Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 175 [King Selection] Ceremony

Karin's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't expect Ain to be so cruel, and that his bloodline was so special.

However, he quickly realized that how to obtain the power of Si Chen, the path of the Holy Spirit, should be from the bloodline of the Ponton family of the Herim royal family.

The Kingdom of Hreem is also a powerful country in the Old Continent, and its strength is on the same level as the Kingdom of Brent.

Karin didn't care at all about the so-called glory of the royal bloodline. He only cared about his achievements in advancing to the professional level.

Angela did not sell out, and continued: "Every king of the Kingdom of Hrim is selected through a ceremony called [King Selection], and the gender of the king is not limited to male or female.

I am very familiar with this ceremony. All princes or princesses who sign up to compete for the throne will receive a psychic beast when the ceremony starts. The psychic beast is the incarnation of part of their soul and is closely connected to themselves.

After the ceremony is started, the activities of all princes and princesses who sign up to participate in the ceremony will be restricted. They are usually restricted to a city with a diameter of no more than five kilometers. If they step out of the ceremony, they will die immediately.

When the psychic beast dies, a special crystal will be formed, and the princes and princesses need to compete for this crystal.

After the final winner is decided, the ceremony will officially begin, using all the psychic beast crystals as sacrifices to summon the Sichen Wanzhong to lower its power.

And his own psychic beast serves as the carrier of power. From then on, the king has a powerful psychic beast, whose strength depends on the level of the sacrifice.

In this era, at best, you can only get a psychic beast with legendary seed power, but its potential is very great. As long as it doesn't die young, there will be no problem in growing to the legendary level. "

When Carlin heard this, he immediately asked: "I understand what you mean. Are you saying that I can participate in the [King Selection] ceremony? After the psychic beast digests the power of the evening bell, it can feed back powerful power to the host?"


"Then can you strip away a trace of the power of the evening bell and store it?"

Angela gave him a meaningful look after hearing this.

"It seems that your achievement is very demanding, requiring Si Chen's power from multiple different paths, but you don't have to worry that the psychic beast will immediately digest all the power and lose Si Chen's nature.

After the ceremony, the power of the evening bell is stored in the body of the psychic beast, waiting for the psychic beast to slowly digest it and feed it back to the host. Just like the alchemist's life weapon and the beast tamer's war beast, the two parties are closely connected and grow together.

If you think of the psychic beast as a secret puppet that has its own thoughts and is absolutely loyal to you, you will understand the principle. "

Carlin nodded. Angela was right. Becoming the winner of the [King Selection] ceremony would indeed allow him to complete his career.

"But although my bloodline meets the requirements, if I just sign up publicly like this, will the Kingdom of Hreem really let me participate?"

Angela explained: "There is no need to register publicly. As long as you are within the range when the ceremony is started, the ceremony will automatically ask for your opinion as a member of the Hreim royal family. If you choose to agree in your heart, you will immediately get a psychic beast. This way you will Signed up.”

Karin nodded, then asked another question.

"The [King Selection] ceremony in the Kingdom of Herim will be this year, next year, or the year after that, right?"

"Yes, your divination motto has already told you the answer. It is the Hidden Moon at the end of this year. The location is on a ship. You can easily find out the information about this ship. Even Connor knows about this ship. .”

At this moment, Carlin and Angela suddenly turned to look at the light screen at the same time.

It turned out that while they were talking, Connor had already entered an inconspicuous small bungalow in the old factory area.

And Snicki has been following him closely, and his field of vision has never been lost.

Connor entered a room and saw that there was already another man in black robe with his face hidden in the room who had been waiting for a long time.

"Did you really get 20 grams of the Philosopher's Stone all at once?!"

The voice of the man in black robe was full of shock, obviously he didn't expect that their biggest obstacle would be solved so easily.

And Karin recognized the other person's voice immediately.

"It's indeed Hannibal!"

After hearing this, Angela asked him: "How much information do you have about him?"

"Not much. I only know that he is a beast trainer and has a professional snake-like war beast. This is sensed from his spirituality."

"It seems that your perception ability is far superior to that of extraordinary people of the same level, and you are naturally suitable for the profession of the Holy Spirit path."

Karin didn't reply and just focused on watching the conversation between the two on the light screen.

After seeing the four pieces of Philosopher's Stone, which totaled 20 grams, Hannibal's always stern expression became slightly excited.

However, he still had a very uneasy feeling in his heart, and quickly asked: "Is there something wrong with that Eric guy? I sold you 20 grams of the Philosopher's Stone so easily. I always feel that something is wrong. "

Connor shook his head to comfort him and said, "You are overthinking. The reason Eric did this is to strengthen the relationship between me and him.

As a foreigner who came to the Steam City and wanted to establish himself here and integrate into the upper class circle as soon as possible, he could only be introduced by someone with my status. Even if he didn't have the Philosopher's Stone, he would use other methods to introduce me to him. Good for enhancing relationships.

Otherwise it will take at least five years before the upper class circles in Central District will truly accept him and recognize him as one of them. "

After hearing this, Hannibal's expression calmed down, and he automatically ignored the uneasy feeling in his heart. He just thought it was a bit unreal that he suddenly got 20 grams of the Philosopher's Stone.

The two of them didn't talk much, and Hannibal took 20 grams of the Philosopher's Stone and left with Connor.

There was no further communication until we parted.

The image on the light screen directly abandoned Connor and locked itself behind Hannibal again.

Angela also saw something and asked Karin: "Is this the marionette's vision?"


"You secret puppet should be the killer of the Shadow Troupe. Your stealth ability is too powerful, beyond my expectation. You got the secret transmission from the Skaven killer in black, right?"

"That's what you think."

Carlin neither admitted nor denied, Angela glanced at him and shook her head.

"Actually, you don't need to be so wary of me. Even if I break the shackles, I'm still very far away from the Old Continent and the New Continent. It's actually difficult for our position to become hostile."

"Why did you say that? Did you divine something again?"

Angela showed a smile that didn't mean anything.

"You'll find out later."

'I hate the Riddler! ’

While he was cursing secretly in his mind, Karin didn't forget to use the formula and asked casually.

"Is the ruined library in the spiritual world?"

"No, it's in the mortal world, a place completely isolated from the outside world. If you want to know where that place is, you can start tracing it from the vampires who appear during the early morning curfew on the last day of every month."


Karin looked at Angela suspiciously.

There are also records about the Vampires in the collection of books in the Ranger Association Library, but there are only a few sentences. This is a very mysterious race, and there are very few records about them.

There is a legend that is not true or false: they are the dependents of a certain Si Chen, and they feed on polluted spirituality.

But what can be confirmed is that although this name is very familiar, it has no similarity with the vampires in various literary works in his hometown.

"You mean to say that the vampires are active outside during the curfew night, and their purpose is only to collect the alchemical waste and polluted waste?"

"Yes, it's that simple. The Vampire Clan has signed contracts with many forces in the Old Continent and the New Continent. Every curfew night, they will take away the alchemical waste and some waste pollutants accumulated in the city that month.

People who go out on curfew nights will be taken away as garbage by them, and they may be transformed into vampires in the future. You must show strong strength to make them realize that you are not garbage to be cleaned up.

With your strength, it's okay to just go out on curfew night, but don't take the initiative to attack any vampire.

Even an insignificant contact level vampire will be hunted down by the entire Vampire City.

The Vampire race is extremely united. Every Vampire regards other members of the same species as close family members. This is a very interesting race."

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