Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 170 Dimensional Crusher

Charlotte sighed and said: "Actually, I am also investigating this case. The murderer is just as you said, it is a transcendent person who commits the crime, and it may also be a cult group!"

There was a trace of surprise on Eric's face, he didn't expect that the cult group would be involved.

"Are you really sure? It's not like the situation in Wayne City again, right?"

"After various clues, it can be determined that these missing girls have been confirmed dead. There are no bones left. The place of death is somewhere in the old factory area."

"I didn't expect you to find out to this extent."

Charlotte showed a helpless expression: "Recently, due to the case of the Shadow Brigade, the Secret Service has been short of manpower assigned to the case of missing girls.

Moreover, the second spiritual resurgence has also begun, and there are not enough manpower to eliminate the evil beings that are constantly being born.

If it weren't for the extraordinary organizations and wild extraordinary beings located in the Steam City that also went hunting for evil things, there would have been big trouble.

Even I was forcibly recruited by my brother, and I had to spend part of my time every day to eliminate evil things. So it wasn't that I didn't want to investigate the case of the missing girl, but I really didn't have any extra energy. "

After hearing this, Eric quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you."

Charlotte shook her head, feeling that she couldn't find anything out of Eric if she continued to stay, so she stood up and left.

"I'm sorry to take up so much of your time. I hope you don't mind. If you have time, you can also hunt evil objects. The materials on some evil objects are still very valuable."

Then Eric stood up and sent Charlotte to the door. Before leaving, he said seriously: "You are also doing it for the peace of the Steam City. If there are any clues about the brigade, I will report it to the Secret Service as soon as possible."

"Thank you very much."

After Eric said goodbye to Charlotte, Carlin stopped what he was doing and started thinking.

‘Although nothing was found, Charlotte may have been eyeing Eric. After all, he could not verify whether Eric’s resume in the New World was true.

For a guy like him with some obsessive-compulsive disorder, the inability to verify means doubt. If there is doubt, he will not relax the pursuit of Eric.

It seems that we have to find a way to get the Shadow Troupe to do another vote, and Eric cannot participate, so that Eric can at least remove some suspicions and make that guy Charlotte no longer watch so closely. ’

After thinking for a while, Karin started to create mechanical parts on the alchemy workbench again.

As for Eric, Danetta came out of the kitchen after Charlotte left. Her face and clothes were stained with ashes, and she looked dirty.

"Master, you seem to be very afraid of that Charlotte?"

Eric said angrily: "It's not fear, it's just fear of trouble. This guy is the younger brother of the director of the Security Bureau. If you are targeted by him and you can't get rid of him, and you can't do anything to him, don't you think it will be troublesome?"

Danetta asked curiously: "So, did you know him before?"

"That's right. We had a chance to become friends. Unfortunately, something happened that caused the two sides to be in tit-for-tat positions now."

"But didn't you just come back from the New World not long ago?"

After hearing this, Eric looked straight at Danetta, which made the village girl feel uncomfortable. In the end, he couldn't stand this weird look, so he just dropped a word and ran away.

"Uh, I'm going to take a shower first."

The dirty village girl ran to the second floor, while Eric sneered and got up and walked to the second floor.

‘This child just needs to be taken care of. It seems that he needs to be trained and trained properly. ’

The village girl was happily humming a song to wash herself off. Suddenly, Eric burst into the bathroom, and a high-pitched scream sounded on the second floor.

But soon, the village girl could only look downcast and obediently let Eric carve a white tower rune pattern on her smooth back.

The rune patterns of the White Tower are still very precious. After all, this is a ritual that can push the limits of the human body. Eric will draw one for Danetta every day for ten days, and today is the eleventh.

Darnay's progress in the early hours of this morning was inseparable from the depiction of these patterns.

As for Daneta Carlin, she doesn't plan to spend many resources on training her to reach the limit of her human body. She only needs to carve the white tower pattern.

The village girl came to the Steam City from the countryside alone to earn a living at a young age. She was considered a very strong girl.

Like Miss One-Ear, she has a resilience in her bones. Karin still believes in her will. With a maximum of one year of hard work, she can insist on carving a hundred white tower patterns, which is the limit of the human body.

An hour later, Eric continued to sit on the sofa and read the newspaper leisurely, while Danetta, who had changed into a new set of clothes, stood in front of him with tears in her eyes.

Although the white tower pattern will not cause any harm to the body, the pain of the silver needle pricking the soul is very sour.

Danetta's young mind caused a huge shadow, and she still has lingering fears.

Eric put down the newspaper and said to her calmly: "You go to eat first, and then go out and buy a new set of the burned things in the kitchen after the meal."

Then he took out a business card of Connor and handed it to Danetta.

"Tell Mr. Connor's butler or servant at the address above that I want to visit him. Make sure you come back at an agreed time and let me know."

If acquaintances or neighbors of decent people want to visit, they must send their servants to the door one to several days in advance to explain, and then the other party can visit on time or invite the other party to their home after a given time.

Otherwise, it would be very impolite to just drop by without saying hello, and you will be criticized by others.

Of course, if you are very close friends, you can ignore these.

Danetta agreed and went out.

At this time, Eric, who was being hosted by the difference machine, continued to read the newspaper leisurely.

Except for the occasional divination with the Story Pen, the daily life arranged by Carlin for Eric is actually very boring.

He only needs to play the role of a rich man from the upper class, visit other decent people to communicate and deepen friendship, and occasionally attend banquets and exhibitions.

Just do nothing and spend money lavishly, and there is no need to do other things for the time being.

Because of the relationship between the two Secret Service agents stationed near his home, Eric had better be careful. In addition, Charlotte may also be eyeing him now, so he needs to be cautious.

On the other side, in the basement of William's Law Firm, Carlin looked at a drill with a green light on its tip placed on the alchemy workbench and nodded with satisfaction.

‘After spending about 7,000 gold pounds of ores and precious metals, I finally made a portable micro-dimensional crusher, and I can start digging down. ’

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