Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 307 Arrangement

Snicki did not answer Leah's question immediately but turned his attention to the crystal ball. After seeing this, Leah also closed her mouth and looked at the picture in the crystal ball.

A group of people from the Fateweaver Order just stood in the middle of the wide road, and the undead army led by Morpheus was advancing rapidly and had already appeared in their eyes.

Morpheus just looked at the Fateweaver cultivators in front of him calmly, without letting the undead army stop or slow down, and prepared to run over them directly, but Lady Amiya's words directly made him give the order to stop.

"Respect the chosen one, our Lord's spinning wheel of destiny has given us a clear revelation. Your purpose does not conflict with our instructions and is even highly consistent in some aspects. We are willing to fully help you, no matter what your purpose is."

One by one, the undead cast their cold gazes at the people of the Fateweaver Order in front, waiting for Morpheus's order.

And Morpheus directly sent a taunting mental wave: "Only fools will regard the madmen of the Fateweaver Order as allies. Do you think I am as fool as the prince who was betrayed by you?"

Mrs. Amiya's expression remained calm in the face of the other party's sarcasm: "Whether it's you or Richard, we have never cheated. Instructions are everything. As long as we can complete the instructions, we can do anything.

Now you can give us any order, even if you kill us immediately, there will be no resistance at all. "

Morpheus floated quietly in the air, looking straight at Amiya, as if he wanted to see through her inner thoughts.

But not only Amiya, but also Yang and other Fateweaver cultists just looked at him calmly, with eyes that really did not care about life and death. Even if they were ordered to commit suicide immediately, they would not hesitate to wipe their necks.

After a long silence, Morpheus finally sent out a mental wave again: "Tell us your instructions and the motive for betraying Richard."

Upon hearing this, Lady Amiya suddenly burst into a smile: "Our order is to help Richard win the [King Selection] ceremony, but he wants to give up, so we can only kill him to help him The psychic beast comes to the rescue."

After hearing this, Morpheus's mental fluctuations became joking.

"It turns out that what you want to help is not me, but Richard's psychic beast. It does not conflict with my purpose in any way, but I don't trust you."

"But you can get our full help, can't you?"

Morpheus nodded and said calmly: "It does seem so. If you want to help me, it's not impossible. The remaining troops on the fourth floor will enter in twenty minutes at most. Your task is to stop them!"

Lady Amiya nodded: "I follow your wishes, but can we first retrieve the puppets left in the manor?"

Morpheus looked towards the direction of Richard's mansion. The dark spiritual pillars were still towering, rendering the surroundings dim.

"Then let's go!"

Lady Amiya and her entourage just joined this undead army, and the mighty team set off again and charged towards the manor at full speed.

During the march, a steady stream of death spirituality poured into Samuel's corpse. Gradually, the flesh and blood of the corpse began to peel off, and a cluster of soul fire in the eye sockets was instantly ignited.

Soon, Samuel was transformed into a mentor-level skeleton mage and became a new member of the undead army.

Many people in the banquet hall couldn't sit still after seeing this scene.

"Damn it! I don't want to become a skeleton after death, I must break out now!"

"Yes! If you continue to stay here, you are just waiting to die. You will not be able to survive the arrival of reinforcements!"

After seeing what happened to Samuel, panic spread rapidly among the crowd, and many extraordinary people decided to break out immediately.

Continuing to stay here is not only waiting for death, but also the body will be transformed into filthy undead after death. This is something they absolutely cannot accept.

Immediately, an extraordinary person set off and rushed towards the back door of the manor.

Kraken, who controlled the obelisk, saw Ken and hurriedly dissuaded him: "Come back! There's no way you can rush out!"

But a few people simply turned a deaf ear and followed Yang's example and rushed straight into the sea of ​​skeletons.

With a bang, several people successfully cleared a five-meter-wide blank area with one full blow, which seemed to go very smoothly.

But before they had time to rejoice, suddenly a dark beam of light descended from the sky and struck towards them.


After a huge roar, only a few extraordinary people were left in place. The moment they came into contact with the light beam, they were vaporized and became part of the black earth. Then, white-bone skeletons crawled out from the place and continued. Attack the manor's barrier.

This scene was like a bucket of cold water poured into the hearts of all the extraordinary people who were about to move, forcing them to calm down.

Klanken looked towards the wizard tower with a gloomy face, but what he met was the cold gaze of two ghost mages.

At the same time, Carlin once again shadowed all members of the brigade into the banyan tree space.

Everyone's projections appeared in their respective seats for the first time, looking at Karin who was sitting in the main seat.

When facing the gazes of others, Karin didn't talk nonsense, and said quickly: "The situation has changed, and the enemy's strength has greatly exceeded expectations."

Leah said impatiently: "What's the point of talking about it now? Just tell me what you want me to do."

Karin then turned and glanced around.

The eyes of Leah, Danetta, and Ciel showed no intention of quitting.

Erica, on the other hand, looked at him firmly, as if she was saying "Don't try to drive me away this time."

Only Hannibal and Connor looked slightly hesitant as if they had something to say.

Carlin looked directly at Connor and Hannibal and said: "You can leave directly without forcing it. Now is the last chance. The lifting platform will be requisitioned by the remaining troops in a while, and it will not be so easy to leave again."

Hannibal and Connor looked at each other after hearing this. Finally, Connor took the initiative and said: "Since you have decided to continue, captain, you must be certain. We have also decided to stay on the fifth floor."

Carlin nodded after hearing this: "Since no one wants to retreat, let's continue the operation."

As he spoke, he casually drew the map, and the reduced three-dimensional map of the fifth floor of the Princess Carmen was displayed in the center of the round table. There were also light spots representing extraordinary beings for everyone to see clearly.

The situation on the fifth floor was very interesting at this time. The undead soldiers divided into three groups and quickly advanced towards the mansions of Richard, Yilin, and Serimilin.

Yilin had already moved to the Ranger Club Manor, and Serimilin's extraordinary people who stayed at the manor had actually left with the psychic beasts all the way to the south.

The target was suspected to be an elevator platform, and its route happened to miss the group of undead that were heading towards the mansion.

And Donan, who had lost his psychic beast, was leading a group of people from the Jingkong Empire and was heading towards the Jialan Mansion without hesitation.

The Fateweaver cultists followed Morpheus to Richard's mansion.

Karin looked at the movements of all parties displayed on the map and thought for a moment before saying: "Hunter, doll, sharp blade, viper, moth, the five of you will gather together first and then go directly there to report the news and let them prepare. "

"Then what do we do?" Ciel asked directly.

Carlin looked at the bunch of light spots on the map that were heading towards Jialan Mansion at full speed and said directly: "Just wait until the group of Clear Space Cultists arrive and hold them back for twenty minutes."

Charlton immediately showed a troubled look, Connor was a little hesitant, and Hannibal gritted his teeth after a war between heaven and man in his heart and said: "If you give me 1000 grams of Philosopher's Stone as the material of the magic circle, I can at least hold back those groups. Jingkong Cultist for half an hour!”

He and Connor had always guessed that the other party had a large amount of Philosopher's Stone, so Hannibal decided to make a bet. If the bet was right, not to mention the group of Clearance Cultists, even the group of undead would be able to attack him and Connor together. Carry it for ten minutes.

Carlin suddenly looked sideways. Hannibal's words were far beyond his expectations. He didn't expect him to be so powerful and speak for half an hour.

You must know that Donan's group of wolves and tigers are not easy to mess with.

‘It is indeed a sect that our ancestors once flourished, and it does have some foundation. ’

However, Carlin said: "There is no need to do this to deal with the Clear Space Cultists. With the puppets here, it is more than enough to hold those people back for twenty minutes."

In an instant, everyone looked at Erica, their eyes full of surprise, and they were all guessing what she had in store.

Facing everyone's gaze, Erica's little face blushed shyly again. It wasn't until Karin opened her mouth to attract all the eyes that the girl let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"But I will still send you 1,000 grams of Philosopher's Stone, but remember, these Philosopher's Stones are not used to pay for the Jingkong cultists, but to deal with the undead!"

Hannibal and Connor were shocked again after hearing this. He just casually mentioned a bet, but they didn't expect that the leader actually had 1000 grams of the Philosopher's Stone!

Then he immediately turned his attention to others and told them his arrangement.

"Among the remaining people, except for myself, the ghost and the hunter, everyone else went to the lifting platform to deal with the lunatics from the Fateweaver Order first and ensure that the route for the remaining troops on the fourth floor to enter the fifth floor is clear, and then we can go Support the three of them.”

After Karin revealed his arrangement, Leah immediately asked: "What are you going to do with those undead?"

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