Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 280 Ciel’s Mission

Elena's words left Karin speechless, but although he didn't say anything more, he still kept this idea in his heart.

After all, this is also a possibility. Miss One-Ear is right. Cultists are madmen but not fools. Trying to invade the New World by oneself is simply hitting an egg against a rock. This idea seems very absurd.

But it’s impossible to say that those lunatics really regard this as their own strategy and seriously formulate relevant plans. After all, many cultists are seemingly rational lunatics, and they often do things that normal people would never dare to think of. .

There are still too few clues now. Regarding the purpose of the Clearance Empire, we have to slowly investigate later.

Elena and Karin chatted for a while and then left the banyan tree space, leaving Karin alone to ponder something.

After thinking for a moment, he sent a message to Ciel.

Charles also entered the spirit world immediately after boarding the ship. He did not immediately go to the wild to pan for gold. Instead, he stayed in a tavern in the shop area, drinking wine and chatting with other guests in the tavern.

Many lonely extraordinary people will come to the tavern to chat with others, both to inquire about news and to find temporary teammates.

If everyone agrees that the conversation is suitable, they will form a temporary team to explore in the wild. After all, there are only a few legendary seeds who are powerful and have the information to explore alone.

Most ordinary extraordinary people still prefer to travel in groups with other people.

The situation of Charles is rather embarrassing. Relying on the powerful secret transmission and some alchemy items left by Carlin, his strength is stronger than some ordinary professional levels, but not as good as the legendary seeds.

And because of Carlin, he is temporarily unable to advance to the professional level, so he is now in this embarrassing situation.

Carlin didn't give him any tasks for the time being, nor did he intend to take him with him, so he let him move freely.

Among the rest of the brigade, Danetta was spying on information from Princess Yilin on the first floor. Connor, Hannibal, and Erica planned to take a stroll in the Princess Carmen first, and had no intention of entering the spirit world for the time being.

So Ciel thought that he might as well find a few professional-level extraordinary people to go to the wild to make a profit first.

Just when he was chatting happily with several extraordinary people, Karin's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"If you have a mission, come to Banyan Tree Space!"

The sudden message made Charles feel excited, but he immediately made an excuse to bid farewell to several professional-level drinkers with a normal expression, and left the tavern alone.

Two minutes later, Ciel's figure appeared on Sharp Blade's seat.

"Master, what's your mission?"

Karin said calmly: "I need you to join one of the three princes, the eldest prince, the third prince, and the ninth prince."

The four royal members are still recruiting troops and are recruiting subordinates openly. Those who are interested can go to their four manors on the fifth floor for testing.

Although the test is very strict, as long as you are clean and pass the test, you can become the disciple of four princes or princesses and enjoy preferential treatment.

Many wild extraordinary beings poured into the fifth floor, breaking their heads and wanting to join their ranks.

After hearing this, Charles asked directly: "What do I usually need to do?"

"You don't need to do anything extra at ordinary times, just report to me what you see and hear.

Also, don’t be too eager and try to keep yourself safe. "

After hearing this, Charles pondered for a moment and then said: "Captain, although I am a legendary seed, I have never been able to advance to the trainee level. It is okay for a short period of time, but over time I will inevitably be suspected.

I must pretend to be a destiny trapped in my career, but I need your help. "

When an extraordinary person reaches the limit of his human body, under normal circumstances, if he does not pursue further pursuit of becoming a child of destiny, he is the source.

Unless the conditions for the inauguration ceremony are harsh, you can easily advance to a professional level within half a month to a month.

But Ciel's situation is very special. He is limited by Karin's level and cannot be promoted, so he can only pretend to be a son of destiny who has no follow-up inheritance and can only make his own way.

After Carlin heard him take the initiative to raise this point, he glanced at him appreciatively. He was very happy that although Ciel, the 'lamb', was fanatically loyal to him, he was not foolishly loyal and would think about problems on his own.

This kind of subordinate is the best, otherwise what is the difference between him and the marionette and deputy puppet who need him to worry about everything?

"I have already considered this. Don't worry, I will let you show the strength that a child of destiny should have."

Karin and Ciel talked for a while and then Ciel left the banyan tree space.

At this time, Karin and Leah had returned to Princess Town. Leah asked Karin: "What are we going to do next?"

"You are free to do whatever you want. You don't have to follow me all the time. I have to wait for the follow-up situation in the Black Earth Land."

"Follow up?"

Leah asked in confusion, she couldn't understand why Karin was paying attention to this?

"Since the Jingkong Empire spent so much effort to move a piece of black soil here to give to the Kingdom of Herim, it is definitely not doing good things. Based on the subsequent situation of the black soil, I can deduce more information. "

After learning about the existence of the Clear Sky Empire, Kalin focused his attention on Dornan and his group, and also decided to make subsequent actions more secretive.

Although the other four princesses and princes are not so easy to deal with, compared to them on the bright side, Dornan and the Jingkong Empire are the greatest threat.

He didn't believe that the Jingkong Empire would obediently abide by a series of additional rules added by the Hrim royal family for the [King Selection] ceremony. This kind of enemy who hides in the dark with unknown purposes and ignores the rules is the greatest threat.

Because he didn’t know what the Clear Space Empire was going to do, Kalin didn’t dare to make a plan hastily, which might hamper his subsequent actions.

He couldn't guarantee what kind of chain reaction his rash actions would trigger.

Moreover, there is a sixth ritual participant that no one knows yet. This huge advantage in information cannot be easily discarded by Carlin. He must ensure that he gets the maximum results before he is truly exposed.

After hearing this, Leah nodded and said goodbye: "That's it. I will team up with other extraordinary people to explore the medium-risk area. If you have anything, you can contact me at any time."

After saying that, Leah walked towards the shop area on the west side, while Karin entered the shanty town on the north side.

There are still large blank areas in the shanty towns. This was planned by the Kingdom of Hrim early on. If you want to build a house, you need to pay ground rent.

One square meter of land requires a sky-high rent of 100 gold pounds a month, but even this cannot stop the extraordinary people from building houses.

Many extraordinary people spend almost all their time in the spirit world, and only occasionally return to the mortal world when they need to relax and recuperate.

The conditions for cultivation in the spiritual world are much better than in the mortal world. The spirituality here is very active. Whether it is cultivation or practice here, the efficiency is much better than in the mortal world.

Now the spiritual recovery in the mortal world is just on the right track, and it will take a long time to reach the same level as the spiritual world.

While thinking this, Carlin went directly to the official office at the junction of the shanty town on the west side and the military camp on the east side, and paid 500 gold pounds to rent five square meters of land.

Then he found an open space on the edge of the shanty town and started to build his own house.

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