Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 315 It’s you! It's you! That’s you!

However, before Seremilin could finish his words, Rongshu's next sentence made him stop like a duck being strangled by the neck.

"I know that His Highness Serimilin will immediately refute that this is a coincidence. In fact, this time it just makes Carlin deepen his suspicion of him."

Everyone immediately looked away from Serimilin and continued to listen to Banyan Tree.

"I just think that the wild extraordinary beings recruited from the private sector under Serimilin are of very high quality and can be disciplined and follow orders at all times.

And when an unexpected situation occurs and His Highness is unable to issue an order, he can also make very flexible responses based on the existing information without being rigid.

These kinds of small-probability events come together to cause the previous coincidence.

Moreover, there may be a spy in the team that broke out with His Royal Highness Richard. After staying away from the shield of the Black Earth, he finally sent a message to Serimilin's mansion.

It may just be that His Highness Serimilin placed an important chess piece around Richard in order to win the [King Selection] ceremony, and is not a Clear Space cultist.

But there is no doubt that if His Highness Seremilin's mansion can receive the news, it can only be informed by someone close to His Highness Richard.

Although the Ranger Guild of which Her Highness Yilin belongs has this ability, according to my observation, no one conveyed any news to the outside world at that time. If this happened, it would definitely be sensed by the manor's barrier.

I don’t know if you still remember that a month ago, four legendary seeds suddenly appeared among the people and joined Richard and Gloria. I suspect that there are also Jingkong cultists among them. "

After hearing this, Phillip fell into deep thought.

When Morpheus arrived with the wizard tower and the dark vortex, the communication at Philip Manor was blocked, and if the Ranger Club Manor was really as Banyan Tree said, there would be nothing unusual.

That means that it is very likely that someone close to Richard secretly conveyed the message to Serimilin's manor through a supernatural item that was remotely connected.

And now that Richard's team has been wiped out, he can't go to verify it.

However, Prince Philip simply ignored this small flaw. After all, some things did not require conclusive evidence, and he had no way to find evidence now.

As Carlin said, if all these coincidences come together, it is very likely that they are not coincidences.

"The fact that everyone in the Seremilin Mansion suddenly and quickly evacuated with the psychic beast at a coincidental time only deepened Carlin's suspicion of him, but another incident made Carlin truly Confirmed, he is a Jingkong cultist."

All the listeners were refreshed. It was finally coming. Everyone was curious about what key information made Carlin conclude that Serimilin was the Jingkong cultist?

"Before, Carlin and I both thought that since there are lurking Clear Space Cultists under Richard's command, then Jialan and Yilin's command must not be too clean either.

However, Yilin and her extraordinary beings are now located in the Ranger Club Manor. As long as someone uses extraordinary items to transmit information to the outside world, they cannot escape the perception of the barrier.

In order to determine which of Yilin and Serimilin was the Clear Space Cultist, Carlin tested the Clear Space Cultists again after I publicly told everyone that I was Carlin's psychic beast. Reaction.

Three minutes ago, a member of the brigade went to Jialan's mansion and told them about my killing of the Serimilin psychic beast.

This was done to allow the Jingkong cultists lurking in the Jialan Mansion to get this important news, and to pass the news to other Jingkong cultists who still knew nothing about it in a timely manner.

I don’t need to explain the rest of the matter. I believe that the obelisk in Prince Philip’s residence should have a scene recall function. It is enough to go back to the scene not long ago and see the reaction of the group of Clear Space cultists after receiving the news. "

After Banyan Tree finished speaking, he continued on the road with the other secret puppets and deputy puppets without looking back. Their target this time was the undead army closest to him and others.

Philip Manor.

Kraken quickly followed the banyan tree's words and controlled the obelisk to project two new images in the air.

The scene of the confrontation between Erica and a group of people in the Garland Mansion was shown respectively, as well as the reaction of Dornan and his party, which quickly caused the crowd to explode.

"Shadow brigade!!!!!"

After Dornan let out a roar that was not like a human voice, all the Jingkong cultists immediately turned around with resentful expressions.

They were traveling quickly in the opposite direction from where they came. Judging from the route, it happened to be the place where Serimilin's psychic beast was killed.

Prince Philip fell silent after seeing all this. No matter how unbelievable the facts were, he had no way to refute it. The reaction of Dornan's group of people after learning the news clearly explained everything.

When Donan's psychic beast died, the mood of the Clear Space cultists was very stable, and they were even ready to go to Jialan's mansion for a second vote, which meant that the life and death of the black cat was not important to them at all.

This made many people realize something.

In the [King Selection] ceremony, there is no point in grabbing heads. As long as your psychic beast is the last one alive, you can win.

If Donan's purpose is really to help Seremilin ascend to the throne, as long as he can ensure that Seremilin's psychic beast lives to the end to eat chicken, his black cat psychic beast will die no matter when. important.

When Serimilin's psychic beasts died, they were as if they were dead parents and wanted to skin and cramp everyone in the Shadow Brigade, which proved this very well.

The chain of evidence is not complete or even very incomplete, but the reaction of a group of people is already self-defeating.

In Philip Manor, Serimilin's face turned pale. He collapsed on the ground and made his last effort.

"There's absolutely no way I'm a Jingkong cultist. These are all coincidences. You can't just believe in Rong Shu's words. They don't have any direct evidence!"

Kraken looked at Serimilin, who was still defending, and his expression became heavy.

"His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, I don't know when you were corrupted into a cultist, but please don't do any resistance now. When His Highness Philip comes back, he will interrogate you personally."

In an instant, the barrier where several people were imprisoned burst out with dazzling light, and several chains condensed with light directly tied Seremilin and several of his confidants tightly.

They feel that all their power has been sealed, and even an ordinary person can easily defeat him.

Serimilin's expression also became unwilling and desperate, and he no longer made any excuses.

Although all of this is just one-sided words from Banyan Tree, and there is no direct evidence, but it is still the same sentence - many things do not require evidence.

In normal times, Kraken would only take action against Serimilin if he had to obtain proof that he could use Stone Hammer completely.

But the current situation is extremely urgent and everyone's lives are at risk. No one will care about these trivial matters.

In the Ranger Club Manor, Princess Yilin fell silent when she looked at Serimilin who was being closely guarded after having her power sealed.

After a while, she asked Elena with a complicated expression: "There are members of the Shadow Brigade around us, right?"

Elena was stunned for a moment. Seeing her unprepared expression, Yilin continued: "Rongshu and Carlin know everything about the situation inside the manor. This already explains everything."

Everyone saw that Miss One-Ear's face suddenly turned dark, and her eyes turned sharply to Eric, who was beside him.

"It's you! It's you! It's you! It must be you! You are definitely a member of the Shadow Brigade!"

Then she turned her eyes to Danetta, and all she got was a response that made her even more crazy: "I'm sorry, we lied to you."

The next moment, everyone in the manor heard Miss One-Ear's angry roar.

"Karin, you heartless bastard, I must make you look good!!!!"

The other members of the Ranger Association all watched, pretending they didn't hear anything.

Yilin couldn't help laughing when she saw Miss One-Ear's crazy expression, and a feeling of envy emerged in her heart unconsciously, envious of the pure friendship between Elena and Karin.

At this time, Eric tried to divert everyone's attention, pointing to the picture reflected by the True Compass and saying: "Can we talk about this later? Look, Dornan and the others met Morpheus."

Sure enough, everyone's eyes immediately shifted, and Miss One-Ear also looked at the scene in mid-air bitterly.

Dornan looked at Morpheus floating in the air with a look of hatred on his face.

"How on earth did you escape the mark of slavery?"

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