Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 358 Energy Tower Repair

In these two days, not only did the banyan tree gain something, Carlin and Milton also gained nothing.

They found a radical cure - amputation.

Different patients have white tumors located in different parts of the body. No one can do anything about sensitive areas like the head and chest.

However, through experiments on the five Seck people, they found that if the patients with tumors located in the limbs were amputated, they could be completely cured.

The white tumor moved away from the patient along with the amputated limb, allowing the patient to recover.

In recognition of the amputation therapy contributed by the five people from Seke, Carlin personally built the best prosthetic limbs for them to provide comfort, but the five people's emotions were very complicated.

However, amputation therapy still cannot be used as a routine treatment. After all, not all patients have white tumors in their limbs.

Moreover, not everyone is willing to become disabled. Before the end of the world, they can still find ways to restore the broken limbs, but now is the end of the world, and it is impossible for Milton and Winnie to spend a lot of precious resources to restore the broken limbs of patients. .

So Carlin and the others still have to continue to study hard.

During the research process, a group of people racked their brains to prepare various drugs, but they found that most of the drugs were not only ineffective, but also helped the white tumors to thrive.

But seeing the lives of more than 500 patients in his new home passing by bit by bit, Carlin was really driven to panic. He directly and radically tried to experiment with spiritual toxins on Sirk, and finally it had an effect.

After injecting the diluted spiritual venom into Sirk's body, the toxin will destroy Sirk's body organs, but it will also eat away at the white tumors. This discovery made both him and Milton happy.

But just when they thought they had finally found a cure, reality poured cold water on them.

Carlin was very sure that the special toxin he prepared was indeed able to kill the white tumors, but there was a very real problem.

That is, the patient will be poisoned to death before the spiritual toxin can completely disintegrate the white tumor.

In other words, until Carlin develops a poison with small side effects that can be accepted by everyone, spiritual toxins can only suppress the disease.

"Damn it! Why can't you give me more time? Just one month is enough!"

At the top of the energy tower, Milton looked at Carlin who was yelling and venting, feeling unwilling to do so.

"Your poison can only suppress the symptoms and delay the patient's death for three days. It has been five days since the temperature dropped, and the first death will occur in five days at most."

Karin, who was venting his incompetent rage, was also discouraged after hearing this.

"Winnie's promotion ceremony will end tomorrow. I hope she can find a way."

In the past two days, Milton also confirmed the limit of temperature suppression of white tumors.

When the patient is exposed to a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, the white tumor activity will be suppressed to a minimum, but it only allows the patient to persist for seven days.

No matter how much the temperature rises after that, it cannot continue to reduce the activity of the white tumors.

Coupled with the suppression of spiritual toxins, the two-pronged approach can allow patients with vitiligo to live up to ten days longer.

Milton and Carlin were equally unwilling to give in. Neither of them spoke and fell silent.

I don't know how long it took, but a piece of news broke their silence.

"Chief, the heating module has been partially repaired, and the energy tower can now perform secondary heating!"

Listening to the excited voices of the workers, Carlin and Milton's heavy hearts were relieved.

"Isn't it just albinism? I will never give up!"

When the energy tower's heating module was installed with a newly repaired steam core, Milton turned on the secondary heating without saying a word.


Along with the large amount of white gas spurting out, many residents in the heating area burst into tears with a long-lost warmth.

Even some residents indoors were sweating profusely on their foreheads.

The energy tower is divided into four levels of heating. The basic first-level heating field always exists without the heating module. The radius is three hundred meters, and the temperature rises ten degrees within the heating field.

If the heating module is intact, each subsequent heating level upgrade can increase the radiation range of the heating field to one hundred meters and the temperature by ten degrees.

Now that the energy tower has turned on the secondary heating, not only has the temperature in the heating area risen by 20 degrees, but the heating field has also expanded from 300 meters to 400 meters.

The indoor temperature in kitchens, workstations, sheds and other buildings has reached 10 degrees, coupled with the fact that many people have heat lamps hanging on their chests.

It's equivalent to them being wrapped in thick coats in a temperature environment of 20 degrees.

They did not resist the long-lost heat, but enjoyed it exceptionally.

In this cold apocalypse, being able to sweat is also a great happiness.

The news of the success of the secondary heating also brings some relief to the residents of their new homes who are gloomy in their hearts. At least not everything is bad news, right?

When the secondary heating is started, the repair process of the remaining parts of the heating module is also very smooth.

As one damaged steam core after another was repaired and successfully installed, the energy tower restored the third-level heating and fourth-level heating in just one day.

But just enjoying the rare heat, Milton returned the heating level to Level 2. After all, the amount of coal consumed doubled as the heating level increased.

The successful repair of the heating module solved most of the damage to the energy tower at once. Only one-tenth of the components still have some large and small problems, which can be solved without the steam core. All they lack is materials and parts. .

However, thanks to the fact that only half of the energy tower was disassembled and packed back by Banyan Tree, many parts were not damaged much and can be installed and used directly.

Milton took more than a dozen workers to repair each one in just over three hours.

When the energy tower is completely repaired, the biggest benefit is that the overload time can be extended to one day, and the original heating level can be increased by two levels without consuming additional coal.

This is not the only good news that came out on this day.

At the workstation, those engineers who were still digesting the knowledge of alchemy and mathematics also produced several gratifying results.

On the original basis, coal mines, metal mines and factory processing equipment were improved, and the production efficiency of the industrial zone increased by as much as 60%.

The steam hub that does not overlap with the heating field of the energy tower has been improved, and its range radius and heating level have been doubled. At the same time, the coal efficiency per unit time has also been increased by one-third.

There are also six steam cores left, and everyone is planning to build six four-legged robots.

Compared with the steam core, the other parts of the robot are much simpler to manufacture.

Coupled with the parts that Banyan dismantled from the remains of the robots in the ruins of the Ark base, the new home can assemble six quadruped robots in about three days.

This is coupled with a number of calf-sized 'spider' robots, numbering within ten to twenty, to receive instructions transmitted by the four-legged robots.

Only one four-legged robot can maintain 60% to 80% efficiency in any factory in the industrial zone.

Moreover, the efficiency can continue to increase with further improvements in robot design.

If it hadn't been for the bad news of albinism, the new home colony might have been plunged into a carnival, but the reality was different.

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