Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 186 Angela and Carmen look exactly the same

Just as Angela was guessing, Carlin waved his hand and drew out a three-dimensional map of the old factory area that also included the underground space.

"I have opened up a temporary base only twenty meters away from the [Moth Sloughing] ceremony, and the location has been marked on the map.

Now set off for the stronghold, wait for the ceremony to start for a period of time, and then break into the underground space where the chrysalis tree is located. "

After speaking, everyone looked at Angela, waiting for her opinion.

"Okay, Erica's body will be under my control all day today. Let's discuss the specific action plan slowly when we get to the base."

Angela still had no expression and her tone was very calm. After speaking, she exited the banyan tree space.

At this moment, Ciel seemed hesitant to speak. After seeing his expression, Carlin said: "If you want to say anything, just say it. Don't worry too much."

Only then did Charles finally say, "Captain, I think I may have seen a doll before."

Carlin was stunned for a moment: "She is the director of the ruined library. I don't know how strong she is. Have you ever received an invitation and seen her in the library?"

Charles was shocked when he heard this, but he immediately suppressed his shock and denied it.

"No, I once saw a painting at a well-known art exhibition. The appearance of the doll is exactly the same as the person in the painting. Although the hair is shorter now, I can still recognize it!"

Karin was stunned for a moment and quickly asked: "What kind of painting is that? And what is her identity?"

"That's a portrait. Do you know about the Bucks?"

"Of course I know, and I also know many stories about the Duke of Bucks, Ain Windsor Hilton!"

Not only that, I am also the last bloodline of the Duke of Stag, Karin thought in his heart.

After hearing this, Charles slowly began to explain.

"More than 1,800 years ago, when Ain was not yet the Archduke of Bucks, he personally painted a portrait of his future wife, Carmen S. Ponton.

Princess Carmen was the most favored princess of the Kingdom of Hrim at that time, but later she eloped with the Archduke Stag. It is rumored that if she had not married the Archduke Stag, she might have become the next queen of the Kingdom of Hrim."

Carlin also knew all the history that Ciel explained, and he even knew it in more detail.

"The Red Secret" is a secret history. Karin has only read the first volume so far, and has received the secret transmission of the trainee level part.

The content of the first volume is an autobiography of Ain.

After Carmen eloped with Ain, he was fully pursued by the Kingdom of Hrim. At that time, he was only a professional level, but he was the chosen one to complete his career promotion.

In order to escape pursuit, Ain and Carmen went to Ain's hometown, a very mysterious place - Meteor Street. From then on, the two disappeared from the eyes of the world.

Ten years later, Ain reappeared in the Old Continent with several of his children and Carmen's children, established the Duke of Stag and became the famous Grand Duke of Stag, but Carmen was the only one missing, as if she had already It's like he disappeared from this world.

When the Bucks Principality was established, the first thing Ain did was to arrange a ceremony to transport the ruined library on Meteor Street to the capital of the Bucks Principality.

Yes, in the eyes of outsiders, the ruined library was built bit by bit by Ain from scratch, but the truth is that this magnificent library already existed and was transported by Ain from Meteor Street to the Old Continent.

Carlin knew nothing about the mysterious place Meteor Street, and Ain had no description at all except for a name in "The Red Secret".

Ain didn't even mention Carmen's whereabouts.

He didn't know exactly what happened. He only knew that the relationship between the Bucks Principality and the Kingdom of Hrim was not very good because of Carmen's incident. Although the two sides did not fight, various small conflicts continued until the fall of the Bucks Principality. .

I wonder what Karin realized.

"You mean, Princess Carmen and Angela look exactly the same?"

Charles nodded: "Yes, I was shocked when I first saw her. I thought I had seen her wrong."

Carlin took a deep breath and thought about Angela's full name-Angela S. Ponton.

"I think you read it right. Her surname is indeed Ponton. Not just you, everyone who has received the invitation and entered the ruined library has seen her face. The Ponton family should also know about this by now."


Just when Ciel was about to say something, Karin interrupted him directly: "Just treat her as a temporary member for the time being. There is no need to think too much about her. What we should worry about now is the [Moth Sloughing] Ceremony! "

"Okay, Captain."

Carlin put aside the matter of Angela and Carmen for the time being, and he took Ciel and other puppets to the abandoned sewer near the slaughterhouse.

There is a deep pit with a diameter of one meter, and a strong rope leads directly to the temporary stronghold below.

Carlin and his party grabbed the rope and rowed all the way down without hesitation, entering the temporary underground stronghold opened by Snitch.

In two days, Snicki only expanded the place into a small stone room of less than 100 square meters, but it was enough for them to stay.

Half an hour after Karin was in position, Erica's figure also slipped down from the hole.

But Carlin frowned when he saw her dress.

At this time, Erica was wearing a long white dress with gold patterns. The earrings on her earlobes and the necklace on her chest were all sparkling. She was dressed like an aristocratic lady going for an outing in the wild.

Although the necklace, earrings, and long skirt all exuded a dazzling spiritual light, Karin directly questioned her dress that did not even conceal her identity.

"Are you acting like this? If it is exposed, I will not go to deal with the aftermath for Erica."

Angela looked at Carlin and his group. Everyone on the other side was either wearing a mask or had their face wrapped in a hooded cloak or windbreaker.

In response to Carlin's doubts, she just snapped her fingers, and pieces of white paper appeared and were pasted on Erica's body, and then changed. The petite figure soon turned into a burly man with a rough appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

Seeing the opponent's hand, Karin nodded and said nothing. He just took out the golden formation disk and placed it on the ground, instantly forming a hidden barrier.

The deep pits on the surface of the abandoned pipe disappeared and returned to the previous scene.

Only then did Angela ask: "What should we do next?"

Carlin said: "I only know that Connor and Hannibal will start the ceremony today, and just wait quietly after they start the ceremony."

With that said, he handed Angela a charm in the shape of moth wing scales.

"After the [Moth Sloughing] ritual is started, all life in the nearby area will be eroded by the chef's power, resulting in chaotic and random evolution. Only by holding this special spell will it not be affected."

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