Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 212 Temptation

Then Carlin told the others the location of the entrance to the underground passage, and made an appointment to meet within six hours, and everyone left the banyan tree space one by one.

After everyone made careful preparations, they headed towards the Central District Sewer.

Danetta first returned to No. 9 Jasmine Street, then took a shower, and rested for a while before setting off with Eric.

Along the way, the village girl looked cold and had no interest in talking.

The two of them entered an abandoned pipe in the sewer of the Central District in silence.

After passing through the seemingly ordinary wall, we came to the underground passage dug by Carlin.

In the dark underground, there was only the sound of two people's footsteps, and Eric finally spoke.

"At the end of this year, I will set sail for the New World."

Only then did Danetta look at him: "I will go with you."

After saying that, he fell into silence again, and turned into a cold expression that kept strangers away.

Eric shook his head and stopped talking. The two of them followed the winding underground passage, descending through vertical shafts from time to time. It took about an hour to reach the end of the passage.

At this time, the five figures were still carrying the dimensional crusher and continued to open up space around them.

For the time being, Carlin has only created a crowded space that can accommodate a dozen people, but it is almost enough. He just needs a place to stay.

After seeing Danetta coming, others stopped what they were doing.

He said to Danetta: "This is the first time we meet in reality. I am Karin, the leader of the Shadow Brigade."

Danetta's eyes immediately looked at him. At this time, Carlin and the other three secret puppets among the five underground people were all wearing windbreakers that covered their faces.

Ciel, on the other hand, was wearing his full armor, and his face was covered by a helmet and visor.

Danetta just nodded and did not speak, but she felt that her soul was closely connected with Karin. This situation made her thoughtful.

Karin didn't care about the village girl's cold demeanor: "Let's arrange a hiding ceremony together."

After saying that, he took out the golden array plate and some bottles filled with liquid from the space necklace.

Then everyone began to arrange the hiding ceremony, and everyone just silently followed Carlin's command and carried out the work at hand.

Dense lines were carved on the rock wall, and a hidden barrier covering a fifty-meter radius began to take shape.

Although the two mentor-level rat beasts were just beasts, they were not mindless. They would definitely not be able to obediently sneak into Moran's Bookstore. A bookstore suddenly appeared more than a thousand meters underground, which seemed strange.

This required Carlin to make some arrangements to hide the atmosphere of the bookstore, and then open the door to let the two rat beasts directly enter the urn.

This barrier is more precise and more effective than the concealment barrier Carlin used before, otherwise it would not be able to hide from the perception of the two mentor-level rats.

The arrangement process was extremely cumbersome and took several hours, just in time to wait for others to arrive.

During the process, Angela, Connor, and Hannibal also came to the end of the passage one after another, and were also pulled by Carlin to arrange the ceremony together.

It is worth mentioning that Connor and Hannibal have now been promoted to the professional level.

The moth still lingers on Connor's shoulder, and now it also exudes a professional-level aura.

Hannibal's Urus basilisk shrank in size and followed him. While spitting out snake cores, its eyes were looking at the others curiously.

The effect of the water of evolution is very good, allowing Connor, who has only been a transcendent for more than ten days, to reach the sky in more than a month, and be promoted to the professional level at the limit of the human body.

But when you think about the harsh employment threshold of the Metamorphosis Moth, this can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

Unknowingly, another three hours passed, and a complex array surrounding the golden array was carved out in the passage.

Immediately after everyone left the space at the end and retreated more than 20 meters, Angela looked at the rock wall ahead and snapped her fingers.


Suddenly light bloomed in the dark space, and a seemingly ordinary bookstore emerged out of thin air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The underground space cannot accommodate Moran Bookstore at all, but the bookstore seems to exist at two different latitudes from the real space, and the part beyond the underground space directly overlaps with the rocks.

Gradually, Moran Bookstore became a reality, and everyone only saw the back wall of the bookstore.

The group of people walked directly towards the wall and passed through it with their bodies.

After entering Moran Bookstore, everyone found that there was a wide square inside, which was the battle venue Angela prepared.

And Carlin walked directly to the main entrance of the bookstore.

At this time, the main entrance of the bookstore was suddenly raised to a height of eight meters under Angela's control. This was also to take care of the size of the two rat beasts. They were afraid that the door would be too small and they would not be able to get in.

After seeing the rock wall outside the door, Kalin picked up the dimensional crusher and started drilling hummingly.

Angela snapped her fingers again, and saw figures emerging from the square, of various races, and powerful auras rising up.

The leader, Reis, still exuded the aura of a mentor, which made everyone feel heavy in their hearts.

Charles, Connor, Hannibal and Danetta were shocked when they saw Angela's puppets. They were very surprised.

Although Angela said that she could deal with mentor-level enemies, they never expected this solution.

At this time, Carlin, who was digging a hole, suddenly turned around and said: "Of the two mentor-level rats, I want the body of the nest-dreading rat, and the bodies of the elite wolf rats in the experiment also belong to me."

Angela immediately agreed: "No problem, the body of the rat troll belongs to me."

Then the two looked at the others, who also expressed no objection to this.

After all, the main contributors to this operation were Carlin and Angela, and it was useless for them to ask for a corpse.

Carlin also wanted to expand his strength. These rat corpses could be made into slave dolls. Although their strength would be slightly reduced compared to those in life, they would not be inferior as long as they were carefully prepared.

Eighteen professional-level and one mentor-level auxiliary puppets can be regarded as greatly expanding the size of his team.

If nothing else, in terms of hole digging efficiency, the Dimension Crusher is not as high as the Elite Wolf Rat and the Lair Dread Rat.

There was no sound in the square except the hum of the drill, and Angela's puppets were already stationed near the gate in an encircling formation.

Carlin's body gradually arrived outside the bookstore, until five minutes later, he finally entered the laboratory's warning barrier.

In an instant, light bloomed in the Bloodline Laboratory, dispelling the long-standing darkness.

In a nest in the experimental area, the sleeping nest rat suddenly opened its eyes and let out a sharp whistle.


The next moment, a hole opened on the floor of the nest, and the figure of the fear rat disappeared instantly.

At the same time, in a nest next door, the Rat Troll also woke up. He only moved a little and didn't move his body for a long time before entering the newly opened pit.

The two rats swung their sharp claws wildly, breaking pieces of hard rock and digging quickly. Their powerful bodies didn't care at all about the squeeze of underground rocks.

After Carlin felt the movement of the two mice, he immediately returned to the bookstore and stood with others in a safe area away from the door.

Soon, three minutes passed. There was a bang and the rock and soil outside the door was shattered. Two rats that had just woken up rushed into Moran Bookstore without realizing it.

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