Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 339 Rules Imbalance

"I guess something new happened later due to the death of a large number of civilians, right?"

Carlin couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Winnie glanced at him in surprise. She didn't expect that the other person's thoughts were so sharp and he could guess accurately.

"Yes, as you said, countless civilians who were forced to work learned that they had lost their last hope, and a massive resistance emerged.

Although there are many of them, to the legendary powerhouse, ordinary people are still weak no matter how many there are, and a massacre begins."

All this was as Carlin guessed. The rebellious civilians were helpless in the face of the massacre by the extraordinary army of the Wellington Empire. However, this also triggered a more terrifying disaster.

Due to the deaths of the two Si Chens, a certain balance they had maintained was broken. Countless civilians died and a large number of resentful souls and evil objects were born.

However, this does not threaten the Wellington Empire. It just changes the target of massacre from civilians to low-level evil objects.

For the strong, no matter how many there are, if the power cannot be gathered together, they may not be able to hurt even one of their hairs.

What happened next was something no one expected.

After a large number of lives were massacred, four Sichens - the mother of the ancestor, the butcher, the breeder, and the diners - took action collectively.

Not only did their followers begin to enter the mortal world on a large scale, but even those cult groups that believed in them also received the oracle for the first time - to capture and sacrifice all the demigods, legendary powerful men and evil creatures in the mortal world.

"It is said that every Si Chen was born from the two god kings who have no recorded information, and they all bear the mission given by the god kings.

The mother reproduces the seeds of life, the breeder brings growth to all things, the diners maintain the survival of the fittest, the butcher controls the killing, the blazing sun brings light to the world, and the invisible fire purifies the souls of the dead.

Maybe the situation was so serious at that time that the remaining four Si Chens had to take action. "

After hearing this, Carlin asked doubtfully: "The mission you mentioned, does it mean to maintain a certain concept, because I couldn't feel the effect of these Si Chen before."

Winnie also glanced at Karin in confusion, wondering why the other person didn't even know this common sense, but she still patiently explained to Karin.

“The spiritual world records all information in the world, and this information forms a series of abstract concepts, the kind of concepts you imagine, which are called world rules.

A certain dynamic balance is maintained between the rules of the world, and changes between the rules will also cause feedback on spirituality in reality.

For example, the Fierce Sun controls the rules of purification, and the Invisible Fire controls the rules of energy. Their death will not make the rules disappear, but it will unbalance the rules and create the severe cold that will now exterminate everything.

Sichen's mission is to maintain the dynamic balance of all the rules in the world by adjusting the rules he controls. "

Carlin listened with interest for a while. He had become more knowledgeable this time. He had never heard of these common senses in Winnie's eyes. Maybe it was because only the strong in the Sixth Age knew these common senses.

He immediately asked another question: "Does the Bloodborne God also control the rules?"

Unexpectedly, Winnie shook her head: "Only Si Chen can control the rules, and I only know that although the Blood Origin God does not control the rules, he still has the same level of power as Si Chen, and I cannot understand anything further. "

After hearing this, Karin nodded thoughtfully. The Blood Origin God was obviously two different things from Si Chen.

Si Chen controls the rules and is the biological son of the world.

The blood source god is inferior in strength and can be regarded as a stepmother. Although he was beaten when fighting Si Chen, this gap can be made up by quantity.

As for further information, he doesn't want to know it for the time being. It's not a good thing for him to know too much now.

Next he continued to listen to Winnie's story.

After being captured by them, one after another strong men and a large number of evil creatures in the mortal world were thrown into the sun in the sky and devoured by the corpses of the brother and sister.

This caused the evacuation plans of all forces to go bankrupt, and the world ushered in an era of anarchy and chaos. For a while, it became a mess. The tall people were captured by the Si Chens, and they had no choice but to carry on their own.

Winnie and Milton, the destined pair, are both wild supernatural beings. By chance, they met and hugged each other for warmth, and the spark of love was sparked and they became husband and wife.

This couple is both at the mentor level, and in this era they are considered to be at the top of the pyramid of strength. They wander around and collect survival resources in abandoned towns.

Along the way, some extraordinary people met the two and took the initiative to join their ranks to seek refuge. Gradually, the size of the team expanded like a balloon, growing to more than a thousand people in less than two months.

Until they came to a settlement and found that although the construction here was interrupted due to an accident, the energy tower was completed.

At this time, ordinary people in the settlement had long since died, leaving only a few dozen Wellington officials and nobles struggling to survive by relying on the energy tower.

Winnie and Milton didn't like this group of guys either, so they killed them and occupied the settlement.

Since then, more than a thousand survivors have started a new life here, and the settlement has been named Xinjia by them, which means new home.

The pale sun in the sky is like a glutton that can never be fed, and a large number of powerful people and evil creatures are devoured.

No one could understand what the four Si Chens were doing, but everyone could clearly feel that something was brewing inside the sun.

The temperature in the mortal world fluctuates between zero and twenty degrees below zero, and spirituality becomes increasingly chaotic.

It wasn't until all the demigods and legendary strongmen in the mortal world were fed to the four Si Chens who followed the path of the ancestors of the Queen of the Sun that they stopped. At this moment, the Ice Vapor Calendar officially entered.

On the 1st day of the Ice Steam Calendar, the average temperature was minus fifteen degrees, the world was covered in ice and snow, and the number of extraordinary beings in the mortal world was only two, less than 5% of the population before Si Chen's death.

As for ordinary people, those who cannot become extraordinary people are almost dead. The harsh environment where chaotic spirituality is everywhere has no room for ordinary people to survive.

Only a few ordinary people are protected by the strong and can survive in a safe barrier, but there are only a few like cherished animals.

After listening to Winnie tell the whole story, Karin probably had an idea.

No extraordinary person in the second era knows what will happen in the future. Only he knows that on the 48th day of the Ice Vapor Calendar, the day and evening bells will be born from the corpse of the blazing sun and invisible fire.

With this thought, Karin understood the purpose of the four Si Chens on the path of the ancestors.

They should have used the corpses of the blazing sun and the invisible fire to arrange a ritual, and invested a large amount of evil objects and strong men to start the ritual and give birth to a new Si Chen.

The extraordinary beings at the mentor level and below escaped because their levels were too low. I don’t know how they would feel after learning this fact.

If a new Si Chen cannot be born as soon as possible to clean up this mess, Karin doesn't know whether the world will be destroyed, but all life living in the world will definitely become extinct first.

As for the situation in her new home settlement, Winnie did not tell Carlin about it, and she was still obviously wary of him.

Karin didn't care either. He asked another question: "I know the situation in the mortal world, but what about the spiritual world? It's impossible for those blood-source gods to just leave their own power and tribe alone, right?"

After hearing this, Winnie's expression suddenly became strange.

"Although I don't know what happened in the spiritual world, it must not be good for all the blood gods."

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