Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 262 Boarding Princess Yilin

Carlin was also shocked by this giant on the sea. Comparing it with the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in his hometown, it was only the difference between a carp and a whale.

This is a mobile maritime fortress. From a visual inspection, it is as high as hundreds of stories. Its outline is roughly similar to a giant black bowl upside down on the sea. Its bottom area is more than three kilometers in diameter. There are also various fortresses on the periphery. A berth where ships dock.

Huge chimneys were spewing thick black smoke, and huge rivets and huge metal plates were embedded in the hull, as if this behemoth was covered with full-body armor.

All the steam passenger ships on the sea slowly sailed into their berths, and soon the passengers rushed onto the deck, all looking at the huge thing in front of them in shock.

"Oh my God, is this the Princess Carmen?!"

"I just saw it in the newspaper and knew it was big, but I never thought it would be this big!"

"Is this the strength of the Kingdom of Hrim?"

The scene was more than shocking, and Carlin was no exception.

During this period, he often saw headlines about the Princess Carmen in newspapers, and he was somewhat mentally prepared, but he was still very shocked after seeing it with his own eyes.

This is a mobile city floating on the sea!

It took Kalin a while to come to his senses. When the passenger ship he was on entered the three-kilometer radius of the Princess Carmen, Kalin felt as if he had entered an invisible barrier.

The somewhat turbulent sea calmed down instantly, without even a hint of breeze. The barrier radiated by the Princess Carmen directly smoothed the wind and waves.

At the same time, Carlin also discovered that there were many ships around the Princess Carmen, including cargo ships and warships.

Other countries and forces in the Old World also organized fleets to follow the Princess Carmen into unknown waters, opening up a new route to the New World.

The benefits represented by a new safe route are enough to make people jealous.

At this time, Carlin set his sights on an ocean-going cargo ship with a cargo capacity of more than 500,000 tons.

This cargo ship is surrounded by more than a dozen cargo ships from the Ranger Association. It is the largest ship in the fleet, but it is only small compared to the Princess Carmen.

Miss One Ear, who was standing on the bow deck of the ocean-going freighter, seemed to notice something and turned her head to cast her gaze toward the rear of the fleet. Carlin had already retracted her gaze.

The fleet from Wayne City slowly approached the Princess Carmen, with whistles blowing one after another. The steamer Carlin was on entered the Princess Carmen's berth not long after.

The crowd quickly stepped onto the deck under the guidance of the crew.

There is only a deck around the Princess Carmen that is more than 20 meters above the water. It is said to be a deck but is actually more than a hundred meters wide. In the center is an urban area wrapped in black metal plates.

There are nine floors of space from top to bottom.

The top floor is the palace of Prince Philip and the princesses and princes of the Kingdom of Hreem who participated in the [King Selection] ceremony.

The second floor was occupied by accompanying officials and nobles.

There are 20,000 elite troops stationed on the third and fourth floors, which can be regarded as a heavily guarded military camp.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh floors are where extraordinary people who bought first-class, second-class, and third-class tickets respectively live.

The eighth and ninth floors are where the civilians and workers of the Kingdom of Hrim live.

Carlin's tickets are all third-class tickets, and he will live on the seventh floor for about half a year.

After stepping onto the deck, the crowd was led by the crew into the interior of the Princess Carmen. When Carlin entered the seventh floor, he suddenly felt enlightened.

The layout here is similar to the underground community of Skaven Demon City. The top is inlaid with crystal lighting, and the buildings below are lined up row after row, like a small town.

Most of these buildings are duplex apartments where third-class ship passengers live. Not long after, Carlin was guided into Apartment No. 1197 by the crew.

The apartment has four floors, with four large rooms on each floor, and each large room can accommodate two people.

The large room is just like a two-person shared apartment on land. Each person has a bedroom of 100 square meters, and shares a spacious living room and a bathroom with other people. The living room also doubles as a living room.

After entering Room 103 of Apartment No. 1197, Carlin first checked the living room and bedroom. There were all kinds of furniture and it was considered to be well-equipped despite its small size.

After entering the bedroom and placing the luggage, the door of Carlin's roommate's bedroom opened and Eric walked out.

Guests who have purchased a ticket for a room on the Princess Carmen can choose whatever they want. If there is a conflict with others, just discuss it on your own.

And Carlin and the others have already chosen, and the eight residents on the first floor of No. 1197 are all members of the Shadow Brigade.

Room 101 is occupied by Drake and Charlotte, who have changed their lives and become a rancher.

Room 102 is occupied by two mentor-level couples, Thorne and Anderson.

Carlin and Eric live in room 103.

Room 104 is occupied by Leah and the miko.

Because of his obvious size problem, Snicki was directly stuffed into the backpack by Carlin, and he could be put out at any time when needed.

Among the rest of the brigade, only Ciel lives in the 1198th apartment next door at Carlin's request.

As for Erica, Hannibal, and Connor, Carlin didn't even tell them about the [King Selection] ceremony, and would only go to them when necessary.

Danetta didn't need to worry about him. She was taken care of by Elena, a rich woman. She bought a first-class ticket and now lives on the fifth floor.

But thinking of Miss One-Ear, Karin's expression became strange.

‘I hope one ear can be more powerful, and I can find out all the details of those princes and princesses. ’

On the first floor, in the elegant and exquisite living room.

Miss One-Ear, who was being talked about by Carlin, sat at the dining table to dine. Although her sitting posture was casual, her eating posture was unusually restrained. Every move she made would make even the most demanding etiquette teacher find something wrong.

Danetta stood behind her, still wearing the same equipment she usually wore, with an indescribable heroic appearance and an unusually cold expression, like an iceberg that would not melt, just like Elena's follower.

Opposite one ear was a girl in her early twenties with a friendly smile sitting on a chair.

The girl has a delicate face, long purple hair tied behind her head, and her clothes are simple, elegant and elegant.

Behind her stood a beauty dressed in men's clothing, serving her respectfully.

The girl used a knife and fork to pick up the last piece of mutton chop on the plate and put it into her mouth. After chewing it carefully for a while, she wiped the oil stains on her lips. Her every move was indescribably elegant and luxurious.

When she put down the paper towel, the ear on the opposite side also finished the last piece of fish on the plate. She also wiped the corners of her mouth and put down the paper towel.

After the two of them finished their meal, several palace maids quickly took away the plates on the table and left the room, leaving the place to the four beauties present.

After seeing Elena put down the tissue, the girl said reservedly: "I would also like to thank Miss Elena for being willing to help me. I didn't expect that the Amazon Kingdom would also be interested in this route."

Elena smiled casually and said: "No, our interests in the new route are not very urgent, we are just optimistic about you.

Princess Yilin, after you ascend the throne, I believe that the cooperation between the Amazon Kingdom and the Herim Kingdom will be further deepened in many places. "

After hearing this, Princess Yilin's delicate face showed a trace of doubt.

"Please forgive me for being a little rude in what I say next. After all, I am the weakest among all the candidates for the throne. For what reason did you choose to support me?"

The beauty in men's clothing behind Princess Yilin stared at Elena, as if trying to read something from her face.

Miss One Ear didn't care about this and just said lightly: "A friend of mine once said something philosophical to me.

If you want to win other people's friendship, it is far better to send carbon to keep people warm on a cold snowy day than to add flowers to a beautiful thing.

I wonder if Princess Yilin is satisfied with this reason? "

After hearing this, Princess Yilin's smile bloomed like a beautiful flower. She stood up and picked up the crystal goblet filled with wine on the table and raised it high.

"I am very happy for this reason. You have gained my friendship. I wish us a happy cooperation."

“A pleasure to work with.”


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