Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 361 Deception

The death of the first patient cast a deep shadow on everyone.

After Reed's death, Milton built a simple cemetery and held a burial ceremony indoors. At this time, everyone could barely force a smile.

But one after another, patients with vitiligo who do not want to endure the painful torture of spiritual toxins choose to give up treatment.

Each life turned into snowflakes and disappeared in their sleep. The smiles on the faces of those who were still alive became fewer and fewer, and the residents gradually became numb.

When the 134 patients with albinism turned into snowflakes, Milton, who was feeling tormented, finally couldn't help but begged him to take action.

"Karin, can you save some people?"

"Alas." Looking at Milton Carlin who looked haggard, he sighed heavily, "I understand your mood, but have you really thought about it clearly?"

If divine power is enough to save all the patients, Carlin will not be stingy.

But after a series of experiments, he now only has about 23 units of diluted divine power left, and can only cure about one hundred and thirty patients at most.

Currently, only Milton, Winnie, and Seck, the five experimental subjects who have been silenced by Carlin, know that divine power can cure diseases.

If other patients knew that Carlin had the ability to cure the disease, the situation would become very bad.

There are more than 500 patients, and Carlin can only save more than 130, so who should be saved and whom should be given up?

No matter who is saved, the residents of the new home will be upset.

It’s no surprise that desperate people will do crazy things when they see the last glimmer of hope.

And Karin also needs to reserve some divine power to deal with unknown changes in the future.

In his opinion, the temperature of minus 50 degrees is just the appetizer for the iceberg calendar. It is only the 12th day of the iceberg calendar, and there are still 36 days left and the temperature will definitely continue to drop.

It was impossible for him to squander all his divine power at once without considering the future.

Carlin is very pessimistic now and doesn't have much hope that his new home will be able to withstand the ice and steam crisis.

Now he just wants to extend the existence of his new home settlement as long as possible for the next time he enters the [Holy Spirit].

Milton didn't know what Carlin was thinking, but he still wanted to struggle as much as possible.

"Karin, I understand your concerns, but if you let them die one by one, I'm worried that the situation will collapse first!"

Carlin, who heard something in Milton's words, asked directly: "What do you want me to do?"

He felt that the other party did not come to him impulsively this time, but asked him to take action after careful consideration.

"At least we should give patients some hope, even if it means deceiving them."

After hearing this, Karin understood what the other party meant, sighed again and said, "No matter what decision you make, I will help you."

Milton's expression also became sad, and it took all his strength to say: "Thank you, Carlin."

While all the patients were quietly waiting for death in despair, Milton suddenly announced that he, Carlin and Winnie had finally developed a drug that could cure albinism.

However, the success rate is less than one tenth, and it may even cause the patient to die prematurely and painfully.

Milton did not force all patients to take the drug; the decision to try this highly fatal drug was entirely voluntary.

As Carlin expected, all the patients went crazy after learning about it and enthusiastically requested to try the drug.

Finally, everyone drew lots to decide who would receive treatment first.

Soon the first fifty people started taking Carlin to give them medicine.

When the fifty patients isolated by the barrier took the medicine, they began to wail crazily.

Many people even fell to the ground and rolled around, as if they were suffering from some kind of torture that was worse than death.

The other patients looked at their expressions where life was worse than death, and their hearts felt as if they had been hit by a plate of cold water.

But what happened next made all the patients see a glimmer of light and went completely crazy.

Fifty patients screamed in agony for three minutes. In the end, only three patients' skin color returned to normal, and the white tumors in their bodies completely disappeared.

The three lucky people cried with joy.

"I survived!!!!!"

But the other forty-seven patients eventually turned into twisted mummies, and their deaths were very horrific.

The survival rate of only 6% made everyone feel sad. For a while, many people retreated. Is it really worth it to suffer such cruel torture before death?

But there are still many people who decide to lie down and fight to the death. No matter how low the chance of survival is, there is still a glimmer of hope.

He was already waiting for death anyway, so he might as well take a final gamble.

In this way, the second batch of more than 60 patients took the medicine with the encouragement of other residents. After a period of torture that was worse than death, only four of them survived with an expression of survival.

On the 14th of the ice-steam calendar, it’s nine o’clock in the morning.


As the last screams in the infirmary gradually subsided, vitiligo was completely eliminated from the new settlement.

The eight mentor-level residents began to collect the last batch of corpses with a heavy heart, and put on thick isolation suits for the four lucky ones who survived.

"It's finally over."

Milton and Winnie both breathed a sigh of relief, and Carlin also shook his head with complicated emotions.

Most of the drugs he prepared were real poisons, and only a few of them were mixed with divine power.

Of the more than 400 patients with vitiligo who had taken the drug, only about 30 survived, and he only had 14 units of diluted divine power left.

Although the survival rate is very low, it lets all residents know that albinism is not invincible, which directly injects a shot in the arm into their hearts.

Otherwise, under the panic and despair, everyone's nerves, which have been stretched to the limit, will snap if you don't pay attention.

Looking at the heavy expressions of the two, Carlin could only force a smile and said: "No matter what, the worst case scenario did not happen."

He found that he had unknowingly integrated into his new home colony during this period.

All the residents are highly united in order to survive. In this harsh environment, the brilliance of humanity blooms.

Milton and Winnie quickly recovered their mood, and he suppressed the sadness in his heart and said to Carlin: "The industrial area must make arrangements in advance. I decided to remove everyone and only keep the four-legged robots to work in the industrial area. "

Xinjia suddenly lost more than 500 people, which was a huge loss to its vitality. Many positions had to be adjusted and reallocated, and resource output would be reduced by half for a long time to come.

The deceased has passed away. As the leader of his new home, he must stay strong no matter how great the pressure is, otherwise even he, the leader, will be crushed, not to mention the other residents.

He must give others hope to live, even if he deceives everyone, despair and panic cannot spread.

No matter what, life has to go on.

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