Carlin felt happy when she heard Brooke agreed.

‘There are indeed many good people in the world. I was just about to build my own alchemy workshop and blood laboratory when I met a kind person. Now I don’t have to worry about collecting materials myself. ’

The people in the Jingkong Empire are absolutely extremely rich, and it's rare to encounter a group of talented people who don't kill them all.

He is not afraid of Brooke's rejection. As long as the other party still has the idea of ​​forcing him to join the religion, he will try his best to meet some of his requirements.

That's why Carlin would expose his alchemy level a little bit. As long as he makes the other party interested, he won't care too much about the resources invested and treats it as an investment.

Anyway, in the other party's mind, as long as he is still on the Princess Carmen, he will never escape the fate of awakening and joining the religion. When the time comes, he will still come back with his capital and profits. No matter how he looks at it, he can get an alchemist master to join the Clear Sky Empire. Make a lot of money.

A skilled alchemist cannot be measured by gold pounds. Even if the resource consumption exceeds a million pounds, as long as you can accumulate a master alchemist, you will make a lot of money. No matter who encounters this kind of thing, he will be happy and dreaming. Wake up with a smile.

No matter where they are, strong alchemists are rare talents that various forces compete to attract. As long as they pay some resources, it is nothing.

Carlin's list contains some rare resources needed to make large-scale alchemical equipment or precision instruments.

He had calculated before that it would take about two years and raw materials worth more than one million gold pounds to build an alchemy workshop and blood laboratory that satisfied him by himself alone.

Originally, Kalin was planning to go mining in the wild while shopping in Princess Town, spending several months collecting raw materials.

Well now, with Brooke as a fat sheep, he can at least help him take over most of the resources. If the operation is good, he can even let the other party take over all the resources he needs, and then provide a large sum of money to his own. Not impossible.

Thinking of this, Carlin nodded with satisfaction and said, "As long as you agree, we will trade once a week from now on. You can send the first batch of materials and rewards as soon as possible so that I can start working."

This made Brooke's expression stiffen as he wanted to continue to get closer, but he soon regained his smile. Just when he was about to say something, suddenly there was a banging on the door, accompanied by a childish and anxious cry. .

"Brother Brooke, are you in there? I'm Wood. I'm looking for you if I have something urgent!"

After hearing a sound of banging on the door, Carlin's face suddenly changed and he snorted to express that he was very unhappy.

Brooke's heart thumped and he secretly screamed that it was not good, and he scolded the reckless Wood in his heart, but he could only immediately lick his smiling face and try his best to explain.

"Master, please forgive me. Although Wood is young, he is a stable young man. He would not be so rude unless it was really urgent."

Carlin's face looked a little better now, but he still said coldly: "Forget it this time, don't waste time anymore, send the resources over as soon as possible, so that I can start production quickly."

The intention of chasing people away was very obvious. Brooke cursed a few more words in his heart and said with a smile: "I'm extremely sorry. That guy Wood is so rude and contradicted the master. I will leave now without disturbing him too much." You."

Brooke apologized and quickly left Carlin's small wooden house without daring to stay any longer.

As soon as he went out, he saw a brown-haired young man about eighteen or nineteen years old with freckles on his face looking at him anxiously.

Before the young man named Wood could say anything, Brooke quickly grabbed him and pulled him into his wooden house, and opened his mouth with an angry rebuke.

"What the hell is going on with you!

Is there something you can't talk about until I come out? Do you know that Master Yuolin is very angry!

What if he refuses to cooperate with us out of anger!

You are reckless and don’t know how to think more before doing something! "

Wood, who was in a hurry to speak, was so frightened that he swallowed the words that came to his throat again after being scolded by Brooke.

In his impression, the president rarely loses his temper like this, and this time it really scared him.

After listening to the other party's words, Wood lowered his head in shame and did not dare to look at the other party.

Brooke took a deep breath after scolding, feeling indescribably irritable.

I had a good chat with the other party, and the relationship got closer immediately. This was a very good start, but it was ruined by Wood banging on the door!

Carlin not only shook his face, but also directly spoke to chase him away.

Although the cooperation continued, most of the previous efforts were wasted.

He looked at Wood who didn't dare to look up and continued to speak forcefully.

"You know, first impression is very important, but your previous behavior directly left a bad impression on Master Yolin. We will have to spend more energy to reverse it in the future."

After speaking for a while, his tone softened.

"Forget it this time, be careful in the future!

Tell me, what made you so reckless? "

After hearing this, Wood breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been granted amnesty. Only then did he dare to look up at Brooke and explain his purpose with a nervous look on his face.

"Brother Brooke, an official announcement has just been made. A piece of black soil in the medium-risk area has been purified, and more than a dozen precious mineral veins have been born in the area. Everyone can go there to mine after paying a fee!

This incident has caused a sensation in the entire Princess Town, and everyone is waiting for you to discuss what to do! "

After hearing this, Brooke couldn't hold back his breath, and he was so angry that he almost cursed again.

He thought it was some urgent matter that made Wood forcibly interrupt his conversation with Carlin, but now he saw this?

How could he not know about the Black Earth Land? Brooke almost suffered from internal injuries.

However, although he was cursing crazily in his heart, his face showed a shocked expression and his tone became urgent.

"Quick! Take me to the others!"

After hearing this, Wood said nothing more and quickly left the room with Bruce.

Kalin, who had been staying hidden outside the door, saw the two of them running towards the center of the shantytown after going out, and their figures quickly disappeared from his sight.

Carlin's expression was a little strange.

‘It’s a little different from what I imagined. I thought everyone in the mutual aid association was forcibly awakened and converted into religion. Wood obviously knew nothing about the Clearance Empire.

It seems that it is not so easy for Jingkong cultists to "awaken" others. There must be some restrictions. ’

Then he thought about the Black Earth Land, pondered for a while, then returned to his room, then walked out of the room after contacting the invisible state, and walked towards the west side shop area.

Of course, the most convenient way to get information is to go to the tavern.

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