Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 293 Remote transmission of items

The others did not speak immediately after hearing this, but waited for the leader's next words.

Karin didn't pause, and said after finishing his goal.

"This operation may involve some risks, but the rewards are also very generous. Participation is entirely voluntary. If you don't want to participate, you can leave the Banyan Tree Space directly now. I'll give you a minute to think about it."

The words trailed behind, and everyone else had different thoughts.

Erica felt excited. This was her first opportunity to truly participate in the Shadow Brigade's actions.

‘And we are working together with the wise and powerful Lord Carlin. Erica will never give up! ’

Danetta and Ciel are already in the game, and as Carlin's lambs, it's impossible for them to quit.

Leia has no intention of retreating. After Carlin successfully won the [King's Selection] ceremony, his strength has greatly increased, and it will be easier to help her arrange the [Resurrection] in the future.

Only the remaining Connor and Hannibal began to weigh the pros and cons in their minds, whether to participate in this operation or not.

Others won't say anything if you don't participate, but there are indeed some risks if you participate.

Although no more information was known, the two men heard from Carlin's brief description that the operation was very complicated.

No matter what the Shadow Troupe wants to do, their identity will be exposed to the light.

Unfortunately, tonight they will face a joint attack from the passengers on the fifth floor, the army and the mysterious force.

After Carlin saw the two of them starting to think, he told them the benefits first.

"The task I have arranged for you in this operation is to sniper the enemies who attacked Jialan Mansion. There is no need to hide your identity.

If you encounter force majeure circumstances, you can give up the mission, but if the mission is successful, you will gain the friendship of Jialan, which will be of great help to the development of your genre. "

Connor and Hannibal immediately looked at each other after hearing what Carlin said, and they both saw the heartbeat in each other's eyes.

For more than half a year, they have been in the Steam City, relying on their own savings to trade precious resources with other members of the Shadow Brigade. The school of Snake in Chrysalis has also developed vigorously in their hands.

In addition to the two of them, more than a dozen new members have been recruited, and their strength can be considered quite satisfactory. The two legendary seeds in charge are far superior to most small sects in terms of strength and foundation.

But now it has reached a bottleneck. If they want to take the genre to a higher level, relying on their net worth can no longer support it.

Money is not a small issue. The key is that when a genre is strong, it will intersect with other genres, and competition and conflict will be the majority of them.

The subsequent development will not be able to advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, but must rely on long-term accumulation to produce qualitative changes.

Connor and Hannibal have also been looking for opportunities for development. In terms of strength, even if they have no bottlenecks at the mentor level, they still need time to slowly cultivate, which is a grind.

So they focused on other aspects, wanting to truly become a part of the most noble group in the Old World - the nobility.

As long as you become a noble, it will be a great help to the development of the school.

But although both of them have a small fortune and a certain status in society, they have encountered a thick ceiling if they want to join the aristocratic circle.

The phenomenon of class solidification in the Old Continent is very serious. It is not that easy to break the class ceiling.

The two of them tried various methods and tried their best to spread the money, but with little success.

Now that they suddenly heard about the tasks assigned to them by Carlin, their minds became more active.

Tonight, Jialan's psychic beasts will be in danger. If they suddenly show up to help save the psychic beasts, they will indeed get rich rewards.

You must know that the life and death of the psychic beast is related to the selection of the throne. Jialan will definitely reciprocate and work hard to win over the two.

If they seize this opportunity and directly connect with Jialan, the third prince of the Kingdom of Hrim, they might be able to move their industries and schools in the Steam City directly to the Kingdom of Hrim.

Even if Jialan does not become the king this time, with the strong support of a prince, the genre will definitely be able to develop like a fish in water in Hreem.

It is even possible for them to transcend their own class and directly break through the solid ceiling to become an aristocratic lord.

Thinking of this, Hannibal said solemnly: "Thank you, captain, I understand. We will participate in the operation tonight."

Then Connor nodded and said that he would also participate.

Anyway, Carlin only asked them to keep this operation a secret, and did not impose any restrictions on other matters. If he found that the enemy was too powerful and could not attack him, he could retreat directly.

Soon, a minute passed, and when Carlin saw that no one else wanted to quit, he said: "Since everyone has decided to participate, I can't be stingy anymore.

What you can gain tonight is entirely up to you. In addition, I will give each of you 20 grams of the Philosopher's Stone as the reward for this operation.

The Philosopher's Stone will be delivered to you via the Banyan Tree Badge in a moment. "

After hearing this, everyone once again marveled at the leader's magical powers. What Carlin showed made them feel a little numb.

The long-distance projection communication in the Banyan Tree Space was already very magical, and now it was actually possible to transmit items. For a time, the leader became even more mysterious in the hearts of everyone.

Carlin ignored other people's thoughts and then assigned tasks to everyone one by one, but he himself would not go to the scene.

Otherwise, it would be easy for others to discover that there are six psychic beasts among the five contestants.

An hour later, everyone left the banyan tree space one by one and began to prepare.

Grace Plains, in a small mine.

Connor and Hannibal, good friends who had never left each other, immediately put down their hoes and ended the mining work with the five apprentices who had joined the school for less than a year.

When they exited the mines and returned to their temporary accommodation in a camp, Hannibal and Connor asked the apprentices to stand down.

Both of them frowned, wondering what was going on. Karin didn't reveal much information. They only knew that a mysterious force would launch a large-scale attack at night.

As for why Carlin got involved, they had no idea.

Connor guessed and said: "Do you think the leader supports Prince Gloria?"

After hearing this, Hannibal thought for a moment and shook his head: "Probably not. If that's the case, others besides us wouldn't have to hide their identities."

"No matter what, the Grace Plains is not safe. We must leave here as soon as possible."

While the two were talking, the banyan tree badges on their bodies suddenly became slightly hot, and they immediately took out the badges.

Only the surface of the badge flickered, and two rays of light appeared out of thin air above, gradually revealing two illusory Philosopher's Stones.

About a minute later, the two Philosopher's Stones finally turned into real objects and fell downwards, and were caught by two people respectively.

Hannibal looked at the Philosopher's Stone lying quietly in his palm, and his unsmiling expression finally relaxed a little, while Connor's mood was not very calm either.

"It's actually true!"

When the Philosopher's Stone really appeared in front of them, the two of them couldn't help but marvel in their hearts.

After a few more quick discussions, the two of them didn't waste any more time and left the Plain of Grace with the five people who had followed them to the Princess Carmen.

Not only the two of them, but also a dozen members of the Ranger Association who were stationed here because of the void crystal mineral vein also left quietly without taking away a trace of cloud.

When the Chrysalis Snake and his party returned to the seventh-floor apartment of Princess Carmen half an hour later, their badges suddenly became slightly hot again.

They quickly took out, this time two invitations to the banquet and a letter.

After opening the letter and browsing the contents, the two looked at each other in shock again.

"Ciel is actually a sharp blade!"

Connor smiled bitterly and said: "It's so hard for this kid to hide it from me. I asked him why he suddenly became a legendary seed, and he further wanted to become a child of destiny. It turns out that he is also a member of the brigade."

At the same time, Erica and Eric each received an invitation, which Danetta obtained for them through Princess Irene's relationship.

Connor and Ciel's father are good friends, and the public relationship between Eric, Erica, and Danetta is also good friends.

Danetta once worked as Eric's maid, and Eric took the initiative to invite Erica to dance at Connor's banquet.

People who have some energy in these matters can easily find out in the Steam City, and through this relationship, they can all participate in the banquet legitimately.

This time, except for Leia, Karin, Banyan Tree and the four secret puppets, the rest of the Shadow Troupe will go to the banquet in the evening.

Everyone is getting ready, waiting for the evening banquet to begin.

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