also changed.

As Danetta entered a deep state of meditation, although the flames failed to be contained, they became stable.

In just one minute, relying on the power gained from the awakening of the blood in her body, Danetta was promoted to the trainee level.

The transformation is still continuing, and Danetta's momentum has begun to rise, and with the help of bloodline power, the growth period has been rapidly shortened.

But Carlin did not take advantage of this good opportunity to practice at this time, and this golden opportunity was of no use to him.

He himself had long been unable to make any progress, and could only continue to progress by advancing to the professional level, so he focused all his energy on marionettes and equipment.

He just watched the momentum of the four marionettes continue to rise until ten minutes later, Eric's momentum reached a critical point and suddenly exploded again.

And lines of hidden magic circles appeared on the basement walls, locking the explosive momentum in the basement and preventing it from breaking through to the outside world.

‘Very good. Eric actually took the lead in breaking through the professional level. He was indeed a legendary powerhouse during his lifetime. ’

The aura of the witch and Drake gradually reached the critical point of the trainee level, and began to impact the professional level.

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