Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 249 Locating Spell

Just when Kama was hesitating, Miss Moran's voice suddenly appeared in her ears.

"You can rest assured that there are no secret histories in the books here. It's just that some of the books are written by strong men and contain a hint of extraordinary power. They are still very safe to read."


Karma's eyes lit up and she couldn't wait to open the book in her hand, but soon she found that she couldn't open the cover.

At this time, Miss Moran looked up again and said: "You must buy this book before you can read it freely, and each person is limited to five copies."

"But," Kama hesitated and couldn't help but said, "I can only see the titles of the books, but I don't know the contents of each book at all."

"The price of each book is 50 gold pounds no matter what the content is."

Miss Moran just said a plain word and ignored Kama.

Kama looked at the mysterious Miss Moran, but after all she didn't dare to say anything more.

No matter how you look at this bookstore, everything is extraordinary. The boss may also be an extraordinary person, but she is just an ordinary person who knows that she has no qualifications to bargain.

Thinking of this, Karma hesitated in her heart. 50 gold pounds was almost most of her savings. What if she bought a book that didn't contain any of the extraordinary knowledge she dreamed of?

And she couldn't tell whether it was a secret transmission that could be practiced.

But Karma also thought that in his own situation, becoming a transcendent person was just a dream. If he missed this opportunity, he might just be a mediocre ordinary person in his life.

Gradually, the desire for the extraordinary overcame the hesitation in his heart, and Karma finally asked again: "Is your bookstore always open here?"

She didn't have enough money to buy a book, and she had to go back to Glover Manor to withdraw her savings.

"Moran's Bookstore is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the location will change tomorrow morning to randomly appear anywhere else in Wayne."

After receiving the answer, Kama perked up and hurriedly left the bookstore and went back to withdraw money.

At this time, Miss Moran put down the file in her hand, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"Very good. Once she buys back the book that serves as the anchor point for teleportation, we can make the next step."

At this time, the curtain behind the counter was suddenly opened, and Leah and her figures walked out of the inner room.

There was still an excited expression on Leia's face: "Is this the secret realm under the Demi-temple? It's so amazing. Karin, can you tell me who your highness is?"

Miss Moran is a deputy doll that Carlin made from the corpse of an ordinary person. There are many gang members, thugs and desperadoes in the downtown area. Just find any one and kill them.

And the strength is a little better than ordinary, without any special abilities, but Carlin doesn't need Miss Moran to be powerful, just keep her mysterious style.

His plan was to lure the powerful men of the Benin family into a fight with Margaret, in which both sides would suffer.

The Shadow Troupe does not intend to take advantage of them. If they want to take the heads, it depends on the situation. The heads of the legendary strong men are not so easy to pick up.

When planning the resuscitation ritual, Eric was left with an extremely weak soul, and he only dared to wait for the resuscitation ritual to start before showing up.

Even if the legendary strong man only has one breath left, his last blow before death is still very terrifying.

Carlin was not sure he could withstand it, and there was no need to take such a risk.

As for the final round of killings, he doesn't have to worry about it. As long as the two of them fight, the Ranger Association will be alerted, and the Valkyrie projection will definitely be activated to clean up the mess.

He planned to use Kama, an ordinary person, to bring the anchor point of a teleportation ritual recorded in "Purification Spire" into the manor. It was the ritual that teleported part of the White Tower Academy campus to the spirit world.

Then he would make a secondary puppet with the same aura as his own, and take the initiative to show up to lure the 'rotten brass' into the scope of the ceremony.

Then Thorne, Anderson and eight professional level wizards jointly performed the magic initiation ceremony.

Back then, Raymond and all the teachers cut up the space of White Tower Academy and sent it to the spirit world, almost destroying the whole group.

But Carlin doesn't have to work so hard, he just wants to teleport a legendary strongman to Glover Manor.

Although the consumption will be huge, at most ten wizard assistants will be drained of their spirituality, and they can be restored after a day's rest.

Carlin didn't need to do any detective work at all. He could guess with his toes that there must be a large number of Spiders of Pain cultists in Frog Manor, and they were covered with various magic circles.

When the 'rotten brass' is suddenly transported into this place like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, the cultists in the manor will definitely explode immediately, and the scene will be very exciting.

The fate of this group of cultists after being exposed will only be bombarded by the projection of the Golden Valkyrie. As for the 'Rotten Brass', the most they can save their lives is to be seriously injured by Margaret.

And Carlin also arranged his end for him, preparing for this by letting Moran's Bookstore appear randomly throughout Wayne City as a trigger point for adventures.

Miss Moran, controlled by Carlin, ignored Leah, a restless child, and just took out an invitation from the ruined library from the counter and handed it to Leah.

"You can prepare for the next step of planning. Within five days, the news that Moran Bookstore has multiple invitations to the ruined library will spread throughout Wayne City."

Lea curled her lips when she didn't get the answer, put on the human skin mask and turned into another person, and left Moran Bookstore with Danetta.

Miss Moran was left alone and continued to quietly read through the files in her hand.

"Lord James, do you think this is really a secret biography?"

Karma, who had already bought a book and returned to Glover Manor, looked at the housekeeper in front of him nervously.

James, the butler of Glover Manor, is a middle-aged man with a thin face and looks energetic.

But after a cursory glance at the contents of the book in his hand, he decided.

"You are very lucky. This "Language of the Soul" is not only a secret biography, but also the cultivation requirements are not very demanding.

The materials required for the inauguration ceremony are just some common animal blood and herbs. You can afford it, but the processing is a bit cumbersome."

As he was talking, when he turned to a certain page, a white sword-shaped bookmark suddenly slipped and was caught by him.

James' face suddenly condensed and he immediately closed his mouth. The bookmark in his hand was slightly warm, and there was a powerful force inside. It was obviously an extraordinary item of great value.

When Kama saw James suddenly became silent, his heart tightened, and he couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Lord James, this is a secret biography."

"Oh, no problem, you can practice this secret biography, but did you really buy it from that strange bookstore for only fifty gold pounds?"

After James came to his senses, he kept the bookmark in his hand and returned the book to Kama.

"Thank you, Lord James, I will take my leave now."

After hearing the affirmative answer, Kama didn't care about the bookmark left by the other party, and left excitedly.

After James watched her back disappear completely, he immediately focused on the bookmark in his hand. After a while of careful exploration, his expression became increasingly weird.

No matter how he looked at it, there was nothing wrong with the bookmark, it was just a charm, but this charm was too good to be true.

It can emit a scorching beam of light when activated, but it poses some threat to professional levels, which is nothing to him.

On the surface, James, a cultist, is just a trainee-level butler, but his true identity is the mentor-level priest of the Spider of Pain.

A talisman that could threaten the professional level was not as powerful to him as a casual attack, but this talisman and a secret message that could be cultivated to the professional level could be purchased for only fifty gold pounds.

Before, he would have only listened to it as a joke, but now it was his own personal experience.

"Who is Moran Bookstore?"

After pondering for a moment, James put away the sword-shaped talisman and left the place quickly. He was going to report to Margaret. This was the most critical month for the Spider of Pain. He must be more careful.

For something of unknown origin, even if he couldn't find anything wrong with it, he still had to let Margaret take a look at it in person.

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