Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 313 Real Hammer

In Phillip Manor, others quickly denied it after hearing Serimilin's words.

What happened next made the angry Prince Philip's face change again.

"Seremilin, I know you won't admit it, but it's none of our business whether other people believe it or not. Our target is just your psychic beast!"

A hundred meters away, the banyan tree suddenly condensed a fog thorn, which shot into the black bear's forehead like lightning.

Immediately, the black bear's body dissipated, leaving only a palm-sized crystal flying through the air.

Serimilin was furious and was about to say something, but then his expression changed again and became incredible.

"Impossible, how could the banyan tree kill my psychic beast without being punished?"

Others in Philip Manor were also shocked when they saw Serimilin with a rosy face.

During the [King Selection] ceremony, non-ritual participants who kill a psychic beast will be punished by the Evening Bell and their souls will be harvested. Then he will roughly cut off part of the psychic beast's owner's soul to use as material for resurrecting the psychic beast.

Everyone knows this rule. It is because of this that after the Clear Space Cult took action, no one directly suggested that outsiders kill the psychic beast. Otherwise, Morpheus would not have a chance to win and impact the legend in a short time.

But now both Banyan Tree and Serimilin are standing there properly, and everyone is in disbelief when looking at Banyan Tree.

At this time, the banyan tree in the picture suddenly turned its head to face the screen, making everyone feel that the other person was looking at them.

"Actually, I am a psychic beast, but Wan Zhong didn't tell anyone else, and my host is Karin."

Banyan Tree's words were like sparks falling into a magazine of explosives, instantly causing everyone to burst into an uproar.

A series of expressions including shock, sluggishness, anger, disbelief, etc. appeared on the faces.

Although the evening clock informed us that there were only five participants, we didn't expect that there was a sixth person, Carlin, who had been hiding in the dark.

Yilin looked at Elena in shock, and a strong guard subconsciously appeared in her heart. Although it was hidden deeply, the second lady still noticed that her expression was a little unnatural.

Alina could only say helplessly: "Yilin, do you doubt that I will be harmful to you?"

After reacting, Yilin immediately said apologetically: "Sorry, that's not what I meant."

Then she sighed again and said with a wry smile: "If, I mean if, Carlin comes to your manor in person and wants to do harm to my psychic beast, who will you help?"

Elena also sighed: "I'm sorry, I don't want to lie to you. If Karin speaks in person, the most I can do is not help him and advise him not to kill anyone."

Yilin suddenly had mixed feelings in her heart. Although the two were not helping each other, the power around her now was no match for the people of the Shadow Brigade.

It was clear who the other party was leaning toward, and Yilin was immediately relieved.

"Thank you for not deceiving me. If he comes here, I will take the initiative to give the psychic beast to him."

After saying that, he glanced at the crystal bird on his shoulder.

Elena said in surprise: "You actually gave up like that?"

Princess Yilin said calmly: "Actually, I understand very well that even without Karin and Morpheus, my hope is very slim. It's just that I always had luck before, but now I finally understand."

In fact, it is impossible to say that there are no regrets in her heart, but Yilin immediately saw the situation clearly. Since the psychic beast could not be saved no matter what, she might as well give a favor in exchange for the friendship of the Shadow Troupe.

In the past, she had the same idea as many people in the Old Continent. She only thought that the Shadow Brigade was a small emerging organization with great potential and was not very strong, so she did not pay too much attention to it.

But after witnessing the strength of Carlin's group of secret puppets and deputy puppets just now, this idea was directly overturned. The strength currently displayed by the Shadow Brigade is already very terrifying.

She even guessed that if the Shadow Brigade had shown such strength from the beginning, even if the Brent Kingdom wanted to obtain the [Resurrection] ritual, they would definitely use some mild means, such as conducting transactions.

Before Prince Charles was killed by Carlin, both parties had room for relaxation, but now that the relationship has been established, it is no longer possible for them to relax.

Yilin will certainly not be stingy about showing her kindness to this newly emerging organization. After all, she is only less than twenty years old and is also a legendary seed. She will not covet the [Resurrection] ceremony at all.

Eric, who listened to the conversation between the two, thought for a while and was still not sure who was the Jingkong cultist between Yilin and Serimilin.

However, in his mind, Serimilin was more suspicious, so he decided to deceive the other party again to see if his guess was correct.

The banyan tree badges of Erica and Leah who were ambushing near the Jialan Mansion suddenly became slightly hot, and the two of them were immediately projected into the banyan tree space.

After a minute, the two sides looked at each other and divided into two groups.

Erica went to Gloriosa's mansion, while Leah walked in the direction of Donan and the others.

Soon, Erica arrived in front of Jialan's mansion.

The team of guards in front of the gate were about to say something when they saw another stranger coming, but the next moment a large number of paper figures floated out of Erica and turned into paper puppets.

Not long after, one after another tyrannical momentum spread unbridled in all directions.

Headed by three mentor-level puppets, Ren, Blood Beast, and Rat Troll, the guard team was having a hard time breathing due to their oppressive aura.

And the cold gazes of more than thirty professional-level paper puppets behind the three also fell on these guards.

Reis's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then a series of muffled sounds appeared. All the guards felt their eyes go dark, and they knew nothing.

After letting Reis knock out the guards, Erica strode into the Garland mansion surrounded by a group of paper puppets.

Not long after, more than a hundred extraordinary people in the manor appeared in front of her.

Erica's paper puppets did not restrain their aura, and alerted all the professional-level transcendents in the mansion after their appearance.

Among them, Connor, Hannibal, and Charles stood at the front, looking at Erica warily like everyone else.

The two sides faced each other in silence for more than ten seconds. A middle-aged man who looked like a butler said politely: "Hello, sir, I am Rick, the butler of His Highness Jialan. What are you doing here?" What's the point?"

Although Erica was a little nervous when facing so many eyes, her disguised face showed no expression and looked very cold.

After hearing Rick's question, the rude strong man made a loud voice: "I am a puppet of the Shadow Brigade, and my target is only the psychic beast of Gloriosa.

I advise you not to resist, otherwise you will end up like those guys under Serimilin! "

At this time, Charles deliberately shouted: "Has His Highness Serimilin's psychic beast already encountered your poisonous hands?!"

"Yes." Erica looked calm.

Just when everyone was in a daze because of the news, suddenly a huge paper bowl roared in the sky and covered everyone inside.

Faced with this sudden change, everyone reacted and attacked the paper bowl with all their strength to open an exit, but the white paper remained motionless no matter how they attacked.

After Erica trapped this group of people, she led her paper puppets to search the mansion for Gloriosa's psychic beast, while observing the expressions of everyone inside the paper bowl.

Soon, she discovered that an inconspicuous professional-level transcendent in the crowd quietly put his hand into his pocket without anyone else noticing. A badge in his pocket immediately emitted a wave of waves that no one noticed.

All this was seen by Erica, and she suddenly felt excited.

‘Great, Carlin’s guess is indeed right, there are also Jing Kong cultists lurking inside the Jialan Mansion. ’

The invisible fluctuations instantly crossed the space and were received by Dornan, and an extra piece of information immediately appeared in his mind.

After browsing the information, his face became shocked. He felt that his young heart was greatly frightened.

"Lord Dornan, what's wrong?"

Others next to him asked immediately after seeing his expression.

Donan said with a dazed look on his face: "We now have another powerful opponent - the Shadow Brigade, and Carlin is also a participant in the ceremony!"

Then his voice deepened again: "The psychic beast of Seremilin was killed not long ago!"

Everyone else had expressions of disbelief. It would have been fine if Morpheus forced a ticket to get on the bus during the [King Selection] ceremony, but now an impossible sixth person has appeared?

They didn't understand it, but they were shocked.

All the psychic beasts in Seremilin are dead. Does that mean that this plan that the empire invested heavily in has completely gone bankrupt? !

In an instant, the group of people became depressed, and Duolin felt confused for a while.

In order to help Seremilin ascend to the throne, they sacrificed so many people, and they themselves would also be sacrificed in the plan.

The empire even lost a land battleship with legendary combat power. You must know that there are less than twenty such expensive war beasts in the entire Clearance Empire.

But now all these efforts are in vain? !

Thinking of this, Duonan's expression became ferocious, and he let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice.

"Shadow brigade!!!!!!"

Leah, who was hiding in the dark and observing the expressions of the group through the curiosity doll's vision, immediately projected herself into the banyan tree space and said to Karin who was waiting for her news: "Donan and the others have indeed received the news!"

“Very good, it’s finally confirmed, it’s Serimilin!”

At this time, the banyan tree, which was still paying attention to everyone in Philip Manor, suddenly showed a strange smile.

"Everyone who has been watching me, just now, Karin confirmed one thing. Our dear Ninth Prince, Serimilin, is a genuine Jingkong cultist!"

Everyone was in an uproar again, and Serimilin looked furious, but his heart suddenly thumped, and a bad premonition emerged.

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