Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 215 Commission

Not long after, a loud bang in the hall attracted the attention of others.

I saw that the hole in the wall with a diameter of more than three meters was once again expanded to more than seven meters, and a huge figure jumped out.

The giant rat troll made everyone feel a great sense of oppression.

However, Ciel, Connor, Hannibal, and Danetta, whose hearts were stimulated one after another, seemed to have adapted, and their expressions were very calm this time.

As early as when Carlin and Angela said they wanted corpses, they had already guessed in their minds. They were probably planning to use the corpses of these mice to make puppets.

Now I am not surprised when I see the Rat Troll being made into a puppet by Angela, but I feel envious in my heart.

In addition to the Lacey I saw before, there are two mentor-level puppets nearby, so long as they don't offend those old antiques in the Steam City, they can almost walk sideways.

Angela's disguised figure of a rough man also walked out from behind the rat troll. She snapped her fingers, and the rat troll instantly turned into a thin piece of paper and flew into her pocket.

Carlin felt envious when he saw this scene. None of his marionettes had the ability to change body size, so when he chose the corpse before, he only chose the Lair Dread Rat.

Although the nest rat is more than three meters tall and more than five meters long not counting its tail, its body is still huge.

But compared to the Rat Troll, it is much smaller and can at least be taken out.

Normally when you take it for a stroll on the street, it won't block the road. It's not like the rat troll that stops on the road and crowds other pedestrians with nowhere to go.

Angela was only slightly surprised when she saw Carlin and Snitch fighting against the rat tide head-on.

She had already predicted Karin's strength, so she wasn't too surprised to see this scene.

After seeing Angela coming, Karin, who was firing with all his strength, still had time to turn around and talk to her.

"There are a lot of void crystals you want here. They are in the experimental area at the end of the tunnel on the left. In addition, the most valuable loot is also in that area. You can go there to search first."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that the spoils were about to be distributed.

Especially Angela, who was bound in the ruined library and had been preparing to arrange a ritual to get rid of this bondage.

She has collected a lot of materials through Erica's body, and even the most difficult chef power was obtained through Connor, only 10 grams of void crystals were missing.

Unexpectedly, this experiment was stocked. After this time, she can start arranging the ceremony and break the bondage!

Just when everyone except Carlin and Snicki were about to go to the experimental area, Danetta suddenly said: "I want to give up the loot this time and entrust you with something."

After hearing this, Carlin also had some guesses in his mind, and asked directly: "Is it related to the banquet?"

Others also stopped and focused on her.

Danetta said indifferently: "Yes, we just happened to have captured this laboratory, and you have also added two new mentor-level combat forces. It should be no problem to ambush the Feast members who explore the ruins after a while, right?"

Karin didn't give an answer right away, but began to think.

The cultists feasting were no better than the rats they killed just now.

These rat beasts are indeed powerful, but they only have a very single method of fighting beasts that have lost their masters. They are much easier to deal with than extraordinary beings. In addition to their own abilities, extraordinary beings also have a variety of extraordinary items and magic. medicine,

Even if it is an ambush to catch the opponent off guard, who knows what kind of trump card these cultists backed by a blood source god will come up with when they are desperate?

The most important thing is that he doesn't know Angela's thoughts. If Angela is willing to take action, he will go along with the situation and agree to Danetta's request.

As long as the mentor class among the cultists can be guided into the Moran Bookstore, the error tolerance rate of this ambush will be much higher. No matter what cards the opponent has, Angela, the demigod, will be able to resist it.

Angela on the other side looked at Carlin, then at Danetta, recalling a past event in her mind, and finally sighed and said.

"I'll help you."

At the same time, her voice also appeared in Karin's heart: "Nataya once helped me in Meteor Street, and I will also help her descendants. If you agree to her, I will not participate in the distribution of the corpses and trophies of those cultists. .”

After hearing this, Carlin also made a decision in his heart, and he said directly to Danetta: "I will also participate in the ambush."

Then he said: "This time it only takes me and the puppet. You can move freely during this period. If there is any action, I will take the initiative to summon you."

Others heard the same thing.


Danetta just said a brief thank you, and the others were not surprised. During the short period of getting along, everyone got to know the character of the village girl.

Then, except for Carlin and Snitch, who were fighting against the rat tide, everyone else went to the experimental area to search.

After entering the experimental area, under the leadership of Carlin's three marionettes, everyone began to search for loot in familiar ways.

Ten empty rat nests with nothing of value.

The culture vats in the six culture rooms had long since dried up, and many of the precious alchemy instruments and equipment had become a pile of rusty scrap metal that could only be remade. Only a small part was still usable, which made Karin feel regretful for a while.

But then the huge resource warehouse made everyone excited.

Stacks of precious precious metal ingots and energy crystals shone with dazzling light, and various ores were piled randomly in the warehouse.

Unfortunately, there were originally a large number of extraordinary plants, magic potions and other resources with limited shelf life here. This part accounted for the absolute majority, but as time went by, they all lost value.

Only the special alloy storage boxes gave people a sense of comfort, as they could be recycled into precious metals.

If the resources in the warehouse were intact, their total value would exceed ten million pounds based on the current market price, but now only precious metal materials, ores, and energy crystals worth more than one million pounds are left intact.

But this kind of gain can already make people short of breath.

Everyone did not search for the time being. They just made a quick count and left the resource warehouse to continue exploring.

The equipment and magic circle in the next precious body storage hall are still operating normally, and the two elite wolf rats and five breeding rats with great potential are still sleeping.

Except for Carlin, everyone else showed little interest. None of them were animal trappers, and they did not have the means to cultivate rat war beasts, so they simply ignored the rat beasts and bloodline transformation equipment here and continued to the legendary animal trapper's private house. bedroom.

As soon as they entered the bedroom, everyone was almost blinded by the dazzling spiritual light. A pile of spiritual gold coins and void crystals were scattered casually in the dust.

There are two special metal boxes lying quietly on the spiritual gold coins. One of the boxes contains Malan crystal, and the other contains an unknown tree species.

Looking at the dusty bedroom, Karin's heart hurt so much that she couldn't breathe again.

Every piece of furniture made of precious materials was turned to dust, including the cabinets and boxes where valuables were stored and the luxurious bed.

If they are intact, Karin can dismantle the mattress, sheets, pillows, and quilts into silk threads and leather, and make a set of armor for himself and all marionettes that will last until the mentor level!

Unfortunately, after eight thousand years of baptism, most of the items are now turned into ashes.

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