Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 333 Dangerous Ice Vapor History

Ten degrees below zero is indeed very cold for ordinary people, but it is nothing to an extraordinary person like Carlin.

The ability of professional-level extraordinary people to withstand cold is very strong. In the deep winter, even if Kalin only wears a short-sleeved shirt, he won't shiver.

But Snicki sensed something was wrong as soon as he took one leg out.

The severe cold outside gave him the same feeling as [Spiritual Mist], which was a cold that acted on the soul.

Immediately afterwards, Snicki directly crushed a rune stone used to shield pollution from exploring the spiritual world. After stepping out of the cave again, he felt much better than the first time.

Although I still feel a little cold, it is not as deep into my bones as last time.

Only then did Snicki have time to check his surroundings. At this time, there was only white left in the world.

The raging cold wind hurt my body like a knife, and the flying snowflakes were wreaking havoc in this pure white world.

In this vast and boundless world, Snitch could only identify three things: snow, ice, and frost.

This kind of whiteness is cruel, cold, and lifeless.

Snitch looked up at the sky and saw only a gloomy sky.

At this moment, Carlin also began to recall the records of the ice steam calendar in the secret history "The Rebirth of the Tower".

The blazing sun and invisible fire suddenly fell. Their corpses still provided light to the world, but the heat was out of balance.

The spirituality of the mortal world and the spiritual world was affected, and a large number of creatures in the spiritual world were affected in an instant. They either died or turned into crazy evil creatures.

The strong people still took their families and went to the spirit world to open their own shelters in an attempt to escape this disaster.

The remaining large population in the mortal world has to face the evil things that have mushroomed like mushrooms after a rain in the mortal world.

But soon everyone no longer has to worry about the threat of evil things, because the severe cold is coming soon.

From then on, the mortal world ceased to have four seasons and entered the ice calendar of only 48 days.

On the 48th day of the Ice Air Calendar, the partial remains of the blazing sun and the invisible fire turned into new sichen—the day and the evening bell. They completely ended the Ice Air Calendar.

The temperature has warmed up sharply, with the average daily temperature rising to minus 5 degrees Celsius.

While Carlin was recalling this information, Snicki was carefully moving his gaze, looking for the brother and sister who had long since disappeared from history.

Soon a pale white sun came into his eyes.

The moment after seeing the blazing sun, the spiritual energy in the body drained away like a floodgate opening.

Just by taking a glance at it, the corpses of the brother and sister were like a black hole, frantically sucking away Snitch's spirituality and vitality.

Snicki wanted to lower his head and force himself not to look at the bodies of the blazing sun and invisible fire, but the cold that penetrated his bones made his body unable to move.

Seeing that Snitch was about to be sucked dry in a short time, Amiya, who was in the safe zone cave, quickly waved a red thread, wrapped around Snitch and pulled him back into the cave.

Snicki, who had saved his life, finally regained some mobility. He collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily, and the spiritual energy in his body was almost dry.

And Carlin also has a clear understanding of the dangers in the outside world.

The Ice Vapor Calendar of the Second Age is not only cold, but also polluted everywhere, especially the sun in the sky, which will suck away spirituality and vitality whenever you look at it.

If he had been just a little slower, Snitch would have been sucked into a mummy.

Snicki, who almost burped, stayed in the cave to rest, and this time he went out under the banyan tree.

After crushing an amulet stone, the banyan tree walked out of the cave invisibly.

This time he learned the lesson and did not look at the corpses of the brother and sister in the sky. He randomly chose a direction and walked alone in the ice and snow.

The snow on the ground is as high as one person. In this snow-white world, all living beings are equal. Let alone ordinary people, even the lives of low-level transcendent beings are like candles in the wind, in danger of being extinguished at any time.

The banyan tree controlled its strength and walked on the snow that was as tall as a person, leaving only a row of shallow footprints.

‘We must find a new home settlement as soon as possible. ’

Carlin believed that since the place name was mentioned in the information, it must be near a safe point. The first thing he needed to do now was to find this survivor settlement called New Home.

On the snow, the speed of the banyan tree was neither fast nor slow, probably the same speed as an adult riding a bicycle.

It's not that he doesn't want to go faster, but he discovered something. Outside, his spiritual energy consumption is ten times faster than in the safe zone.

And the mind and body are more likely to fall into fatigue.

While walking, the banyan tree records this information while also observing the surrounding environment.

The safe zone cave is located in a small valley, not far from the exit. In three minutes, the banyan tree walked out of the valley to an endless plain.

The plain is still a white desert with no visible boundaries and lifeless white desert.

The banyan tree can only move forward aimlessly like this, hoping to meet other beings with whom it can communicate soon.

In the safe zone cave, Carlin and others arranged a bunch of marionettes to form a formation, and then began to transform the marionettes.

The banyan tree walked from eight in the morning to seven in the evening.

The scorching sun gradually disappeared, replaced by a dark night sky without any stars.

But as the scorching sun disappeared, the banyan tree felt the temperature drop further, plummeting to minus 20 degrees at the moment the scorching sun set.

The spiritual consumption of the banyan tree doubled during the day, and what made him even more ridiculous was that he actually felt a little tired!

In the cave, Carlin, who shared a consciousness with the banyan tree, was still physically energetic, but he also felt a little bit mentally exhausted, which made him feel very ridiculous.

Not to mention him, even an ordinary trainee-level transcendent wouldn't feel sleepy if he stayed up all night, let alone Karin now. Even if he didn't sleep for a week in a row, he would only feel slightly sleepy.

But now, after only staying outside for thirteen hours, Banyan Tree actually felt a little tired, not only mentally but also physically.

This made Carlin immediately realize that something was wrong.

As time passed slowly, another five hours passed and it was twelve o'clock in the morning.

Until now, the banyan tree has probably walked more than a hundred kilometers, but he didn't see even a single ghost except for the white color in front of him. Both he and Karin's eyes were filled with deep weariness.

"Is this the ordinary world of Bingqiu Calendar? The pollution is too serious!"

The outside world seems to be a huge threat only to the severe cold and the pale white corpses of the scorching sun.

But in fact, pollution is everywhere, but in a different way, subtly making people more likely to fall into fatigue.

Unable to bear the intrusion of sleepiness, Karin immediately changed his shift.

Amiya teleported to the banyan tree through the virtual divine kingdom, and the banyan tree teleported back to the virtual divine kingdom to rest.

Karin no longer controls Amiya throughout the entire process, but instead lets the [Throne Difference Machine] take charge of her actions.

After doing all this, Carlin and Banyan Tree could no longer hold on, closed their eyes and fell into a meditative state.

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