Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 337 Winnie Milton

After Carlin and Snicki fell steadily for more than a hundred meters, they immediately felt that the chaotic spirituality everywhere in the air had become thinner.

Outside, all his actions consume ten times more spiritual power, while in the basin, although it is still not as good as the environment of the Sixth Age, the consumption is reduced to three times.

At this time, Winnie, who was one hundred meters away and landed first, saw Carlin coming down and took her own steps again. Carlin hurriedly followed.

However, feeling that the giant steam tower had not released its lock on him, he did not dare to approach Winnie rashly, so he kept a safe distance of one hundred meters behind her.

Looking at the buildings one kilometer away, Karin sent a mental wave: "Actually, you don't need to be so wary of me, it doesn't make any sense."

Although the sound was not loud, it was clearly transmitted to Winnie's ears a hundred meters away. She glanced at Karin, said nothing and just continued to move forward in silence.

Karin was speechless for a while, and could only show a helpless expression: "Okay, I don't expect you to lower your guard against me, but at least tell me where you want to take me, right?"

At this time Winnie finally reacted: "I will take you to see my husband and the leader of the new family - Milton Tyrone."

"Where is he?"

"It's at the energy tower."

Carlin immediately looked at the steam tower. From a distance, this guy looked stupid, big and thick, but the terrifying energy contained inside was something he couldn't ignore.

The energy tower held up a barrier, which not only resisted the chaotic spirituality but also provided heat for the surroundings. These survivors relied on the energy tower to barely survive in the severe cold.

Otherwise, in this era of scarce resources, even mentor-level extraordinary beings would not be able to persist in the outside world for long. Once their resources are exhausted, they will eventually starve to death.

This is a very ironic thing. The professional level also needs to eat every day, while the mentor level only needs to absorb spirituality and does not need to eat.

But in today's world, wandering spirituality is extremely chaotic, and one can only rely on eating to replenish spirituality.

‘I just don’t know what the resource reserves are in my new settlement, and there is a crisis coming, and I don’t know what it is. No matter what, I must gain Winnie’s trust as soon as possible. ’

Karin thought for a while and did not ask some sensitive questions rashly. Instead, he asked straight to the point: "I know nothing about the changes in the mortal world. Can you tell me what exactly happened?"

Winnie stopped immediately after hearing this. She turned around and stared directly at Karin, as if she wanted to see something, but Karin just looked at her calmly.

Carlin has no scruples about the exposure of some abnormalities. The quickest thing is to die and start over again. It is only right to get more important information as soon as possible.

Although he knew that this disaster was caused by the death of the blazing sun and the invisible fire, that was all. He knew nothing about all the details of the second era.

Winnie looked at Karin for a long time, and after realizing that she couldn't see anything, she asked, "Do you really know nothing?"

Karin said helplessly.

"The truth is so incredible. You can also see that I don't even know the language of this era. I just woke up not long ago and found that I was sealed in a secret realm. It was only when the secret realm was broken that I was able to escape the seal."

In an instant, Karin suddenly felt an invisible wave from the energy tower in the distance sweep across his body, as if it wanted to see him inside and out.

The fluctuation soon disappeared, and a gentle voice suddenly sounded in Winnie's mind.

"It's incredible. His spirituality doesn't belong to any school that I know, and he doesn't understand the language. Could it be that he is an old antique from the First Era?!"

Winnie suddenly showed a surprised expression and replied in her heart: "Milton, are you sure?"

"We're not sure yet, but we have to be careful no matter what. We don't know what kind of person he is."

"But we have no time to test. Those hyena-like guys are coming. This is our home. I would rather destroy our new home than take advantage of those hyenas!"

In his mind, Milton sighed: "Well, it seems we have to take a risk."

A flash of anxiety suddenly flashed in Winnie's heart.


We can kill Carlin directly. He must still have a lot of resources, and he may have the promotion ritual materials you urgently need! "

"My dear, you are upset. The promotion ceremony requires a large number of Philosopher's Stones. Even if you kill Carlin, the hope is very slim. You should tell him the truth."

Winnie suddenly felt depressed, and the heavy pressure made her breathless.

She and Milton had worked hard for many days and days for their new home, and now they were about to face a catastrophe.

‘Damn it!

Why is this happening? All the mentor-level extraordinary beings in the settlement instantly fell to the professional level!

If we were still at the mentor level, those idiots wouldn't dare to do this even if I gave them a hundred courages! ’

"Ms. Winnie, Ms. Winnie?"

Just when Winnie was immersed in unwillingness and frustration, Karin's mental fluctuations brought her back to reality.

Winnie glanced at Karin with mixed emotions, took a deep breath, gathered her emotions, and came to Karin under the unexpected look in his eyes.

"Let's talk as we walk."

Although Carlin didn't know what was going on, he and Snitch still walked side by side with Winnie, and pricked up their ears to listen carefully.

The three of them walked slowly towards the energy tower. Winnie organized her language and then slowly began to explain everything.

"This disaster has actually been foreseen a long time ago, but all parties did not pay attention to it because of their own interests, so it brewed into a huge disaster. Now there are no mortals in the world."

Fifty years ago, the original owner of this land, the Wellington Empire, successfully developed an epoch-making product.

A steam machine that combines steam technology and extraordinary products, has extremely high energy output efficiency and can operate according to established procedures. They named it - 'Steam Core'.

For a time, there were many strange robots with a height of five meters and eight manipulators, named "Spiders", in the factories of the Wellington Empire, the most powerful country in the Old World.

This is also the first generation model of the four-legged robot that Carlin saw.

Unlike the quadruped robot, the spider robot does not have a separate steam core. Instead, the steam core delivers energy to the spider robot through a long rubber pipe.

These 'spiders' could pull over twenty tons and run for a full day on just as much coal as a middle-class household would burn for heating in the winter.

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction. The emergence of the steam core and the ‘spider’ has given wings to the development of the steam industry and entered a ‘steam automation revolution’.

People's daily living standards are improving day by day. Most countries and forces are making a lot of money from this automation revolution. For a time, the whole world is prosperous.

But this is only for the middle and upper classes. The lives of the people at the bottom are still how they should be, and they have even become worse.

No one expected that from the moment the 'Steam Core' was created, a seed of destruction was planted.

It seemed that the death of the two Si Chens had nothing to do with the invention of the 'Steam Core', but the monster named 'Capital' caused the situation to brew step by step, triggering a doomsday that swept the mortal and spiritual worlds.

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