Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 346 Memory Transfer

Ice and Snow Calendar 1st, 3 pm, New Home Children’s Shelter.

More than fifty children lined up neatly, whispering from time to time.

A pair of curious eyes stared at the bald engineer at the front of the queue, wondering what the uncle wanted them to do.

"Starting from today, you will become an engineer apprentice and work for the engineer uncles at the workstation, making your own contribution to the development of the settlement."

"In the past, only children from wealthy families could enjoy this kind of luxurious knowledge transmission. Everyone must cherish this opportunity."

As he spoke, the bald engineer also laughed.

Obviously the residents of the settlement are quite satisfied with the leader's new decree. This is knowledge transmission, and a large amount of knowledge can enter their heads in an instant!

Although it still needs to be digested slowly, this directly saves the painful memorization process. In the past, only wealthy families could enjoy this kind of treatment.

And these children will also enter workstations and factories to digest the knowledge they have gained in practice.

They only work three hours a day before returning to the children's shelter to rest. Other adults don't care about the children's work efficiency. This is just to allow them to digest knowledge as quickly as possible.

"Three people in a row, look forward and align, everyone follows closely!"

Led by the bald engineer, the children walked out of the children's shelter next to the energy tower and stepped onto the stone road paved with brass heating pipes.

There is a group of children, the youngest is seven years old and the oldest is twelve years old. Most of them were brought to their new home by their parents. Only a few of them lived alone in the ruins of the city. They were lucky enough to be rescued by the expedition team. .

The extraordinary beings in their new home rely on the monitoring and detection network of energy towers and signal stations to constantly observe the situation within 5,000 kilometers. If there are refugees wandering outside, they will immediately send a team to rescue them.

In this era, the cruel cold has eliminated all the weak, and only the professional level and mentor level are left alive in the wild.

Every survivor is a valuable labor force in Milton's eyes, and he will not give up any additional population.

The children, led by the bald engineer, walked to a workstation that looked like a large factory building.

At the door of the workstation, Carlin was sitting on a small chair, and there was a long queue of about fifty people in front of him.

After Carlin showed Milton the power of the memory library, everyone in the new home settlement received another notification and went to Carlin for memory transfer.

In order not to affect the daily work, we did not come in a swarm, but queued up in batches. Each batch had about a hundred people. After this batch was completed, the next batch came over.

When more than fifty children arrived, the adults in the queue consciously stepped aside to allow these children to transfer their memories first.

In this way, one child after another received books from Kalin and had them patted on the head.

The contents of the books Carlin prepared for adults and children were different, and the cultural level of the new home settlement was pretty good.

The adults are at least professional-level extraordinary people. It is impossible that they don't even know the words. They all have a very good foundation. Karin directly selected a lot of alchemy and advanced mathematics knowledge.

The children will also receive basic education in the shelter, and their literacy and arithmetic are still no problem, and they have almost reached the level of primary school graduation.

However, considering that they are still children, Carlin only prepared high school mathematics, introductory calculus and some basic alchemy knowledge for them, which was enough for these children to digest for a long time.

In order to help them digest the knowledge in their minds, Carlin proposed the Engineer Apprenticeship Act to Milton. He even prepared a set of "Three-Year College Entrance Examination and Five-Year Simulation" for the children to ensure that the children can happily digest the newly acquired knowledge. Knowledge.

It may be due to the tempering of their living environment, but the children in their new home are very sensible, and each one seems to be very precocious. There is no play and procrastination in the process of queuing up to receive books, and the efficiency is very high.

In less than five minutes, a lot of memories came to the minds of the fifty or so children, and for a moment they all felt like their heads were a little swollen.

At this time, the adults who were waiting came to Karin again and formed a long queue.

Just when Karin gathered one book after another and slapped them on the head.

Instead of returning to the children's shelter, more than fifty children entered four workstations led by several engineers.

They will begin their apprenticeships as engineers.

Carlin mechanically put one book after another into everyone's mind, and he was busy until almost seven o'clock in the evening when he finally finished.

After seeing that no one came to him again to ask for books, Karin got up from the chair and stretched.

"It's almost time for dinner. Let's go to the kitchen to see how the food is."

Just when he was thinking this.

Jingle bell bell—

A bell rang that spread throughout the settlement, and all of a sudden, except for a few people on duty, most people left their posts and went to the kitchen, which was specially set up to serve meals.

Many positions in Xinjia work in two shifts, and everyone only eats two meals a day.

7 a.m., 12 a.m.

12 noon, 7pm.

They are meal breaks for the two shifts, and everyone has one hour to eat and rest.

8 a.m. to 12 p.m., 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

8pm to 12am, 1am to 7am.

They are the working hours of two shifts respectively.

This arrangement ensures that all factories and workstations operate in two shifts, 24 hours a day.

Carlin was thinking about his next plan while walking on the warm stone road.

‘Now it seems that if there is no external force, the new settlement can be self-sufficient forever, but obviously this is impossible.

Starting from today, we have officially entered the ice and steam calendar. As time goes by, not only will the temperature get colder, but the pollution may also become more and more serious.

I believe that the New Home settlement in history definitely managed to survive 48 days, and in [Holy Spirit] it seems that it will not be difficult as long as it develops steadily and survives.

But everything is uncertain. After all, I don’t know what Milton has experienced in history. It’s better to take it one step at a time and let all engineers get started with alchemy and learn calculus first. ’

Thinking about it, Carlin unknowingly walked to a huge white house, with several thick chimneys on the roof spewing hot steam.

Before entering, Karin clearly felt a heat wave coming towards him.

This is the kitchen in the Xinjia settlement, there are three in total.

Five chefs cook in each kitchen, and up to 300 people can eat at the same time. As long as there is no problem with the food supply, it can meet the dining needs of up to 600 people every day.

‘I don’t know how skilled the chefs in my new home are. They are all extraordinary. I don’t think they are any worse. ’

Just like that, Karin walked into the kitchen with a longing for food.

The kitchen was abuzz with excitement. People who had been working since eight o'clock in the morning finally got some time to rest.

They were wearing thick clothes, with a hint of fatigue on their faces, but when a large bowl of cooked food was placed in front of them, everyone became radiant again.

While everyone was devouring the food in front of them, Karin's mood was very subtle.

‘Well, I shouldn’t have any expectations for the canteen in the apocalypse. ’

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