Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 351 Whitening Skin

Looking at the heating lamp in his hand, Karin felt satisfied.

Milton was originally promised five days, but now the samples were taken out two days in advance.

This was inseparable from the successful development of the cartographer and the fact that the engineers began to gradually digest the alchemy knowledge he gave them.

Carlin's idea for improving the heating lamp is very simple. He needs to cut off some indicators that he thinks are unnecessary, simplify the structure and reduce material costs.

The original heating lamp is not only sturdy in texture, but in addition to heating and emitting functions, it also comes with a small protective field.

Now that the protective field has been cut down, the brightness of the light bulbs has also been reduced a lot, and the materials are made of cheap materials that are easy to process. This has turned the heating lamp into a fragile item that can be broken by ordinary people with a punch.

However, considering that everyone in the new home settlement may not encounter any battles except for the expedition team.

Even if the heating lamp is fragile, it will not be easily damaged if you hang it on your chest and pay attention.

After the magic transformation, as long as there are enough raw materials, Xinjia's production capacity can produce more than 400 heating lamps every day, and one person can have one in three days.

This is equivalent to everyone's temperature level increasing by one level. As long as you hang it on your chest, you can enjoy the warm treatment of +10℃.

If the temperature is 10 degrees higher, the survival rate in the severe cold apocalypse will increase at least ten times, but the coal consumption may be a bit high.

However, the coal mine reserves in the Xinjia settlement are sufficient, and the consumption of more than 1,200 heating lamps is still acceptable.

Carlin handed the heat lamp sample in his hand to a worker sent by the factory after being notified.

"Reed, send the samples and drawings to the factory as soon as possible."

"Okay, Master Karin, I will deliver it as soon as possible."

Reed excitedly left the workstation with the heat lamp samples and drawings.

Not sure if it was his own illusion, but Carlin always felt that Reed, the worker, had a lighter complexion than everyone else in Workstation 3.

This difference is very subtle, and it takes a few more glances to notice it.

But he quickly put the matter behind him.

Continue to lead the engineers at workstation 3 on the next project - "Indoor Heater".

While Carlin was working at workstation three, some exciting changes were also taking place in other parts of his new home.

After more than ninety deputy puppets and marionettes plunged into the industrial area far away from the energy tower and closer to the side of the rock wall.

Equipment is modified by them every day. When a large number of equipment in the factory were modified, the efficiency suddenly improved.

This is not because the quality of industrial equipment in the second era is not as good as that in the fourth era. It is just that Carlin carved some alchemy-specific magic circles for the equipment, which unified the standards at once.

In the previous new home, every piece of equipment was labeled with a genre label. It would be great if non-genre members could use the equipment to achieve half the production efficiency.

The factory is just a patchwork of equipment from multiple genres.

In this era when there is no sage path to unify the alchemy industry standards, only those factories of big forces are more formal, and the rest are basically this kind of haphazard handcrafted workshops.

Carlin just wanted to coordinate the transformation of all equipment so that all workers, regardless of their genre, could produce normally.

The efficiency of a single piece may have been reduced, but the overall efficiency has not decreased but has increased by at least double.

And as workers gradually digest the knowledge in their minds, efficiency will be further improved.

With this inspiring efficiency, steam hubs were built in various places in the settlement. Each steam hub can increase the temperature within a hundred meters by one level.

Coupled with the heating lamps distributed to residents, the two temperature levels blessed make the temperature of minus 30 degrees below zero and minus three degrees in the wild nothing.

Ice and steam calendar day 9, four o'clock in the afternoon, industrial zone material factory.

After Reed controlled the tool to cut a piece of irregularly shaped extraordinary metal into a specified regular shape, he couldn't help but yawn.

‘It’s only 4 o’clock in the afternoon, why do I feel a little sleepy? ’

Although the material factory is based on an energy tower, it is located within the barrier of the steam hub. In addition, the heating lamps hung on the chests of all workers and the extraordinary steam machinery emit a large amount of heat.

No one can feel the cold below zero at all, and everyone is equivalent to being in an environment of 5 degrees Celsius.

In normal times, this temperature is not too high, but in the cold apocalypse, this is the warm working environment that everyone dreams of.

A worker on the side heard Reed yawning and said jokingly: "Reed, when did you become a pretty boy? Do you know that you look like a weak sissy now?"

"Fuck you, I am an extremely pure man. I think you are envious of my strong muscles!"

Reed rolled up his sleeves with disdain and showed off his angular muscles to the workers. The workers were stunned as he expected.

How could his healthy tanned muscles be related to a sissy?

But immediately he heard the surprised voice of his coworker: "Reed, why have your arms turned white?"

"Am I turning white?"

Reed looked at his arm with disbelief, but he was also stunned by this look.

Sure enough, as the co-worker said, the bronze color on the skin of his arms had disappeared and was replaced by white skin, which really made him look a bit girly.

If Reed were a little thinner, he would definitely be a good material for women's clothing.

Just when Reed looked confused and wanted to say something, suddenly a powerful aura erupted from the energy tower in the center of the settlement, and the entire new home felt it.

The attention of the two Reeds was also attracted, and their faces also showed excited expressions.

"It's the leader! The leader has returned to the mentor level!"

This good news did not make the two of them immersed in too much excitement. After chatting for a while, they continued to work. As for Reed's skin turning white, they also directly ignored it.

With a powerful momentum erupting in the energy tower, Milton broke through the mentor level.

After the ceremony was successful, he couldn't wait to learn about the situation in his new home settlement in the past five days.

After learning that everything in the settlement was changing for the better, Midel felt relieved.

‘Karin is so lucky to be joining her new family. ’

At this moment, he has completely let down his guard against Carlin. Carlin's behavior these days has said everything.

‘Although Carlin’s mind is a little abnormal, no matter what, he is a good person. ’

However, although everything in the settlement looked better and better, Milton found that the consumption rate of supplies had increased several times, and the expedition team's search for the steam core outside also yielded little results.

"Now that the manpower pressure in the new home has been greatly relieved, it is time for the expedition team to set off again."

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