Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 206 Rat Tide

In the dark tunnel, Karin finally breathed a sigh of relief after taking off the [Forbidden Gear]. The battle seemed short, but it was extremely thrilling.

The whole battle is a chain within a chain.

Drake and Eric held the Dreadrat head-on to attract its attention.

The shrine maiden instantly casts [Shadow Binding], abandoning the chant, to slow it down. Although the effect is minimal, it is better than nothing.

Snitch then took the opportunity to secretly attack the Dreadrat, causing it to be poisoned and stunned for a moment.

At this time, the miko immediately began to chant a lengthy incantation. The chanting lasted for more than two seconds before she cast the fully chanted [Shadow Binding].

Although it could only trap the Dread Rat for less than a second, Kalin's [Bronze Ball] took advantage of the perfect opportunity when the opponent was unable to move to hit the Dread Rat.

If Snitch couldn't make the poisoned Dreadrat's body stiffen and slow down, and slow it down, the Witch's spell might not hit.

And if the witch cannot stop the Dread Rat, Carlin's [Bronze Ball] will not be able to cause maximum damage to the Dread Rat.

No matter which part of the process went wrong and was avoided by the Dread Rat, it would be time for the Dread Rat to harvest the heads of Drake and Eric. Without the two marionettes who resisted the front, the situation would collapse in a chain.

They faced off against the Nest Dreadrat, who was a level above him. Drake and Eric, who were extremely explosive, only fought for about a minute before they couldn't hold on any longer.

The two marionettes were still in their explosive state for about five minutes, and they also suffered some injuries. After that, they fell into weakness. They could only use 60% of their strength at most, and they had to rest for at least a day to fully recover.

However, it was very worthwhile to kill a mentor-level nest fear rat at such a price, which also made Carlin let out a long sigh of relief.

The Bloodline Laboratory should only be guarded by two mentor-level rat beasts, the Rat Troll and the Lair Dread Rat.

After all, the legendary trapper was fighting outside, and he must have brought most of his rat beasts with him when he went out. It is already good to have two mentor-level rat beasts and a dozen professional-level elite wolf rats to look after the house. .

At present, the laboratory's guard force only has a few elite wolf rats and a large number of trainee-level wolf rats used as cannon fodder.

Karin did not immediately control the three marionettes to continue exploring the laboratory, but hurried back to the hall to wait for something.

In the past, only the lair Dread Rats and not the Wolf Rats were under siege. That was because when the Dread Rats fought with all their strength, the trainee-level wolf rats couldn't even withstand the aftermath and would not rush to join the mentor-level battlefield.

When the elite wolf rats were oppressed by the demigod aura, they were killed by Snicki and the others. Otherwise, with the cooperation of more than a dozen elite wolf rats, it would be very difficult for Carlin to surround and kill the nest fear rats.

Now that the fear rat is dead, the three of them will definitely face a wave of wolf rats in the future.

Sure enough, in less than half a minute, dense sounds reached the ears of the three marionettes from one of the three tunnels on the opposite side.

squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak

Upon hearing this noise, Eric and Drake immediately pulled out their long-barreled revolvers, while Snicki went into hiding, holding a stack of charms engraved with miserable green inscriptions in his hands.

Soon, a large number of wolves and rats emerged from the wide tunnel and merged into a wave of rats rushing towards the three of them.

Derek and Eric pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In an instant, twenty-four poison-exploding bullets burst into the rats with a miserable green light and exploded.


In an instant, stumps and broken arms flew everywhere, blood spattered, and hundreds of wolves and rats were killed in one wave. There was also a faint layer of poisonous mist lingering around the explosion.

The long-barreled revolver and poison-exploding bullets used by Carlin are not popular products sold in the market. For trainees, the bullet explosion is already very deadly, and the poisonous mist formed afterward is even more terrifying.

However, the wolf rats that rushed forward immediately dispersed the poisonous mist. Only about thirty wolf rats took the initiative to inhale the poisonous mist and endured it. Their bodies melted into a puddle of liquid, which allowed other companions to avoid the corrosion of spiritual toxins.

While Drake and Eric were reloading quickly, Snitch directly threw out five of the stack of spells in his hand, and then took out a new stack of spells from his backpack.

Karin also saved a lot of consumable items such as Poison Explosion Talismans and Poison Explosion Bullets in his spare time, which came in handy now.

He didn't want the three marionettes to directly fight against the rat tide. Not only would it be inefficient, but it would also consume a lot of money, and they might be dragged to death.

Poison explosion spells and poison explosion bullets are more efficient at clearing monsters.

Puff puff--

The talismans suddenly exploded after flying in front of the rat tide, and the deadly poisonous mist began to spread rapidly, quickly covering a large area.

One after another, the wolf rats rushed into the poisonous mist unprepared, and their bodies turned directly into liquid, but the wolf rats behind were still pouring out continuously.

At this time, Drake and Eric had loaded their bullets and pulled the trigger again. There were so many wolves and rats that there was no need to specifically aim.

Immediately afterwards, another round of explosions in the rat tide once again took away the lives of a large number of wolves and rats.

The situation in the hall was at a stalemate. A steady stream of rats poured out from the three tunnels, but they were blocked by poisonous mist, and their bodies were melted into pools of venom.

As time passed, ten minutes passed, and Eric and Drake also fell into a weak state. However, they did not need to continue high-intensity fighting. They only needed to fire poisonous explosive bullets from a distance.

The venom formed by the melted corpses of countless wolves and rats on the ground gradually spread, and almost one-fifth of the floor of the nearly 1,000-square-meter empty hall was covered in venom.

The quality of the special alloy floor is still very good, and the corrosive effect of toxins has little effect on the floor at all.

As the venom spread, it flowed into the large pit created by the [Copper Ball] before. The corpse of the nest rat was also submerged in the venom and began to gradually decompose and melt.

But Carlin found that the number of wolves and rats in the tunnel was not small at all, which made him frown.

Although he did not count carefully in ten minutes, he killed at least more than 7,000 rats. This number was obviously abnormal. No matter how large the number of wolves and rats guarding the laboratory was, there should be a limit.

Although the number of wolves and rats under the legendary trapper was a terrifying number, most of them were taken out to fight. There should only be two to three thousand wolves and rats left to look after the house.

But now the rat tide shows no sign of decline at all, and is still pouring out in a steady stream.

‘Unless the female rats in the laboratory are giving birth at a super speed, and the wolf rats are sent out to besiege the enemy after they are born. ’

But in the face of this situation, Carlin didn't even frown. He just sneered and said: "Isn't it just waste? No matter how cheap the trainee-level wolf rats are, the mother rats still need to consume resources to give birth.

Continuously producing at a high speed is also a huge burden on the body of female rats. I want to see how long these female rats can give birth! "

Determined to fight to the end, Karin directly brought up the Dimension Crusher to the shrine maiden and started digging holes again, intending to join the three marionettes as soon as possible.

In the hall, Snitch stopped poisoning after throwing out five spells again, and Eric and Drake immediately ceased fire.

It was accompanied by a lengthy incantation recited by Snitch.

The venom accumulated on the floor of the hall began to stir, and foam bubbled up one after another.

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