Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 172 Investment

Black light stone is a rare mineral. Although it can be bought on the market, it is very expensive.

It's okay to buy in small quantities. After all, this is an ore that can be stably produced from the veins, but the output is a bit low.

But if you want to buy in large quantities, the price is astronomical, and there may not be that much in stock.

In the condolence ceremony [Enlightenment] that Carlin was going to arrange, in addition to the Malan Crystal, the main material that still had no shadow, a wizard tower also needed to be built.

Even if there is only a pitiful first floor, the ritual has no limit on the size of the wizard tower, as long as it is a wizard tower.

But the wizard tower is not that easy to build. It can be said to be a wizard's lair. Almost all of his important belongings will be placed in the wizard tower. This is also a powerful gold-swallowing behemoth.

As long as some weak apprentice level wizards build their own wizard tower, it is equivalent to having a sharp fort. Ordinary professional level extraordinary people will not dare to provoke the wizard tower.

"Purification Spire" also has detailed construction methods for the wizard tower. Most of the materials required are not a problem, but the top layer of the wizard tower must be completely made of black light stone.

For the ceremony to be successful, even if Carlin only half-heartedly built the most rubbish one-story wizard tower in history, he would need at least dozens of tons of black light stone as building materials.

According to the current market conditions, it will cost 210,000 gold pounds.

Carlin felt a little troubled by this, but he could only sigh helplessly. After all, he was very lucky to have received two condolence ceremonies that could directly gain Si Chen's power after watching a secret history 'safely'.

Regarding the cost of such a ceremony, he would not expect it to be cheap.

Fortunately, the [Invisible Embrace] ritual points to the 'Invisible Fire'. Si Chen is very generous and generous, and does not hesitate to share his power with extraordinary beings. Although the ritual materials are also expensive, they are much better than [Enlightenment]. .

After obtaining the Naris Ruby, a hard-to-obtain main material, the remaining materials, except for 30 grams of the Philosopher's Stone, can be purchased on the market.

The Philosopher's Stone is extremely difficult for others, but it is no problem for Carlin. He only needs to spend another 30,000 gold pounds to purchase materials and find a suitable Feng Shui treasure land to start the layout.

Now when he heard what Connor said about the Skaven ruins, he also became interested.

Not only are there a large amount of black light stones needed for [Enlightenment], but there are also other precious materials, especially Malan crystal, which may be found in the ruins.

At this time, Connor remembered something after hearing his words, and sighed helplessly.

"Your promotion ceremony is okay. Even if it is more expensive, at least you can buy it with money, but my promotion ceremony is."

He didn't continue talking after that, just shook his head and sighed.

After hearing this, Eric could only comfort and say: "You have just become a transcendent, and you still have a lot of time to prepare. And as the process of spiritual recovery intensifies, the materials that were once precious will gradually become available in the future."

But Connor's face was still a little downcast, and he said helplessly: "Of course I know this, other materials are not a problem, the key is that I need a lot of Philosopher's Stone to advance to the professional level.

You also know that the market for Philosopher's Stone is always hungry, and many resources will gradually depreciate over time, but Philosopher's Stone will only increase in value and will not depreciate.

Half a year ago, the transaction price of 1 gram of the Philosopher's Stone at Bosang Auction House was around 1,500 to 2,000 gold pounds, but now this number has exceeded 3,000 gold pounds and continues to skyrocket! "

After hearing this, Carlin felt a little strange, and the story pen in Eric's pocket suddenly glowed with hazy light and began to tremble slightly.

Line after line of tiny handwriting was written on a small cloud of white mist.

'Connor is very distressed. One of the main materials for the ritual he wants to arrange is the Philosopher's Stone, which requires 15 grams, but so far he and his companions have only collected less than 5 grams.

They can only pin their hopes on the ruins of Skaven Castle.

With the Philosopher's Stone, the ceremony can be completed quickly and then be launched on the 12th of the New Moon. At that time, Connor and his companions will gain the power they have always dreamed of. ’

Carlin's mood became even weirder after seeing what was written in the story pen.

So he directly controlled Eric and said: "Philosopher's Stone? I have 20 grams here. My father got it from exploring a ruins in the New World. Is it enough?"

While talking, 20 grams of the Philosopher's Stone in the virtual Kingdom of God was divided into 4 pieces and transferred to Eric's pocket.

After three votes that night, a large sum of Philosopher's Stone was received, bringing Carlin's reserve to 59.6 grams.

It just so happened that he needed cash now to buy the raw materials for the dimension crusher, so he had enough cash reserves by selling 20 grams directly to Connor.

Anyway, he got the Philosopher's Stone very easily, and he didn't feel bad selling it to Connor, which made the relationship between the two parties even closer.

Crucially, the ritual that points to the chef also requires the Philosopher's Stone.

Just waiting for Connor to collect slowly is too inefficient. He can get the exact opening time by just pushing it. Then he only needs to follow Connor to the location of the ceremony.

And Connor's breathing became rapid after watching Eric take out four crystal clear crystal stones from his pocket.

"Oh, my friend, you must sell it to me and set a price. I am willing to trade for any price as long as it is not too outrageous!"

Eric smiled and said, "Let's just follow the price of 2,500 pounds per gram."

"Thank you. I'm so lucky to have you as my friend. If you'll excuse me, I'll go get the money right now!"

After saying that, Connor excitedly walked out of the room and returned to the room five minutes later, placing a thick stack of gold pounds on the table.

"Fifty thousand gold pounds, let's count them."

Eric nodded and began to count the money. Fifty thousand gold pounds was only about five centimeters thick, and he finished counting it quickly.

Connor also carefully inspected the four Philosopher's Stones, and finally showed a relieved smile after confirming that they were genuine.

"Thank you very much. If you have any questions in the future, please contact me directly. I can help you with any small matters in the Steam City."

Eric also had a smile on his face.

After he sold Connor 20 grams of the Philosopher's Stone at a low price of 50,000 pounds, the relationship between the two parties changed from ordinary friends to close good friends.

With the help of Connor, a well-known local rich man, Carlin's next actions in the Steam City will be much easier.

"I do need your help with something."

Connor solemnly said: "You said, as long as I can help, I will help to the end."

"Oh, relax, relax, it's not a big deal, it's just that I want to make some investments in the Steam City, but I don't know much about the market conditions here. Do you have any suggestions?"

When Connor mentioned business matters, Connor became energetic.

“If you want to invest, I suggest you invest in the four areas of plantations, mining, railways and maritime trade.

There are several companies whose stocks are worth investing in, and you can enjoy a large amount of dividends every year, but I suggest you hold them for at most two years and then sell them to make another profit."

Then Connor told Eric the secrets in detail.

After the second spiritual resurgence came, all kinds of precious spiritual plants and mineral veins in the mortal world sprung up like mushrooms under the influence of Sichen's one-eyed stone man and Mother Mother.

The next few years will be a good time for mining and farming, and the transportation industry will also be stimulated. Railway transportation in the Old World and ocean trade in the New World will become more and more prosperous.

As the past few years pass, the previously scarce resources will gradually begin to flood, and the overheated market will eventually cool down.

At that time, many spiritual plants and mineral veins will depreciate significantly, so Connor suggested that Eric should not miss this dividend if he wants to invest. However, to be on the safe side, it is best to sell the company's stocks in advance after holding them for two years.

The opinions given by the other party were indeed very pertinent, and Connor also specially introduced some company information to Eric.

At the end, he said: "It is impossible to explain the information of these companies in detail in a short time. How about this? I will sort out the information of these companies today and send it to you tomorrow. How about it?"

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