Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 223 Lea Polo

Chapter 223 Lea Polo

Karin calmly looked at the spider attacking him, his eyes calm.

‘It turns out that a group of spiders are making a nest here. From a spiritual point of view, they don’t look like wild ones, but rather like they were raised by extraordinary beings. ’

In an instant, red mist enveloped the surroundings, and dozens of spiders froze in place.

Carlin controlled the power of the red mist. Instead of killing these spiders directly, he turned to the trees and said, "Do you come out on your own, or do I invite you to come out?"

But what he received in response was just two empty sounds.

In the shadow of the trees, two daggers with slender and sharp blades pierced through the red mist at lightning speed and struck towards Karin.

Karin's eyes narrowed, and the red mist around him instantly solidified. He heard a clang sound and the two daggers bounced back faster than when they came.

The next moment, uniform cuts appeared on the surface of more than a dozen tree trunks as thick as bowls in front of him, and then they collapsed to the ground, sending up large amounts of smoke and dust.

‘A professional-level legendary seed, but his spirituality is very strange. How come he still has the aura of the Amazon clan? ’

It was precisely because he felt the aura of the Amazons that Carlin did not take the initiative to attack, and at this time, his expression also showed a trace of impatience.

"I say it again, come out immediately, don't let me do it!"


A burst of applause came from the silent woods, and along with a burst of crisp words, a figure gradually walked out of the dense trees.

"As expected of the man who almost became my brother-in-law. I used all my strength in that blow just now, but you blocked it so easily."

Karin looked at the figure in front of him with confusion.

Opposite her was a weather-beaten looking girl with short burgundy hair reaching her ears. She wore a hunter leather armor on her upper body and a pair of tight leather pants on her lower body. She had a pair of slender and sharp thongs inserted into her waist and tall deerskin boots. dagger.

The girl's face was vaguely similar to Elena's. His first impression made him feel that the girl, like Elena, had a kind of resilience in her bones, as if she could never overcome any hardships she experienced. It's the same as not crossing her.

The red mist gradually spread around Carlin's body, and he was ready to attack the girl at any time, because he felt something spiritually wrong with the girl. Not only did she have the aura of the Amazon family, but it was also similar to the feeling given to him by those cultists.

"You mean, brother-in-law?

I never knew Elena had a sister. "

The girl sneered, with a mocking tone in her voice: "Of course she and Kahn will not take the initiative to mention my matter to others. You know, my mother was killed by Kahn himself because of me, and my sister was also killed by Kahn because of me. I've lost an ear!"

Carlin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect things between Miss One-Ear's family to be so complicated.

The relationship between Elena and Kahn has never been very good, and the other party showed that he hated his father very much.

And Carlin never asked why. After all, it was useless to ask if the person involved in this kind of thing didn't want to talk about it.

Now he probably understood why, and the root cause lay in the girl in front of him.

"Didn't know you were"

"Lea Polo."

Karin waved his hand and said: "Leah, I'm not interested in the things between your father, sister and you, but can you explain to me what's going on with your spirituality? It gives me the same feeling as those cultists." ?”

As Karin spoke, the red mist had filled the forest, and the girl was shrouded in it, and she could be attacked by poison and sharp thorns at any time.

Cultists usually disguise themselves very well, and if they are not good at it, their graves will be covered with grass.

Although Leah didn't know why she didn't cover up in front of him, Karin sensed something was wrong with her spirituality and was ready to take action at any time.

If there wasn't a satisfactory explanation, Karin wouldn't care whether the person in front of him was Miss One-Ear's biological sister.

Leah stood in the red mist that hid murderous intent and did not take any precautions at all, as if she was sure that Carlin would not attack her.

"Because I am the vessel chosen by the Queen of Pain to descend."

Karin's expression turned strange after hearing this. The Queen of Pain was an evil god.

It is said that before she became a god, she was a companion in growth and adventure with the two ancestors of the Amazon clan, the Golden Valkyrie and the Eye of True Seeing.

But I don’t know what happened next. The relationship between the three people broke down overnight and they became enemies. After the Queen of Pain became a god, her order, the Spiders of Pain, also became a sworn enemy of the Amazon Kingdom.

"Are you kidding?

An Amazonian god becomes the vessel for the Queen of Pain to descend. This is the funniest joke I've heard this year. "

The origins of the Amazon clan are two gods, and the Queen of Pain chose their descendants as the vessel for her descent. Is she really not afraid that she will be instantly overwhelmed by the two sources after her descent?

The source of the gods can kill and kill the members of the sect.

At this point in time, the price a god in the spiritual world needs to pay to come and incarnate in the mortal world is not small. Carlin doesn't believe that the Queen of Pain is a fool and would not have thought of this.

"If you want to know more, come with me. I'll tell you slowly."

Leah didn't answer, just left a word and turned around and walked deeper into the forest.

Karin also dispersed the red mist, and the spiders regained their freedom and scattered away, quickly disappearing into the forest.

He directly followed Leah's pace without worrying about any traps.

After walking in the forest for more than ten minutes, Karin followed Leah to a cabin in the forest. There was a row of drying racks outside the cabin, drying pieces of leather.

The cabin looked very messy, with animal skins and herbs piled randomly on the ground.

On a long wooden table stained with blood was a reindeer whose skin was only half skinned. From a spiritual point of view, this was a reindeer that had reached the first level.

"Don't tell me you live here alone?"

Leah walked to the long wooden table, picked up the knife and started to continue the unfinished peeling work.

While peeling the skin, she said to Karin: "This is just a place where I make leather. I also come here to take a rest every time I go into the mountains. Every once in a while, I take mountain goods to Isaac Town for trading."

"Has it become a town?"

"After the second spiritual resurgence, many extraordinary people chose to stay there for a long time. And when extraordinary people were made public in the old continent, a group of ordinary people who were pursuing extraordinary people were attracted to settle there, hoping to get the chance to become extraordinary people. .

The size of the manor has gradually expanded, and now it has become a small town with a population of more than 10,000. "

While she was talking, Leah had already peeled off the entire deerskin. Her technique was very skillful, and the whole deerskin was not damaged at all when the knife was moving.

Laying the deerskin temporarily behind another long wooden table, Leah turned to look at Karin and said: "Isn't it strange why I seem to be living alone instead of enjoying a high status among the Spiders of Pain? ?”

Karin nodded after hearing this.

From the traces in this hut, it was obvious that Leah had lived alone for a long time. As for why the Spider of Pain did not capture her as the descending vessel, he did not know.

"Have you not been completely controlled by the Queen of Pain?"

At this time, Liya moved two small stools, and the two sat down facing each other, and Liya began to speak slowly.

"Nine years ago, when I was only eleven years old, I secretly left the academy and went to other places to play. I used to do this often, sometimes with my sister."

As she spoke, the corners of Leah's mouth curved into a smile, as if she was recalling that carefree time in her childhood, but her expression immediately turned into regret.

"But if I could go back in time to that day, I swear I will be an obedient and good girl!"

Carlin asked at this time: "What happened?"

"I was abducted by the cultists of the Spiders of Pain, and they implanted a symbiotic spider egg into me, and I've never known anything since.

When I woke up again, I found that my whole body was covered in blood, and I was surrounded by the corpses of more than a dozen Spider of Pain cultists. These cultists died in miserable ways and were cut into several sections.

I was so scared at the time, so I ran and ran. After I got out of the stronghold, I still ran away. At that time, I didn’t realize that my physical strength was abnormal, so I just ran like crazy.”

At this point, Leah's expression suddenly became ferocious, and a terrifying aura rose from her body.

"Bitch! Get out of my head!"

Dense beads of sweat covered her forehead, and Leah cursed directly in her mouth as if she was struggling to resist something.

And Carlin instantly entered the hidden state, preparing to release all the marionettes and deputy puppets to kill the person in front of him.

But immediately two powerful auras burst out from Leah's body to counter the first aura that appeared before.

It took a while to calm down, and Leah was sweating profusely after all this fuss.

"Sorry, I scared you."

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