When the story was written to this point, four-fifths of the spirituality of the data banyan tree had evaporated, and suddenly a large number of branches withered and leaves withered.

Carlin could feel that the story was still a bit unfinished, and there was still a lot of space to write about, but he still asked Eric to forcefully take back the quill and stop writing. Only then did the decline of the data banyan tree stop, and it gradually began to recover. Spirituality.

Although Carlin also wanted to know the follow-up content, he knew very well that the following content would probably involve legendary powerhouses, and he might be in danger if he continued to write.

The known information now is enough. Although we still don't know the real motivation of the people in the Clear Sky Empire, we just know that something big will happen at night.

Kalin thought for a while and felt that he could fish in troubled waters. Anyway, his true body and clone would not appear, and he would still be a marionette and deputy puppet if he died.

If you can take advantage, take action, and you may even get more clues to deduce the motive of the Clearance Empire sending Dornan to participate in this [King Selection] ceremony.

Until now, he didn't know what these Clear Space cultists were busy working for.

Tonight's operation will definitely result in the loss of a large number of elites to the Clear Empire.

After spending so much effort and consuming so much manpower and material resources, it only allowed Dornan's psychic beast to last two psychic beasts.

Carlin couldn't figure out what their motives were even after thinking about it.

The Clear Sky Empire first sent a demi-temple disciple to work tirelessly inside the dark vortex to pull the black earth away.

Then he paid a priceless high-quality seed of order to purify the land of black soil, and then gave the land directly to the Kingdom of Hreem, asking for some bounty that was less than a fraction of its true value.

Finally, preparations were made for a large number of elites who were likely to never return to launch an attack on the fifth floor of the Princess Carmen.

If the Clear Sky Empire did so many things just to make Donan the final winner of this [King Selection] ceremony, then the guy who made the relevant plan and the other people who agreed and executed it must have a big problem in their minds.

Although cultists are crazy, they are not stupid. They will never do something that involves too much resources but little gain.

Karin sat in the chair and thought for a long time, sorting out the information one by one with the assistance of the [Throne Difference Engine].

But no matter how he compiled the information and deduced it, he could not concoct a suitable motive for the madmen in the Clear Sky Empire.

Karin sighed, feeling very tired.

Trying to deduce the true thoughts of a group of lunatics through empathy is too much torture for the brain. Forgive him that he is completely unable to substitute into the brain circuits of a group of lunatics who behave very rationally.

At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the banyan tree tattoo on the back of his hand, and suddenly remembered something.

The tattoo was engraved on the skin after the psychic beast was summoned. When it first appeared, it was a lifelike banyan tree, but now the color of the tattoo turned bright red.

Karin looked at the tattoo on the back of his hand and couldn't help but complain in his mind.

‘It’s really troublesome, the psychic beast has to stay in the spirit world for a full day every month. ’

Soon, the banyan tree clone with black hair and black eyes appeared in front of him out of thin air. The figure gradually turned from illusion to reality. After a minute, he was completely teleported to Karin.

The Banyan Tree clone also chose a chair and sat down, sitting quietly like a sculpture without making any movement.

The psychic beast must stay within the ritual scope specified by the spirit world for one full day every month. Even if it leaves early and returns to the mortal world by just one second, the timer must be restarted.

This rule is maintained by the Evening Bell. Carlin can ignore a series of rules attached to the Royal Family of Hrym, but he does not dare to violate the rules of the Evening Bell.

After the banyan tree clone came to Karin, the red tattoo on the back of his hand began to fade away, and it would completely fade after a day.

Karin thought about the action plan for the night again, and then contacted Miss One Ear.

Soon, Miss Yi Er's figure appeared in the banyan tree space.

Elena still had a smile on her lips and seemed to be in a good mood. Karin asked curiously: "What are you so happy about?"

"I just negotiated with Prince Philip for the mining rights of a large void crystal in the Grace Plain. It is conservatively estimated that more than one hundred kilograms of standard crystal can be extracted. If you want void crystal in the future, just ask."

After the raw ore is dug out from various rare mineral veins, it needs to be refined to remove impurities before it can be used in the alchemy field. This is especially true for strategic resources such as void crystals.

The reserve of that vein probably exceeds 10,000 tons, but the crystal stone extracted in the end is only more than 100 kilograms. If the cost is calculated and the profit is calculated based on the market price, the profit will be at least more than 8 million gold pounds.

After doing some calculations, Karin was stunned for a moment, but when he saw the excitement of the rich woman in front of him, he couldn't help but pour cold water on her.

"It's best not to let any rangers step into the Plains of Grace in the short term. There may be a legendary strongman attacking there."

After hearing his words, Miss Yi Er, who had a cheerful face, suddenly froze in smile, and her face immediately turned dark.

"Are you someone Si Chen specially sent to the mortal world to fight against me?

Say, are you jealous that I am richer than you, so you want to find any excuse to make me give up that mine? "

"I guarantee with my conscience that it is definitely not jealousy!"

"Okay, I said it's not jealousy, it's just that everyone knows you have no conscience!"

"Nonsense, I'm obviously a good person, why don't you believe me?"

After the two of them were noisy and joking for a while, Miss One Ear asked with a serious expression: "What is going on? How could a legendary strongman attack the Gift Plain?"

Karin directly told the other party the information he had just divined, and Miss One-Ear's expression suddenly changed.

She did not doubt the authenticity of Carlin's information. Given his character, it was at least 90% possible that it was true.

"In other words, the banquet at night is not safe?"

"It can't be said that. Compared to the Plains of Grace, staying at Prince Philip's palace is still very safe. After all, it is not the main target of the Jingkong cultists. The purpose of their attack on the banquet is just to attract attention."

Elena frowned and said: "I have no suitable reason to refuse Prince Philip's invitation. You must know that all the respectable people on the fifth floor will attend the banquet.

And I am the person with the highest status in the Ranger Association on the Princess Carmen. Other members don’t have to go, but I have to go to the banquet.”

She never thought of telling Prince Philip about this. After all, it was just Carlin's side of the story. Of course she believed that Carlin would not lie to her, but that was not necessarily the case with Prince Philip.

After hearing this, Carlin said: "Don't worry, I will go there too. Although the banquet hall looks dangerous, it is carefully estimated that the danger is not great. The Jingkong Empire will not invest too much power there to fight with everyone.

The best thing to do after they succeed is to retreat immediately, otherwise they will be surrounded and suppressed by the army coming down from above after receiving the news. I can guarantee your safety even if there is real danger. "

Elena asked suspiciously: "How can you guarantee it?"

"Teleport to my secret realm. This is not the secret realm inherited from the strong, but a secret realm created from scratch that belongs only to me!"

Miss One-Ear's eyes widened again, and she put her hand on Karin's forehead suspiciously, pinching and looking around.

"I see there's nothing wrong with you, why do you always like to tell jokes?"

Karin helplessly slapped her paw away: "What I said is true. You can use the banyan tree badge I gave you to teleport. The whole process will take about a minute or two. The method is."

After listening to Karin describe the transmission method, Elena believed what he said, her face filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

It's not that she didn't want to believe it, but it was too sensational. If Karin said that she had inherited a secret realm from a strong man, she would believe it.

But she had created her own secret realm just by being a trainee. She didn't know if there would be anyone coming later. Anyway, there were no ancients in front of her.

It took a while for Miss One-Ear to regain her composure, and she said with an envious look on her face: "You are such an enviable guy."

After calming down her mood, Elena said with a worried expression again.

"I have also discovered something strange recently. Within this month, four legendary seeds suddenly emerged from the seventh floor and joined Richard or Jialan's command."

This time it was Karin's turn to look suspicious: "You couldn't be more jealous that I have a secret realm, so you just made up a story to scare me, right?"

"No, this is true. I swear on my conscience, I am definitely not jealous of you!"

"Get out! How can you have such a thing as a conscience!"

After being scolded by Carlin, Miss One Ear said impatiently: "Don't make trouble, I'm really not joking, there are really four legendary seeds who were previously unknown but now suddenly appear and have joined Richard and Jialan. "

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